Unfortunately no single source provides a great overview of what happened in the Trojan Reach, but an outline can be gleaned from several different places. Rebellion era information for any sector is usually pretty sketchy, though we've got more info on the Reach than most areas. The problem with this period is a lot happened in a lot of places in a relatively short time between 1116 and 1130. Further, the "Ihatei Invasion" as described doesn't make a lot of sense.
Travellers' Digest #20 (Digest Group Publications, 1990) has an overview of events up to 1120 or so, and a little more can be gleaned here and there in other issues of the Digest. The Solomani and Aslan (Digest Group Publications, 1991) supplement, set in 1120, also has some details.
The Regency Sourcebook (GDW, 1995), set much later, does have a high level summary of the Rebellion events in the region. Martin J. Dougherty's excellent 1248 supplements Out of the Darkness (Avenger, 2006) and The Spinward States (Avenger, 2008) advance the Aslan timeline past the Virus. Although some of these books may (or may not) have been retconned, I think MDJ's post-Rebellion timeline is pretty compelling. The Regency Sourcebook and the 1248 books are probably the best places to check for details on what happened after Norris retook them.
Finally, Chris Griffen's The Glorious Empire (Mongoose, 2021) has a sidebar that really helps rationalize how the Aslan grabbed so much territory so quickly. Highly recommended.
TD20 and The MegaTraveller Journal #3 (Digest Group Publications, 1992) provide 1120 UWPs for all Trojan Reach systems. TD20 also has a map of the sector with borders and trade routes. The 1120 dataset up on Traveller Map is a blend of 1105 planetary and stellar data (which was updated through the T5SS review) and the 1120 allegiance, starport, political, and TL data. (The Regency Sourcebook also has 1117 data for Pax Rulin, Sinfal, Gazulin, and Tobia.)