The Articles of Incorporation for the Third Imperium

Long before Traveller 4 and it Year Zero Mileau was published. I decided to define how the Third Imperium worked in my game. Based on the few canonical hints I came up with the Articles of the Incorporation of the Third Imperium.
Thanks for sharing!
Rob have you thought about working up any new Traveller stuff for release. Really like your Points of Light work, how about shifting some of your talents over to Mongoose Traveller products???
I can't be give any definite dates but I am currently pursuing independent publishing and part of my plan is to do Traveller stuff as part my cycle of products.

I have some ideas putting this stuff into action.

What I would like to do is explore the different settings for science fiction using the traveller rules. Like Points of Light except for Traveller. So one product may have the Empire of Man (Piper, Pournelle, 3rd Imperium), another a Union of Planets (Star Trek, Utopian future), another I call Deep into the Night (Piper's Space Viking, The Long Night), and so on.

Each product would have one or two subsectors plus support material including like interesting planets, npcs, ships, etc. A complete ready to run mini-traveller campaign. Like Points of Light I will try to make it droppable into a existing campaign.
robertsconley said:
I can't be give any definite dates but I am currently pursuing independent publishing and part of my plan is to do Traveller stuff as part my cycle of products.

I have some ideas putting this stuff into action.

What I would like to do is explore the different settings for science fiction using the traveller rules. Like Points of Light except for Traveller. So one product may have the Empire of Man (Piper, Pournelle, 3rd Imperium), another a Union of Planets (Star Trek, Utopian future), another I call Deep into the Night (Piper's Space Viking, The Long Night), and so on.

Each product would have one or two subsectors plus support material including like interesting planets, npcs, ships, etc. A complete ready to run mini-traveller campaign. Like Points of Light I will try to make it droppable into a existing campaign.

I actually sat down the other day and used your blog entry about Traveller Sandbox Campaigns to start working up my next Campaign. Course then I bought the Agent sourcebook and I've been reading it, gotta get back to work on the Campaign!
I love Space Viking, I've got it sitting in my stack of books to "reread".
A Points of Light for Traveller is just what I'd be looking for! You've got a definate sale with me!
Good luck!!
Brutorz Bill