The Fifth Frontier War is Coming...


Staff member
The Fifth Frontier War hits the Spinward Marches next month, as the Zhodani Consulate unleash their fleets upon unsuspecting Imperial worlds.

Prepare your campaign for these massive events with Whispers on the Abyss.

farreach raid.jpg
Well I could give you the CT OTU answer but the MgT FFW has started differently, so the dates may not be the same.

"REGINA/REGINA (2314-A788899-A) 186-1107
The Admiralty was today electrified by the report of the appearance of a substantial Zhodani battle fleet at Ruie (Regina 2213-C776977-7), scarcely a parsec from the subsector capital. The report was carried by the detached scout-courier Wayward Dream. The crew of the Wayward Dream was quickly cloistered by Imperial Naval Intelligence and the ship placed under heavy guard in a sealed hangar bay at Luck Gibson starport. Ground crews at the starport, however, reported that the vessel showed some evidence of battle damage.
While all naval personnel at Regina Naval Base were put on full readiness, all ten heavy system defense boats were launched and are rumored to be vectored toward Prometheus, the large gas giant which would be a first priority target of a hostile fleet.
Representatives of the diplomatic ministry have pressured the Zhodani embassy for an explanation of this action, but thus far Ambassador Shterbifriashav has been unavailable for comment. Although Ruie is not an Imperial world, a Zhodani fleet would almost certainly have had to have violated the demilitarized zone, established after the Fourth Frontier War, to have arrived there. Grave diplomatic repercussions are expected."

REGINA/REGINA (2314-A788899-A) 187-1107
The duke of Regina, speaking through his seneschal, announced in an emergency press conference that as of 12:01 AM this date a formal state of war has existed between the Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate. The seneschal explained that the declaration of war was handed to him by ambassador Shterbifriashav late last night. The seneschal declined to answer questions, stating that no further information was available at that time."