Standing Together Tournament - Swindon, 8th March


Staff member
The Standing Together Doubles tournament is being held at Mongoose Hall (not the Croft!) on March 8th.

This will be a doubles tournament, with players fighting in two man teams. You are free to specify who you want to team up with, or be assigned a partner on the day.

If you fancy a good rumble on March 8th, you can book your place for just £5. Places are going to be extremely limited, so contact us early for the best chance of entry.

You can book you place either by PayPal (to, credit card by phone (01793 434488) or by sending a cheque made payable to Mongoose Publishing Ltd to the address below.

Mongoose Publishing
52-54 Cricklade Road

Please make sure when booking that we have your name, which fleet you intend to use at the tournament, and who your partner will be (if you already know who you want to fight alongside).

You can download the full Standing Together Tournament Pack from the link below;

A map to our offices can be found at;

So, grab a fleet, and test your mettle against the best admirals in the galaxy!
How is initiative worked out during play? All 4 players roll independently and move/fire a ship in order, or some kind of team initiative roll?
msprange said:
All covered in the tournament pack!
- It mentions rolling in the pre-battle prep... is this initiative score kept for the entire game? ie. not re-rolled each turn like normal?
- Does the losing team move one ship each and then the opponents move one each, or does one playe from team 1 move then one from team 2?
- If the latter do the playes have to altenate playes who move a ship? Or can one player move all 5 before the other has moved any?
I'd be up for going but having no partner or ally fleet :( so anyone wanting a partner with my centauri fleet i'm cool with that just let me know in a few days so i can book a day off :D.
Quick question: Scouts, can you benefit from scout locks from your partners fleet? (same goes for stealth rolls) basically do teams count as one big fleet for purposes of rules like that?
hmm mine and Pauls Shadow - Vorlon tag team seems less attractive at 5 points skirmish................

Time for Plan B :D
Lord David the Denied said:
Stonehorse said:
I'll be bringing my Dilgar, any fellow Dilgar players want to team up with me?

Fleet can't be the same as your partner. I interpret that to mean the same race...

Crappy work firewall blocking the PDF.

5 points of Skirmish, sounds interesting.