I'm currently running a RuneQuest game on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Last night, being the 1st Thursday, I ran my game. The game is set in a homebrew world on an island filled with combatitive, hulking, Conan-esque Viking/Celtic barbarians. Negotiations between clans usually follow something along the lines of this script:
Barbarian #1: "Tell yer chieftan we'll accept his surrender."
Barbarian #2: "I dinna think so. You tell your chieftan we'll accept his surrender."
B1: "Ya dinna hear me. I said tell yer chieftan, boy."
B2: "Boy!? Did you just call me 'boy'!?"
*everyone reaches for dice to determine strike ranks*
Last night's game was no exception. Heh.
A quick prelude: in a previous session, the characters were ambushed by a group of ruffians from a rival village. They cleaved through these ruffians because, truth be told, I made them somewhat underpowered because I didn't really want the characters to be out and out killed.
So last night, the characters discover a small army enroute to their village, filled with no lack of bad intentions. The characters outrun the slower paced army and are waiting for the army -- with the village on alert and prepared -- when it shows up. The army, hiding in the trees just outside the village, send in three monstrously huge, hulking barbarians to parlay with the villagers. Who, in this case, are being represented by the characters. Keep in mind I learned from the encounter above, and built these guys to be badasses.
Pretty much as expected the negotiations went as expected, with the "bad guys" calling the "good guys" 'boy'.
By the end of the 1st combat action of the 1st round, the PCs had taken out EACH OF THE BARBARIANS.
All three of them had higher strike ranks, but decided to delay using an attack by the characters as a trigger. Unfortunately, they each lost the opposed weapons test so the characters went first. The speaker of the barbarians took a great axe to his unarmored head on a charge. He went negative in the head and made his resilience roll. The second barbarian fell to the ground after a staff swing to his left leg criticaled on a charge. The third barbarian -- seeing one of his compatriats nearly get lobotomized and the other dropped to the ground with a sickening *crack* -- dropped his weapon and backed away after a critical war maul attack slammed into his right arm, breaking the bone between the shoulder and elbow.
On the 2nd combat action, the barbarian speaker failed his resilience roll and crumpled to the ground. The third barbarian turned and ran, holding his broken arm for support.
The good thing is that the players completely realize that it was only the luck of the dice and that they could just as easily have been on the receiving end of such an assault.
I was fairly impressed.
Barbarian #1: "Tell yer chieftan we'll accept his surrender."
Barbarian #2: "I dinna think so. You tell your chieftan we'll accept his surrender."
B1: "Ya dinna hear me. I said tell yer chieftan, boy."
B2: "Boy!? Did you just call me 'boy'!?"
*everyone reaches for dice to determine strike ranks*
Last night's game was no exception. Heh.
A quick prelude: in a previous session, the characters were ambushed by a group of ruffians from a rival village. They cleaved through these ruffians because, truth be told, I made them somewhat underpowered because I didn't really want the characters to be out and out killed.
So last night, the characters discover a small army enroute to their village, filled with no lack of bad intentions. The characters outrun the slower paced army and are waiting for the army -- with the village on alert and prepared -- when it shows up. The army, hiding in the trees just outside the village, send in three monstrously huge, hulking barbarians to parlay with the villagers. Who, in this case, are being represented by the characters. Keep in mind I learned from the encounter above, and built these guys to be badasses.
Pretty much as expected the negotiations went as expected, with the "bad guys" calling the "good guys" 'boy'.
By the end of the 1st combat action of the 1st round, the PCs had taken out EACH OF THE BARBARIANS.
All three of them had higher strike ranks, but decided to delay using an attack by the characters as a trigger. Unfortunately, they each lost the opposed weapons test so the characters went first. The speaker of the barbarians took a great axe to his unarmored head on a charge. He went negative in the head and made his resilience roll. The second barbarian fell to the ground after a staff swing to his left leg criticaled on a charge. The third barbarian -- seeing one of his compatriats nearly get lobotomized and the other dropped to the ground with a sickening *crack* -- dropped his weapon and backed away after a critical war maul attack slammed into his right arm, breaking the bone between the shoulder and elbow.
On the 2nd combat action, the barbarian speaker failed his resilience roll and crumpled to the ground. The third barbarian turned and ran, holding his broken arm for support.
The good thing is that the players completely realize that it was only the luck of the dice and that they could just as easily have been on the receiving end of such an assault.
I was fairly impressed.