maco5555 said:
I am having trouble understanding the new telepatic rules with the 2nd edition
it says something about power rating is that the p rating or something else
because some telepatic powers have power 14 by the side of them can anyone give me anymore information on this
k Telepaths work like follows.
You have your P-Rating determined by the Telepathy feat (2+1d4) and via the telepath clas they have the option at first level of one off boosting this P-rating. This is you telepathic strength, the more you have the easier you find it to use telepathic powers.
The Power rating of a power is not the P-rating but is linked to it. Essentially in order to use a telepathic power you compare your telepaths P-rating to the power rating of the power you wish to use. Lets use an example
Your telepath a P-5 say, wishes to use the Danger Sense power
Danger Sense
Power Required: 8
Range: Long
Telepathy Check: DC 20
Concentration: No
Multiple Subjects: No
The most powerful telepaths are continually tuned into the thought waves of those around them, even if they are not consciously aware of this at all times. Thoughts that revolve around harming the telepath filter through particularly quickly, allowing him to react to danger before any trap or ambush is sprung.
Danger sense is considered to be continually operational so long as the telepath has learned to use this ability. Whenever the telepath is threatened by any sentient being, the Games Master should make a secret Telepathy check to determine whether the telepath’s danger sense detects the threat. A character cannot normally take non-lethal damage to boost his Power to fuel this ability. This is considered a free action and may be used even when the telepath is surprised or caught flat-footed. The telepath will not be able to identify the source, nature or direction of the threat, only that he is in great personal danger. Danger sense will not function against completely automated threats such as drones or mechanical traps.
As we can see the power rating of this power, found under the Power Required heading is 8 is more than our telepaths P-rating, however this does not mean he cannot use the power, instead it works like this.
If the power required for a power is equal to or less than our P-rating then we can use it and make the necessary check without any penalties.
However if the power required is more than our P-rating we can still attempt to use it but in doing so we will take some non lethal damage from the strain of doing so. If we take 1 point of non lethal damage we can for this occasion only raise our "effective" P-rating by 1d4.
So our telepath takes 1pt of non lethal damage and rolls 1d4, we get a 3.. making our P-rating for this power use effectively 8 and we can now use the power by making the normal telepathy check (DC 20 for danger sense), the result of which will determine if the power works or not.
However, say we only rolled a 1, our effective P-rating would only be 6 and we'd still be short of 8 needed for danger sense.. at that point we could either decide to call it quits and after having taken our 1 pt of non lethal damage end our action and move on to the next person..
OR we could decide to take 1d4 more non lethal damage for each point of power required we are still short in order to get the amount necessary. So we could take another 2d4 non lethal damage in order to still get our P-rating to 8 for this occasion and then once again make the telepathy check DC 20 in order to see if danger sense works or not.
The only restriction on this is that you cannot push our telepaths P-rating by more than 6, so in our case we could never use any powers that had a power required of 12 or more because we simply cannot push our P-rating that far. time to see the corp about some of that experimental research :twisted:
I hope this helps