Yogah of Yag
New Drug: "SOMA"
A pungent, dark (and perhaps bitter) drink made from obscure, aromatic herbs, and brewed via arcane methods. Some rishis of Vendhya say that this is the drink of the god Asura* who goes forth to slay giant serpents and terrible titans: it makes the Mighty One bigger, stronger, faster, invincible against his foes.
"Soma" may or may not be a derivative of any species of Lotus, at the GM's discretion.
Game Mechanics
Acts upon the body as a "steroid-laced, giant, quadruple expresso."
1 dose=1 large mouthful for average sized human, i.e. medium.
Duration: 1 dose lasts for 5 minutes (=50 rounds).
Effects [PER EACH DOSE]:
+4 STR and CON.
+2 Will and Reflex Saves.
-2 DEF.
Damage Reduction 1/-.
+2 INT and WIS.
The effects "kick in" 5 rounds (30 seconds) after having been swallowed.
The drink has the effect of a super-concentrated stimulant and mild hallucinogen, giving the drinker the feeling of confidence, infinite strength, power, mental acuity, etc. The effects of "Soma" somewhat similar to Fighting Madness and Crimson Mist except that the consumer can undertake actions that require skill and/or concentration. However some skills that require finesse or delicacy are foiled because the "Soma" often causes one to become very jittery and hyper-active. Furthermore some mild hallucinagenic effects occur, namely the subject perceives that he/she is somewhat to extremely larger, taller, etc. than others in the vicinity, as if a whole size category larger than in reality.
The effects of the "Soma" stack with either Fighting Madness or Crimson Mist.
Dangers: If more than 3 doses are consumed at the same time, the body cannot handle prolonged periods of such heightened ability, and after 1 hour after consumption the body begins to take permanent 1d4 CON damage for every dose over 3 ingested.
Each dose creates a 33% chance that sleep (and therefore necessary rest) will not be possible for 1d10+8 hours after consumption.
If a creature of 15 or more HD consumes the "Soma", the above dangers are possible after more than 6 doses are taken.
If a creature of 20 or more HD consumes the "Soma", the above dangers are possible after more than 9 doses are taken.
If the subject ingests the "Soma" on more than one occasion per month, he/she suffers 1d6 permanent CON damage. The chemicals must successfully clear one's system before any more can be safely consumed.
Gather and Preparation DCs: at least 30, no higher than 35. Only a tiny number of holy men (less than 100 at any given time) of Vendhya know in which obscure valleys of the Himelian Mts. the plant flourishes. The brewing process takes several weeks to produce one single dose. After it has been prepared a dose of Soma can last for up to one year before becoming spoiled and unsuitable for consumption.
Restrictions: The "Soma" is deemed a sacred beverage by the holy men of Vendhya and non-Brahmins, and especially non-Vendhyans, are forbidden to drink of it, on punishment of public torture and execution.
In RL Vedic India the main god was Indra, the great Warrior Deity, Wielder of the Awesome Vajra (deduced on the grounds that the majority of hymns of the Rig Veda were dedicated to him), while the name Asura was reserved for the giants or titans who were the reviled enemies of the gods. Howard's use of Asura for the main god of the Vendhyans instead of the more proper Indra is very peculiar. Asura is ancient Sanskrit for "That which is not (a-) a god (-sura)." Some GMs may elect to change the main god of the Vendhyans to Indra, while making the great archenemies of the gods the Asuras.
A pungent, dark (and perhaps bitter) drink made from obscure, aromatic herbs, and brewed via arcane methods. Some rishis of Vendhya say that this is the drink of the god Asura* who goes forth to slay giant serpents and terrible titans: it makes the Mighty One bigger, stronger, faster, invincible against his foes.
"Soma" may or may not be a derivative of any species of Lotus, at the GM's discretion.
Game Mechanics
Acts upon the body as a "steroid-laced, giant, quadruple expresso."

1 dose=1 large mouthful for average sized human, i.e. medium.
Duration: 1 dose lasts for 5 minutes (=50 rounds).
Effects [PER EACH DOSE]:
+4 STR and CON.
+2 Will and Reflex Saves.
-2 DEF.
Damage Reduction 1/-.
+2 INT and WIS.
The effects "kick in" 5 rounds (30 seconds) after having been swallowed.
The drink has the effect of a super-concentrated stimulant and mild hallucinogen, giving the drinker the feeling of confidence, infinite strength, power, mental acuity, etc. The effects of "Soma" somewhat similar to Fighting Madness and Crimson Mist except that the consumer can undertake actions that require skill and/or concentration. However some skills that require finesse or delicacy are foiled because the "Soma" often causes one to become very jittery and hyper-active. Furthermore some mild hallucinagenic effects occur, namely the subject perceives that he/she is somewhat to extremely larger, taller, etc. than others in the vicinity, as if a whole size category larger than in reality.
The effects of the "Soma" stack with either Fighting Madness or Crimson Mist.
Dangers: If more than 3 doses are consumed at the same time, the body cannot handle prolonged periods of such heightened ability, and after 1 hour after consumption the body begins to take permanent 1d4 CON damage for every dose over 3 ingested.
Each dose creates a 33% chance that sleep (and therefore necessary rest) will not be possible for 1d10+8 hours after consumption.
If a creature of 15 or more HD consumes the "Soma", the above dangers are possible after more than 6 doses are taken.
If a creature of 20 or more HD consumes the "Soma", the above dangers are possible after more than 9 doses are taken.
If the subject ingests the "Soma" on more than one occasion per month, he/she suffers 1d6 permanent CON damage. The chemicals must successfully clear one's system before any more can be safely consumed.
Gather and Preparation DCs: at least 30, no higher than 35. Only a tiny number of holy men (less than 100 at any given time) of Vendhya know in which obscure valleys of the Himelian Mts. the plant flourishes. The brewing process takes several weeks to produce one single dose. After it has been prepared a dose of Soma can last for up to one year before becoming spoiled and unsuitable for consumption.
Restrictions: The "Soma" is deemed a sacred beverage by the holy men of Vendhya and non-Brahmins, and especially non-Vendhyans, are forbidden to drink of it, on punishment of public torture and execution.
In RL Vedic India the main god was Indra, the great Warrior Deity, Wielder of the Awesome Vajra (deduced on the grounds that the majority of hymns of the Rig Veda were dedicated to him), while the name Asura was reserved for the giants or titans who were the reviled enemies of the gods. Howard's use of Asura for the main god of the Vendhyans instead of the more proper Indra is very peculiar. Asura is ancient Sanskrit for "That which is not (a-) a god (-sura)." Some GMs may elect to change the main god of the Vendhyans to Indra, while making the great archenemies of the gods the Asuras.