In my Pirates of Drinax campaign I have decided that my players will ultimatly need to field a small number of Cruiser class vessels. This is because I dount the ability or morale of a fleet of small pirate ships to overwhelm true capital ships in the final battle and so do my players.
They expect to be able to gain control of the Light Cruiser Torpol has and are already planning to find a way to fix its jump drive.
To get to the point of this post I have decided to allow them a chance of recovering the last ships of the Sindallan Star Guard , a few loyal cruisers which after the battle of Thebus retreated to a deep space anchorage for repair and reorganisation unfortunatly one of the ships took with it a bio-weapon and everyone at the anchorage died leaving the ships there to be found.
At the moment the ships they will find are
There are 3 Cruisers and 5 destroyers docked all of which have battle damage and further damage caused by uncontrolled shutdowns and maintenance problems
Dawn Phoenix Strike Cruiser Light damage plus maintenance issues
Herald of Eternal Darkness Bombardment cruiser Light Damage
Winged Victory of Drinax Strike Cruiser Moderate Damage one wing lost
Bombardment of Crinos Bombardment destroyer Moderate damage
Hive of devouring doom Light Carrier Light damage no small craft remain
The Inevitable Shoggoth Pursuit Destroyer Light Damage
The Relentless Destrachan Pursuit Destroyer Moderate damage
Black Pegasus Assault Destroyer Moderate damage
Does anyone have good ideas of what the Sindallan Navy ships would be like in appearance and capabilities. At the moment I lean towards similar in appearence to the Centauri ships from Babylon 5 and a doctrine with lower jump capacity than Imperial ships , tending to be overgunned and under protected as at the time of their construction their were no peer opponents for the Sindallan navy.
The Strike cruisers will be similar to a High Guard strike carrier with a large small craft wing and cruiser class weapons , the Bombardment Cruiser will be armed with a Spinal Railgun and mount large numbers of Rail and Missile Bays but otherwise have a very similar hull to the Strike Cruiser
They expect to be able to gain control of the Light Cruiser Torpol has and are already planning to find a way to fix its jump drive.
To get to the point of this post I have decided to allow them a chance of recovering the last ships of the Sindallan Star Guard , a few loyal cruisers which after the battle of Thebus retreated to a deep space anchorage for repair and reorganisation unfortunatly one of the ships took with it a bio-weapon and everyone at the anchorage died leaving the ships there to be found.
At the moment the ships they will find are
There are 3 Cruisers and 5 destroyers docked all of which have battle damage and further damage caused by uncontrolled shutdowns and maintenance problems
Dawn Phoenix Strike Cruiser Light damage plus maintenance issues
Herald of Eternal Darkness Bombardment cruiser Light Damage
Winged Victory of Drinax Strike Cruiser Moderate Damage one wing lost
Bombardment of Crinos Bombardment destroyer Moderate damage
Hive of devouring doom Light Carrier Light damage no small craft remain
The Inevitable Shoggoth Pursuit Destroyer Light Damage
The Relentless Destrachan Pursuit Destroyer Moderate damage
Black Pegasus Assault Destroyer Moderate damage
Does anyone have good ideas of what the Sindallan Navy ships would be like in appearance and capabilities. At the moment I lean towards similar in appearence to the Centauri ships from Babylon 5 and a doctrine with lower jump capacity than Imperial ships , tending to be overgunned and under protected as at the time of their construction their were no peer opponents for the Sindallan navy.
The Strike cruisers will be similar to a High Guard strike carrier with a large small craft wing and cruiser class weapons , the Bombardment Cruiser will be armed with a Spinal Railgun and mount large numbers of Rail and Missile Bays but otherwise have a very similar hull to the Strike Cruiser