Sorcert Q's and quasnderies.

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A few questions:

1) Some spells have a MAB requirement. Does this refer to the BASE MAB, or BASE MAB + CHA modifier?

2) The Khitai acolyte example (near end of sorcery section in core book shows the typical Khitai acolyte as having spells from Oreiental magik divination, necromancy, and curses at 5th level! IS this a mistake, or is it somehow possible to take advanced spells from schools without taking the basic spells via New Scorcery Style scholar class ability?

3) FOr those that have Scrolls of Skellos...are there any spells in there that are castable at lower levels...say level 3-6?
Please excuse the typo's in the subject topic. It should read:
Sorceror Q's and Quanderies.
I've always considered MAB, BAB etc requirements as referring the base modifier. I don't think it's spelled out in the book as far as MAB is concerned though.

To my knowledge, you have to get the basic spell to have advanced spells. You can't take a advanced spell at the same time you get the basic one, but that's all
Hyena said:
To my knowledge, you have to get the basic spell to have advanced spells. You can't take a advanced spell at the same time you get the basic one, but that's all

Yes you have to know the basic spell but It says under advanced spell that you can learn an advanced spell at the same time you aquire a new sorcery (Its in the last paragraph of the Advanced Spell discription under Scholar, but I don't have my book so I can't quote it.). So I read that as saying you can get an advanced spell at the same time as a Basic spell if you want.
rook111 said:
Hyena said:
To my knowledge, you have to get the basic spell to have advanced spells. You can't take a advanced spell at the same time you get the basic one, but that's all

Yes you have to know the basic spell but It says under advanced spell that you can learn an advanced spell at the same time you aquire a new sorcery (Its in the last paragraph of the Advanced Spell discription under Scholar, but I don't have my book so I can't quote it.). So I read that as saying you can get an advanced spell at the same time as a Basic spell if you want.

Ah, but my reading of this has always been : 'You can get an advanced spell of a sorcery style you already know OR an advanced spell of the sorcery style you've just acquired'. But I don't have the book either.
I also read it as if you get an advanced spell of a newly acquired style, assuming you also have access to a new advanced spell...

That make any sense?

Aquireing a New Style automaticly gives you the basic spell of the Style. Thats why it says that if you get both benifits at the same time when you level up you can choose your advanced Spell from the new style which you also just got (including the basic spell of the new style).

:wink: Logic, Don't roleplay without it.
Yes, however, no one adressed the Khitan issue. Is that a typo/mistake? A 5th level scholar can only know up to THREE styles, yet the Khitan has spells from 4 styles, and does not seem to have the basic spell of the curses style, which he would need to have in order to have had Gelid Bones.