Someone rolled high on a D10

DM said:
I think it's very naive to think that insurgents in iraq won't know first-hand just how effective their weapons are

Its probably as naive to think that they would. Depending on the type of weapon used the attackers themselves could be quite remote from the scene of the incident. They may not have been present at all. There's a big difference in estimating weapon effects and having your estimates confirmed. The Falklands campaign in 1982 was a case where sloppy release of information to and via the Press could have resulted in far higher casualties than were actually sustained.!

no offence but you're comparing apples and pears :D

Assymetric versus conventional warfare

As Cordas says this was an ambush. Even if it wasn't, the troops over there frequently talk about (and it was the same in NI) not knowing who the enemy is, wondering if any of the watching, chanting crowd was part of the attack or simply spying for the insurgents
cordas said:
What I am driving at is that local insurgents talk to other insurgents, they all have access to the internet and mobile phones and all the wonders of modern comunication that we take for granted here in the west. I believe its niave to think otherwise..

spot on there Cordas

The British government is slowly starting to realise just how successful the terrorists are at communicating and winning the propaganda war
The IEDs are really dangerous. Checkout this link

Two ASLAV (Australian LAVs) were knocked out by one IED yesterday! One destroyed by ensuing fire and the second disabled. The armour saved the crew though. Only two injured luckly although one was serious.
And what really did happen at Abu Ghraib? I mean to the prisoners? They were degraded by having underwear put on their heads, by being stripped down, to be made to pose in silly positions? and other stupid things like that. The female guard thing was over the top though. Plus the Koran scandal was proven to be a hoax. In the big picture of things that is mild in comparison to other prisons. The Media have only one thing on their mind and that is to find dirt and expoit it for political reasons. They do not care about the human condition, only what will sell.

I saw what the media does first hand in my past, how they twist facts and distort things for their own agenda. Saw it happen to a good man who life they ruined with lies and half truth. It took him 15 years to get his life back on track after losing his job and being disrespected by people that didn't know him except what they read in the paper. The news has very little credibility and it is better to cross source your information. I don't know how many articles I read that the headlines state one thing, but by the time you get through all the hype and context on the article, the one line in the article will have the truth in it that shows the rest to be false or show it is nothing but a political opinion with a grain of fact attached to it.
no offence but you're comparing apples and pears

Assymetric versus conventional warfare

I don't think the style of warfare is relevant to this point. Mind you its something I work with on a day to day basis so I probably have a different perspective.
JayRaider said:
They were degraded by having underwear put on their heads, by being stripped down, to be made to pose in silly positions?
Yes, its called Torture.

If you think that is torture, then you lead a very soft life. Torture to me is what it was called before political correctness got a hold of things, which is extreme phyical pain, and or extreme phyical damage. What was done there was SOP.
OS, I have very little if no respect for most of the media, you only had to see the farce they made of the whole mess with Iran a couple of weeks ago, or go back to the terrorist attacks in this country to see how quickly they change their story and don't expain why.

I would say that the biggest problem we have in the UK is that none of the media is actually willing to tackle the goverement on any important issue. As far as I am aware the situation is even worse in the US where most of the media just repeats parrot fashion what is said by the Whitehouse spokesmen, and any friends of its couple of owners.
thats the thing with media these days, the west likes to portray itself as good guys which with the media around limits them alot more than it used to.
I am sure the british empire never would have been formed if the media back then was like it is today.
The British Empire would have been formed, because we where winning. The media doesn't complain when that happens, its only when things start to fall to bits that they start to question what is going on.
nope the BBC puts anything we do wrong in the spotlight. and the various exploitation commited back then would have made the news daily. however it would have had less effect on the people as they were more patriotic i think.
Cordas, I can't speak for your media, but here in the US, the media is NOT a mouthpiece for the white house, they are invested from the get go in destroying said white house. (not that I am defending a poor president and his not so good decisions.) The media will do anything to discredit the president to the point of harming our troops in the process.
Actually, I'd say Fox News is the current mouthpiece really... with Mr Snow being the Press Secretary and all that.... :D
Hiromoon said:
I donno...if my family or clan wants your land, I don't think us making war on you is politically related. ;)

Wouldn't a desire for land be a political consideration though? Politics aren't limited to nation-states, every group of people motivated by a common interest is essentially political. Clausewitz obviously had nation-states in mind when he wrote his famous line, but the real point is that wars are not fought for war's sake, they are always a means to an end (and the real point is that people should never lose sight of their objectives when conducting a war).

What was done there was SOP.

It's SOP for US troops to sexually humiliate prisoners? Explains a thing or two I guess. If that's the way you want your men and women in uniform to conduct themselves, be my guest, but keep in mind you just stepped off the moral high ground (so no whining when someone else abuses prisoners).
Hiromoon said:
Unfortunately politics and warefare go hand in hand these days when we're talking on the initernational level.

fortunatly this is a wargame, neither is needed in this discusion. :)

thios forum is not about war, its not about polatics, its about plastic prepainted figured and muppets rolling dice.

just read about the rule book that by the looks of it evan the fedyeen can take transports !!! mad !!! now i need to go from 18 to 27 technicals !!!!
Mr Evil said:
thios forum is not about war, its not about polatics, its about plastic prepainted figured and muppets rolling dice.

I dunno how you game, but it comes fairly close to war fare when people game round here, or at the club we goto.... :lol: