Starter Set Errata


No stickied errata to the top of the forums, well reading through the book, so far so good till I got to the vehicle section and it hits me. The military vehicles are unstoppable monsters. At the light end the AFV has 50 Armor at the rear but a cannon only does 8d which only comes out to 48 damage max. Then the tank has like 120 armor. I cant be reading this right. Civilian vehicles have maybe 2 or 3 hull, so are made of used toilet paper?
I don't know about Starter, but CSC has heavier weapons and better ammunition able to penetrate heavy armour.

8D damage sounds like very low tech or low calibre (30-40 mm?) guns. They are not supposed to penetrate heavy tank armour.

An air/raft should have about Hull 16 and a Ground Car perhaps Hull 8. Hull 2-3 sounds very low except for a motorcycle?