The Collector Based Breakaway Hull Jump Spine


Cosmic Mongoose
So the Droptank discussion, Jump tug, and breakaway hull thread got me wondering what a scheduled ship might look like, but one that combined all three threads.

Concept: TL 14 Collector based ship. The Jump Spine @ 400 Tons has the Collector and Jump Engine for 1000 Ton Jumps
1000Ton Jump tonnage, either 400 Ton Jump spine with 2 300 ton modules attached or 300 ton cargo modules held in Docking Clamps.

Jump Spine:

Tons: 400
0 Armour
Jump Drive: Jump 4@ 100 Tons: 105 Tons
Collector for Jump Drive @ 1000 Tons: 45 Tons
M Drive: Thrust 1 @ 1000 Tons: 10 Tons (Gives Thrust 2 @ 400 tons)
Power Plant TL 12 " 15 Tons: 225 Power produced
Battery Pack: 8 Tons: 480 Power Points Stored
Fuel: 10 Tons for ship and Ship's boat
bridge: 20 Tons: Holographic Controls
TL 14 Computer
Improved Sensors
4 Triple Turrets
8 Pulse Lasers
Ships Locker
Medical Bay
Docking Space and Ship's Boat (Power from Plant can tie into Battery system on ship)
Two Type 3 Docking Clamps @ 300 Ton capacity each
Breakaway Connectors 8 Tons
Fuel Processor 1 Ton
10 Tons Repair Drones
20 Staterooms and 20 Tons Common Space
4 Lowberths
10 Tons Cargo:
Total Cost is 410 Million Credits. CER on a 600 Ton Cargo run is 5.8, so a profitable ship in bulk transport.

The batteries can provide power to the Jump drive if anyone says the Collectors provide the hydrogen equivalent and not the power equivalent, since fuel and power needs are 2 different things as another thread pointed out.
The ship looks underpowered but the battery can cover shortfalls unless all lasers are being fired.

The Two 300 ton Breakaway modules are undergoing a major rebuild and will be posted shortly.
I've come to believe the collectors are an alternate but functional extension of the jump system in the regular Traveller universe, including OTU,with their use of 'exotic' particles to activate the jump field. No hydrogen needed except for the power plant operation. There are a lot of limitations to collectors so that's why it's seldom seen.
PsiTraveller said:
So the Droptank discussion, Jump tug, and breakaway hull thread got me wondering what a scheduled ship might look like, but one that combined all three threads.

Concept: TL 14 Collector based ship. The Jump Spine @ 400 Tons has the Collector and Jump Engine for 1000 Ton Jumps
1000Ton Jump tonnage, either 400 Ton Jump spine with 2 300 ton modules attached or 300 ton cargo modules held in Docking Clamps.

Jump Spine:

Tons: 400
0 Armour
Jump Drive: Jump 4@ 100 Tons: 105 Tons
Collector for Jump Drive @ 1000 Tons: 45 Tons
M Drive: Thrust 1 @ 1000 Tons: 10 Tons (Gives Thrust 2 @ 400 tons)
Power Plant TL 12 " 15 Tons: 225 Power produced
Battery Pack: 8 Tons: 480 Power Points Stored
Fuel: 10 Tons for ship and Ship's boat
bridge: 20 Tons: Holographic Controls
TL 14 Computer
Improved Sensors
4 Triple Turrets
8 Pulse Lasers
Ships Locker
Medical Bay
Docking Space and Ship's Boat (Power from Plant can tie into Battery system on ship)
Two Type 3 Docking Clamps @ 300 Ton capacity each
Breakaway Connectors 8 Tons
Fuel Processor 1 Ton
10 Tons Repair Drones
20 Staterooms and 20 Tons Common Space
4 Lowberths
10 Tons Cargo:
Total Cost is 410 Million Credits. CER on a 600 Ton Cargo run is 5.8, so a profitable ship in bulk transport.

The batteries can provide power to the Jump drive if anyone says the Collectors provide the hydrogen equivalent and not the power equivalent, since fuel and power needs are 2 different things as another thread pointed out.
The ship looks underpowered but the battery can cover shortfalls unless all lasers are being fired.

The Two 300 ton Breakaway modules are undergoing a major rebuild and will be posted shortly.

You could separate the the jump drive and collector into its own hull, while putting the m-drive in a command module with cargo spaces mainly in pods. ( Would allow swapping of the Jump section and allow the command module to move in system.)

Clamps would be inefficient as you can use external cargo mounts instead.
I added the clamps to allow non breakaway ships to be hauled along as a battlerider type option. So I would want the docking clamps in there anyway. Grabbing a cargo pod of 300 tons gives it a veneer of mercantile cover. There are a lot of militar applications for a Jump Spine.

I like the external cargo mounts. I wrote a TAS product (Jump Station Echo) that has a ship with external cargo mounts. They are the most efficient fuel wise since if they are empty the ship does not need to use fuel to move the empty rack (While an empty cargo hold still takes jump fuel to move, and even cargo clamps cost fuel tonnage.) I left them off this design because I was not trying to push the design too far. :P

You can make the 300 ton ships with or without bridges. Give them a computer and virtual crew and you can give orders to the ship to take you someplace. This may cost more then a bridge, but saves you 20 tons of space.
Thrust 2 will combine with the Jump Spine so you do not lose thrust.
Power plant needs will be for M drive and the weapons in turrets. If no fighting then the excess power goes to the battery to power the Jump (if needed). The battery will also give a few extra shots from the lasers in a space battle.

A Collector based system removes the protection of a rift and the logistical, strategic and mercantile aspects of the placement of systems along a Main. The shortest distance is a straight line.
PsiTraveller said:
Jump Spine:

Tons: 400
Total Cost is 410 Million Credits.
I can't recreate size or cost?

I get 15 Dt oversized and MCr ~326?
Oops: You get over 400 if you multiply the tonnage of your Jump drive by 1.5 then multiply by 1.5 again. Yeah, my bad on that.
Since I still have not figured out how to post pictures, despite help from users I still cannot figure it out.

Hull: 20 million
Jump drives: 105 tons 157.5 million
M drives 10 tons 20 million
Collector 45 tons 22.5 million
Power Plant 15 tons 15 million
Fuel 10 tons
Batteries: 8 tons 1.6 million
Bridge; Holographic 20 tons 2.5 million
Computer TL 14 20 Million
Sensors: 3 tons 4.3 million
4 turrets" 4 million
8 pulse lasers: 8 million
Cargo 10 tons
Ships Locker
Fuel Processor 1 ton why??? .05 million
Medical Bay 4 tons 2 million
Docking Space 33 tons 8.5 million
Ships boat 7.27 million
2X Type 3 Clamps 20 tons 4 million
Repair Drones: 10 tons 2 million
breakaway Connector: 8 tons 16 million
Workshop 6 Tons .15 million
4 Low Berths 2 tons 0.2 million
16 Staterooms: 64 Tons 8 million
Common Space 16 tons 1.6 million
397 Tons 332 Million (might be off a bit for software purchase)
Easiest way to post pictures is to use imgur and upload to that, it can then generate a bb code url that you paste into your post.
PsiTraveller said:
Since I still have not figured out how to post pictures, despite help from users I still cannot figure it out.

Assuming you are not on mobile:

1/ Go to No account is needed.

2/ Either (a) drag and drop your image over the imgur window -OR- (b) click the "new post" button and browse to the file, -OR- (c) paste an image from the clipboard e.g. a screenshot.

3/ After the image has uploaded, hover over it, you will see a down arrow appear at the top right. Click this down arrow and go to "get sharing links". That will give give you the BBCode that you can paste directly into the forum. Just click the copy button, then hit paste (ctrl+V on windows, cmd+V on mac) in the forum post.

A shortcut to stage 3 is right-click the image, open in new view and paste the URL, but that's not guaranteed to work in future.
Photobucket is also a free option. You need to provide an email address but it’s basically drag&drop your pics into photobucket then you can copy/past the generated URLs into your forum posts.