Okay, worse case scenerio.
Eight men surround my 12th lvl Soldier and one attacks.
I declare a Sundering Parry, he misses.
I then Sunder his weapon easily (my greatsword is at 2d10+10)
I then Greater Sunder him killing him and then Great Cleave through all his friends.
It wasnt even my turn.
Or lets say I dont have/use Great Cleave.
Can I Sundering Parry all eight of them in a row? It doesnt mention it counting as a Attack of opportunity.
A side question.
Power Attack with a two-handed weapon does double result. (-5 to hit equals +10 damage)
Monster Slayer does double damage to Large or bigger creatures with Power Attack.
So does my Greatsword do +30 or +40 damage to Large when I take a -5 to hit for Power attack?
(+10 x 2 x 2) or as per standard D&D x2 + x2 only equals x3.
Opinions? Any offical people read here that could give me an offical answer? I am not the GM or I would just rule it as I want but as it is the GM relies on me to know my own rules.
Eight men surround my 12th lvl Soldier and one attacks.
I declare a Sundering Parry, he misses.
I then Sunder his weapon easily (my greatsword is at 2d10+10)
I then Greater Sunder him killing him and then Great Cleave through all his friends.
It wasnt even my turn.
Or lets say I dont have/use Great Cleave.
Can I Sundering Parry all eight of them in a row? It doesnt mention it counting as a Attack of opportunity.
A side question.
Power Attack with a two-handed weapon does double result. (-5 to hit equals +10 damage)
Monster Slayer does double damage to Large or bigger creatures with Power Attack.
So does my Greatsword do +30 or +40 damage to Large when I take a -5 to hit for Power attack?
(+10 x 2 x 2) or as per standard D&D x2 + x2 only equals x3.
Opinions? Any offical people read here that could give me an offical answer? I am not the GM or I would just rule it as I want but as it is the GM relies on me to know my own rules.