The "Aramis" adventure in District 268



Although the "Aramis"adventure has its faults it does give a good framework for a prolonged campaign built around a central story. However one of the major drawbacks of the whole campaign is the Aramis subsector itself and how boring it is. There is very little canon material on Aramis even with Spinward Encounters, to help flesh out the campaign, and it is not easy to do a lot of trade there either, particularly in a Jump-1 ship.

However District 268 has loads of supplementary material, both in Spinward Encounters, and in the 1st edition stuff available on Drive Thru RPG. Even better, much of the Aramis Campaign can be transposed to District 268. Instead of the Vargr corsairs you can either have Aslan or Sword Worlders. For Aramis read Mertactor or Caladbolg. For Patinir read Caliburn or Bowman. Zila can be Tarkine and instead of wine the product can be spices. Aramanx starport can be Collace, while the planet of Aramanx itself can be Singer. The Trade War can be between McClellan Factors and Barrachai Technum. Pavabid will do just as well as Pysadi. The basic premise behind Lewis can be transferred to Talchek perhaps. Finally where Jesedipierre is, will depend on whether Sword Worlders or Aslan are buying the Meson Gun. If Sword Worlders then Walston would be a good bet. If Aslan then perhaps Kwai Ching or Singer or even one of the systems in Egyrn subsector.

With a little bit of work the "Aramis" adventure can quite easily turn into the "District 268 adventure", and will be all the better for it.
Just ran the first session of this! I'm trying to shoehorn it into my own setting, if I'd bought it before I'd started the campaign I'd have probably just thrown out my own setting and gone with Aramis instead...

I've painted myself into somewhat of a corner because the PCs are going in the opposite direction than the Mammoth came from, and they'll be a while before they come round again and land a planet it had been to previously.

I might have painted myself into another corner because the campaign, like district 268, is taking place outside "The Empire", and the PCs are from a variety of worlds of varying allegiances. So they'll have slightly less of a patriotic-outrage for the central plot... but as long as the Bad Guys are still assholes about it, that shouldn't bee too much of a problem.
aiglos63 said:
With a little bit of work the "Aramis" adventure can quite easily turn into the "District 268 adventure", and will be all the better for it.


don't forget the Zhodani, they probably have ambassadors (consuls?) at all the independent worlds with a population of 7 or higher and a few patrolling Shivva's,

