The Fifth Frontier War - on PDF and Pre-Order


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The Fifth Frontier War is upon us!

You can grab your own copy at:

Fifth Frontier War front cover.jpg

The Third Imperium has fought four Frontier Wars against the Zhodani Consulate and its allies. Worlds have changed hands, borders have been readjusted, but never has the Imperium been seriously threatened… until now. As Zhodani battle fleets emerge from jumpspace at Regina, Efate, and Jewell, something is different this time.

The Imperials are divided, arguing over who should be Sector Duke even as raiders tear through the Lunion and Glisten subsectors. Lanth is under ground attack. Extolay is burning. The Imperial response is fragmented and ineffective. Reinforcements are months away and the Sector Admiral is frittering away what forces he has.

Jump into a trench at the Fall of Lanth or join the intrigue at the ducal court at Mora. Run weapons to Ine Givar insurgents or chase Sword Worlds raiders across Lunion. Hold back the Zhodani tide at the First Battle of Regina or lead the breakthrough of the 40th Fleet as it lunges at Macene.

These are the great events that will shape the future, and it may be that the outcome rests on the actions of your Travellers.

The Fifth Frontier War is the first sourcebook in this massive campaign that can span years of play and will powerfully alter the future of the Charted Space universe.
Got it! Looks like a lot of information. Can't wait to have a chance to sit down and read it in depth. Quick note, I scanned through and the images on pages 19, 30, 124 and 183 are missing on Apple apps. I also got The Deep and the Dark at the same time, all images are fine there.
Bishop Lewins looks like great fun.

What engagement or situation can't be improved by SUDDENLY, HELPFUL VIRUSHI.


Edit: Matriarch Siourrouz also looks like great fun.
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the images on pages 19, 30, 124 and 183 are missing on Apple apps
And for some reason, this time the ghostscript invocation that fixes that really blew up the file size for me.

Another thing, the page numbers in the ToC and index have leading zeros. Not unreadable but it is odd.
Matches the numbers at the bottom of each page, though: 007, et. al.
Yah, saw that after I posted. Suspect it's part of the house style for the FFW line, like the different font for the title on the cover. So long as it's intentional I can live with it.
Got it! Looks like a lot of information. Can't wait to have a chance to sit down and read it in depth. Quick note, I scanned through and the images on pages 19, 30, 124 and 183 are missing on Apple apps. I also got The Deep and the Dark at the same time, all images are fine there.
Same here. Those image did not made it from my laptop to my ipad.
Odd that the Norris illustration does not resemble the several previous illustrations from IIRC MT, TNE and GURPS.
Typo - the first unit in the Imperial Order of Battle p.021 is made up of Dreadnoughts but identified as a DesRon - presumably it is meant to be a BatRon.
Like I said elsewhere, Norris will achieve his full jowls and moustache upon his ascension to Archduke. It's like Orang-utans, it's a dominance thing.

Or maybe this time Delphine will be Archduchess and she'll get the jowls and moustache.
Well according to GURPS Traveller she is already 128 in 1107 so if she hasn't got them yet...