The New Paranoia is Here - and it is Perfect...


Staff member
The all new shiny Paranoia is finally here - and it is perfect!

Many roleplaying games have rules that are applied objectively so players can help each other do heroic things like saving yet another kingdom, fighting more orcs, or something else that has been done repeatedly in other RPGs.

That is not this game. This is Paranoia.

Paranoia Release Banner 2.jpg

This is one of those rulebooks that’s fun to read and even more fun to play. Paranoia does not take itself seriously, so we can find dark humour in bureaucracy, politics, businesses, and a lot more. No sacred cows but one–make sure the GM and players are all having a great time. Is that not refreshing for a roleplaying game? Maybe that is why this science fiction RPG has won lots of awards over the years.

So here it is, a brand-new edition for the modern world. Surely there is nothing happening these days worthy of satire, right?

Ask not for whom the boot smokes.
I received my Kickstarter set and it honestly is.

The books look really nice, good art and layout and quality paper for the pages. The rules are more refined that they have ever been, and there are comprehensive conversion notes meaning that you can covert previous scenarios. Most importantly, it gets the tone right and it is immediately playable. Great work.
Hello everybody,

comi sabotage brings some faults in the new "The_Paranoia_Core_Book" On page 27 chapter "Setting the NODE" stands "Troubleshooter had
Violence 2 and Guns 3, the player would have NODE 7 (2+3+Computer Dice).
But 2+3=5+ Computer Dice=6 and not 7
With the laser rifle, Lvl 1 you become +1 dice and so your NODE is 7 and not 8.

A troubelshooter team will terminate the comis and i hope the loyal citizenz of CPU will correct the PDF.

Greetings Jochen
Hello everybody,

comi sabotage brings some faults in the new "The_Paranoia_Core_Book" On page 27 chapter "Setting the NODE" stands "Troubleshooter had
Violence 2 and Guns 3, the player would have NODE 7 (2+3+Computer Dice).
But 2+3=5+ Computer Dice=6 and not 7
With the laser rifle, Lvl 1 you become +1 dice and so your NODE is 7 and not 8.

A troubelshooter team will terminate the comis and i hope the loyal citizenz of CPU will correct the PDF.

Greetings Jochen
Oh, thanks for confirming this (before I even wrote it... Hmm... Suspicious...)! Was coming here to ask about this exact thing. New here and wondering what I was missing first when reading that paragraph. Happy to see that I'm not crazy and it's the book that's treasonous against Friend Computer.
I've never actually played Paranoia, but it's one of those legendary games which reminds me of the role playing scene of thirty years ago. Glad it's still around.