Utilitarian Star System Generator

Do you guys (@coolAlias and @Geir ) think it would be possible to bring this great work together into a T5 style webpage? It just seems a shame that you have created an elegant, up to date system for generating start systems but the Traveller Tools webpage on the Mongoose site links to Traveller Worlds. I don't imagine it needs a icomap, just the raw data as presented in your generator.
It's totally possible, yeah, but someone other than me will have to do that - I have no interest in setting up and maintaining a web page, sorry.

That's why I wrote a tool that can be run completely offline. ;)
If you mean 2 stars, enter the desired star profile(s) under the Continuation Method section.

If you mean 2 planets, you can also enter those quantities under the Continuation Method.

If neither of those work for you, the tried and true method is to simply modify the system output however you see fit on paper, spreadsheet, or some other medium. The script is really just a tool to give you a starting point - don't let it stifle your own creativity.
Thanks for replying! How should I enter the star data? I want to put in M0 V and M2 V.