Solomani Confederation (Military)

Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

As a shiptrooper, you would need, in addition, athletics and vacuum suit, though, in theory, not drive.

As a C0 Volunteer, it would be mostly on the job training; you do go through boot camp, where they would be a lot of marching and running about, but that imparts protocol/military, not athletics.

And gun combat.

Also, assesses capability and skills.

Question would be, would there be an immediate separation into dirtside and spaceborne units?

Then drive and vacuum suit becomes either/or.

The recruit might have acquired athletics in high school, rather than needing to be taught.

Hah, reminds me of line/fleet marines from Pournelle.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

Vacuum and zero gravity could be considered environmental enough for a survival subcategory, though we can punt that to spacetroopers.

A Volunteer with athletics could be earmarked to a shiptrooper squadron, or, more accurately, was eligible for it.

Not everyone is either comfortable, nor wants to be, in space, for an extended period, so the choice is up to the Volunteer.

I suppose we could term that as a surfacetrooper, though that would feel awkward considering the differing environmental categories.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

RANK Paygrade
0 C0 Volunteer Protocol/Military, Gun Combat/zero, [Drive/zero - Vacuum Suit/zero]
1 C1 Trooper Reconnaissance/zero
- C10 (Surface)Trooper
- C11 (Ship)Trooper
2 C2 Lancer Tactics/zero
3 C3 Watchmaster Leadership/one
3 C4 Scoutmaster Administration/one
- C41 Dockmaster Squadron chief medical non commissioned officer
4 C5 Quartermaster Social Standing/eight, requirement profession/Logistician/one, Broker/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C59 Master Chef Social Standing/nine, Regimental chief non commissioned officer
4 C6 Cornet Leadership plus one
- C60 officer cadet
- C69 Captain Lieutenant, Squadron second in command
5 C7 Captain Diplomat/one
- C70 captain, spacecraft commanding officer
- C71 Staff Captain,
- C72 Flight Captain,
- C73 Group Captain, smallcraft senior commander
- C74 Senior Captain,
- C75 Captain Major, senior Captain, battalion equivalent or flotilla
- C76 Grand Captain, appointed, brigade equivalent or argosy
- C77 Great Captain, appointed, division equivalent
- C78 Lieutenant Colonel, appointed, regimental commander representative
- C79 Captain General, appointed, corps equivalent or armada
6 C8 Colonel Social Standing/(ten or plus one - whichever is higher), promoted through the ranks
- C88 Colonel of the Regiment, lobbyist, usually retired regimental CAVALRY Colonel, Marine Commandant or Grand Admiral
- C89 Colonel General of the CAVALRY
7 O9 Colonel General of the CAVALRY requirement Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

RANK Paygrade
0 C0 Volunteer Protocol/Military, Gun Combat/zero, [Drive/zero - Vacuum Suit/zero]
1 C1 Trooper Reconnaissance/zero
- C10 (Surface)Trooper
- C11 (Ship)Trooper
2 C2 Lancer Tactics/zero
3 C3 Watchmaster Leadership/one
3 C4 Scoutmaster Administration/one
- C41 Dockmaster Squadron chief medical non commissioned officer
- C42 Flightmaster flight non commissioned officer
4 C5 Quartermaster Social Standing/eight, requirement profession/Logistician/one, Broker/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C55 Shipmaster Social Standing/eight, spacecraft leader
- C59 Master Chef Social Standing/nine, Regimental chief non commissioned officer
4 C6 Cornet Leadership plus one
- C60 officer cadet
- C69 Captain Lieutenant, Squadron second in command
5 C7 Captain Diplomat/one
- C70 captain, spacecraft commanding officer
- C71 Staff Captain,
- C72 Flight Captain,
- C73 Group Captain, smallcraft senior commander
- C74 Senior Captain,
- C75 Captain Major, senior Captain, battalion equivalent or flotilla
- C76 Grand Captain, appointed, brigade equivalent or argosy
- C77 Great Captain, appointed, division equivalent
- C78 Lieutenant Colonel, appointed, regimental commander representative
- C79 Captain General, appointed, corps equivalent or armada
6 C8 Colonel Social Standing/(ten or plus one - whichever is higher), promoted through the ranks
- C88 Colonel of the Regiment, lobbyist, usually retired regimental CAVALRY Colonel, Marine Commandant or Grand Admiral
- C89 Colonel General of the CAVALRY
7 O9 Colonel General of the CAVALRY requirement Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

03 Animals
04 Intelligence plus one
05 Education plus one
06 Dexterity plus one
07 Endurance plus one
08 Strength plus one
09 Art
10 Broker
11 Carousing
12 Deception
13 Gambler
14 Melee
15 Persuasion
16 Streetwise
17 Survival
18 Jack of all Trades

1 Athletics
2 Driver
3 Heavy Weapons
4 Melee
5 Stealth
6 Vacuum Suit

ADVANCED EDUCATION requirement minimum Education/six
1 Electronics
2 Explosives
3 Mechanic
4 Medic
5 Profession
6 Reconnaissance

OFFICER Warrant or Commissioned
1 Administration
2 Advocate
3 Diplomat
4 Investigate
5 Leadership
6 Tactics

RANK Paygrade
0 C0 Volunteer Gun Combat/one
1 C1 Trooper Reconnaissance/one
2 C2 Lancer Tactics/one
3 C3 Watchmaster Leadership/one
3 C4 Scoutmaster Administration/one
4 C5 Quartermaster requirement profession/Logistician/one, Broker/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
4 C6 Cornet Leadership plus one
5 C7 Captain Diplomat/one
6 C8 Colonel Social Standing/(ten or plus one - whichever is higher), promoted through the ranks
7 O9 Colonel General of the CAVALRY requirement Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy

RANK Paygrade Specialist Administration
2 C2a Clerk requirement Administrator/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3a Administrator requirement Administrator/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C5a Paymaster requirement profession/Accountant/one, Administrator/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two

RANK Paygrade Specialist Combat Engineers
2 C2c Sapper requirement Explosives/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3c Miner requirement Explosives/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C4c Engineermaster requirement profession/Civil Engineer/one, Explosives/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero

RANK Paygrade Specialist Maintenance
2 C2m Mechanician requirement Mechanic/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3m Technician requirement Mechanic/one
4 C4m Ironmaster requirement profession/Gunsmith/one, Mechanic/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero

RANK Paygrade Specialist Medical and Nutrition
2 C2f Cook requirement profession/Cook/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3f Chef requirement profession/Cook/one, profession/Dietician/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
2 C2b Medic requirement Medical/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3b Corpsman requirement Medical/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C4b Dockmaster requirement profession/Dietician/one, Medical/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero

RANK Paygrade Specialist Signals
2 C2s Electronician requirement Electronics/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3s Signaller requirement Electronics/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C4s Webmaster requirement profession/Hacker/one, Electronics/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero

RANK Paygrade Specialist
4 C5t Taskmaster requirement Tactics/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
4 C5i Spymaster requirement Deception/zero, Streetwise/zero, Advocate/zero, Investigate/zero, Electronics/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C4d Drillmaster requirement senior Scoutmaster
1 C1z Marksman requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two, Stealth/zero
2 C2z Sharpshooter requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/three, Stealth/zero
3 C3z Sniper requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/four, Stealth/one

#### Provisional Squadron [nominal organization]

Binom - one Volunteer, one Trooper [senpai/kohai]
Lance - three Binoms, one Lancer [basically, expecting attrition from casualties and resignations] three Volunteers, three Troopers. one Lancer
Patrol - three Lances, one Watchmaster [highly experienced] nine Volunteers, nine Troopers, three lancers, one Watchmaster
Troop - three Patrols, one Scoutmaster, one Cornet; twenty seven Volunteers, twenty seven Troopers, nine Lancers, three Watchmasters, one Scoutmaster, one Cornet
Squadron - three Troops [plus Headquarters Troop] eighty one Volunteers, eighty one Troopers, twenty seven Lancers, nine Watchmasters, three Scoutmasters, three Cornets

Headquarters Troop - balance ninety five
Headquarters - Captain, Lieutenant Captain/Senior Cornet, Cornet/Ensign, Quartermaster, Paymaster, Spymaster, Taskmaster, Scoutmaster/Drillmaster

Administration detachment - (Paymaster), one Administrator, three Clerks
Combat Engineers detachment - Engineermaster, three Miners, six Sappers
Maintenance detachment - Ironmaster, one Technician, three Mechanicians
Medical and Nutrition detachment - Dockmaster, four Corpsman, nine Medics, one Chef, three Cooks
Signals detachment - Webmaster, three Signallers, six Electronicians

Weapons detachment - (Lieutenant Captain/Senior Cornet), one Watchmaster, three Lancers, nine Troopers, one Sniper, two Sharpshooters, four Marksmen
Logistics detachment - nineteen Volunteers
Guard detachment - (Cornet/Ensign), one Lancer, four Troopers
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

RANK Paygrade
0 C0 Volunteer Protocol/Military, Gun Combat/zero, [Drive/zero - Vacuum Suit/zero]
1 C1 Trooper Reconnaissance/zero
- C10 (Surface)Trooper
- C11 (Ship)Trooper
- C13 Marksman requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two, Stealth/zero
2 C2 Lancer Tactics/zero
- C20 Cook requirement profession/Cook/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C21 Clerk requirement Administrator/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C22 Sharpshooter requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/three, Stealth/zero
- C23 Electronician requirement Electronics/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C2c Sapper requirement Explosives/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C2m Mechanician requirement Mechanic/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C2b Medic requirement Medical/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3 Watchmaster Leadership/one
- C30 Chef requirement profession/Cook/one, profession/Dietician/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C31 Administrator requirement Administrator/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C32 Sniper requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/four, Stealth/one
- C33 Signaller requirement Electronics/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C3c Miner requirement Explosives/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C3m Technician requirement Mechanic/one
- C3b Corpsman requirement Medical/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C4 Scoutmaster Administration/one
- C41 Dockmaster Squadron chief medical non commissioned officer
- C42 Flightmaster flight non commissioned officer
- C43 Webmaster requirement profession/Hacker/one, Electronics/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C45 Drillmaster requirement senior Scoutmaster
- C4c Engineermaster requirement profession/Civil Engineer/one, Explosives/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C4m Ironmaster requirement profession/Gunsmith/one, Mechanic/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C5 Quartermaster Social Standing/eight, requirement profession/Logistician/one, Broker/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C51 Paymaster requirement profession/Accountant/one, Administrator/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C52 Spymaster requirement Deception/zero, Streetwise/zero, Advocate/zero, Investigate/zero, Electronics/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C53 Taskmaster requirement Tactics/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C58 Shipmaster Social Standing/eight, spacecraft leader
- C59 Master Chef Social Standing/nine, Regimental chief non commissioned officer
4 C6 Cornet Leadership plus one
- C60 officer cadet
- C69 Captain Lieutenant, Squadron second in command
5 C7 Captain Diplomat/one
- C70 captain, spacecraft commanding officer
- C71 Staff Captain,
- C72 Flight Captain,
- C73 Group Captain, smallcraft senior commander
- C74 Senior Captain,
- C75 Captain Major, senior Captain, battalion equivalent or flotilla
- C76 Grand Captain, appointed, brigade equivalent or argosy
- C77 Great Captain, appointed, division equivalent
- C78 Lieutenant Colonel, appointed, regimental commander representative
- C79 Captain General, appointed, corps equivalent or armada
6 C8 Colonel Social Standing/(ten or plus one - whichever is higher), promoted through the ranks
- C88 Colonel of the Regiment, lobbyist, usually retired regimental CAVALRY Colonel, Marine Commandant or Grand Admiral
- C89 Colonel General of the CAVALRY
7 O9 Colonel General of the CAVALRY requirement Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy

03 Animals
04 Intelligence plus one
05 Education plus one
06 Dexterity plus one
07 Endurance plus one
08 Strength plus one
09 Art
10 Broker
11 Carousing
12 Deception
13 Gambler
14 Melee
15 Persuasion
16 Streetwise
17 Survival
18 Jack of all Trades

1 Athletics
2 Driver
3 Heavy Weapons
4 Melee
5 Stealth
6 Vacuum Suit

ADVANCED EDUCATION requirement minimum Education/six
1 Electronics
2 Explosives
3 Mechanic
4 Medic
5 Profession
6 Reconnaissance

OFFICER Warrant or Commissioned
1 Administration
2 Advocate
3 Diplomat
4 Investigate
5 Leadership
6 Tactics

#### Provisional Squadron [nominal organization]

Binom - one Volunteer, one Trooper [senpai/kohai]
Lance - three Binoms, one Lancer [basically, expecting attrition from casualties and resignations] three Volunteers, three Troopers. one Lancer
Patrol - three Lances, one Watchmaster [highly experienced] nine Volunteers, nine Troopers, three lancers, one Watchmaster
Troop - three Patrols, one Scoutmaster, one Cornet; twenty seven Volunteers, twenty seven Troopers, nine Lancers, three Watchmasters, one Scoutmaster, one Cornet
Squadron - three Troops [plus Headquarters Troop] eighty one Volunteers, eighty one Troopers, twenty seven Lancers, nine Watchmasters, three Scoutmasters, three Cornets

Headquarters Troop - balance ninety five
Headquarters - Captain, Lieutenant Captain/Senior Cornet, Cornet/Ensign, Quartermaster, Paymaster, Spymaster, Taskmaster, Scoutmaster/Drillmaster

Administration detachment - (Paymaster), one Administrator, three Clerks
Combat Engineers detachment - Engineermaster, three Miners, six Sappers
Maintenance detachment - Ironmaster, one Technician, three Mechanicians
Medical and Nutrition detachment - Dockmaster, four Corpsman, nine Medics, one Chef, three Cooks
Signals detachment - Webmaster, three Signallers, six Electronicians

Weapons detachment - (Lieutenant Captain/Senior Cornet), one Watchmaster, three Lancers, nine Troopers, one Sniper, two Sharpshooters, four Marksmen
Logistics detachment - nineteen Volunteers
Guard detachment - (Cornet/Ensign), one Lancer, four Troopers
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

RANK Paygrade
0 C0 Volunteer Protocol/Military, Gun Combat/zero
1 C1 Trooper requirement Protocol/Military, Gun Combat/zero
- C10 (Surface)Trooper requirement Drive/zero
- C11 (Ship)Trooper requirement Vacuum Suit/zero, Athletics/zero
- C13 Marksman requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two, Stealth/zero
. Sandtroopers
.. desert
. Seatroopers
.. coastal
.. underwater
. Shiptroopers
.. spacecraft security
. Shocktroopers
.. underground
.. urban
. Siegetroopers
.. combat engineering
.. urban
. Skytroopers
.. airborne
.. lift
. Sludgetroopers
.. jungle
. Snowtroopers
.. cold weather
.. mountain
. Spacetroopers
.. boarding
.. microgravity assault
. Stratotroopers
.. veteran Spacetroopers
.. terminator armour
. Supertroopers
.. counter insurgency
.. counter terrorism
.. direct action
.. hostage rescue
.. intelligence gathering
.. sabotage
.. special reconnaissance
.. unconventional warfare
. Sylvantroopers
.. forest
.. rural
2 C2 Lancer Reconnaissance/zero
- C20 Cook requirement profession/Cook/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C21 Clerk requirement Administrator/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C22 Sharpshooter requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/three, Stealth/zero
- C23 Electronician requirement Electronics/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C2c Sapper requirement Explosives/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C2m Mechanician requirement Mechanic/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C2b Medic requirement Medical/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
. JAGUARs.. veteran Supertroopers
3 C3 Watchmaster Leadership/zero, Tactics/zero
- C30 Chef requirement profession/Cook/one, profession/Dietician/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C31 Administrator requirement Administrator/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C32 Sniper requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/four, Stealth/one
- C33 Signaller requirement Electronics/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C3c Miner requirement Explosives/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C3m Technician requirement Mechanic/one
- C3b Corpsman requirement Medical/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C34 pilot
3 C4 Scoutmaster Administration/one
- C41 Dockmaster Squadron chief medical non commissioned officer
- C42 Flightmaster flight non commissioned officer
- C43 Webmaster requirement profession/Hacker/one, Electronics/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C45 Drillmaster requirement senior Scoutmaster
- C4c Engineermaster requirement profession/Civil Engineer/one, Explosives/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C4m Ironmaster requirement profession/Gunsmith/one, Mechanic/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C5 Quartermaster Social Standing/eight, requirement profession/Logistician/one, Broker/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C51 Paymaster requirement profession/Accountant/one, Administrator/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C52 Spymaster requirement Deception/zero, Streetwise/zero, Advocate/zero, Investigate/zero, Electronics/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C53 Taskmaster requirement Tactics/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C58 Shipmaster Social Standing/eight, spacecraft leader
- C59 Master Chef Social Standing/nine, Regimental chief non commissioned officer
4 C6 Cornet Leadership plus one
- C60 officer cadet
- C69 Captain Lieutenant, Squadron second in command
5 C7 Captain Diplomat/one
- C70 captain, spacecraft commanding officer
- C71 Staff Captain,
- C72 Flight Captain,
- C73 Group Captain, smallcraft senior commander
- C74 Senior Captain,
- C75 Captain Major, senior Captain, battalion equivalent or flotilla
- C76 Grand Captain, appointed, brigade equivalent or argosy
- C77 Great Captain, appointed, division equivalent
- C78 Lieutenant Colonel, appointed, regimental commander representative
- C79 Captain General, appointed, corps equivalent or armada
6 C8 Colonel Social Standing/(ten or plus one - whichever is higher), promoted through the ranks
- C88 Colonel of the Regiment, lobbyist, usually retired regimental CAVALRY Colonel, Marine Commandant or Grand Admiral
- C89 Colonel General of the CAVALRY
7 O9 Colonel General of the CAVALRY requirement Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy

. Horse artillerist
.. spacecraft weapon systems
. Space/gineer
. Spacepilots
.. piloting spacecraft
.. naviator
.. s/pilot
.. sp/ace
. Stellargator

Environmental specialists

03 Animals
04 Intelligence plus one
05 Education plus one
06 Dexterity plus one
07 Endurance plus one
08 Strength plus one
09 Art
10 Broker
11 Carousing
12 Deception
13 Gambler
14 Melee
15 Persuasion
16 Streetwise
17 Survival
18 Jack of all Trades

1 Athletics
2 Driver
3 Heavy Weapons
4 Melee
5 Stealth
6 Vacuum Suit

ADVANCED EDUCATION requirement minimum Education/six
1 Electronics
2 Explosives
3 Mechanic
4 Medic
5 Profession
6 Reconnaissance

OFFICER Warrant or Commissioned
1 Administration
2 Advocate
3 Diplomat
4 Investigate
5 Leadership
6 Tactics

#### Provisional Squadron [nominal organization]

Binom - one Volunteer, one Trooper [senpai/kohai]
Lance - three Binoms, one Lancer [basically, expecting attrition from casualties and resignations] three Volunteers, three Troopers. one Lancer
Patrol - three Lances, one Watchmaster [highly experienced] nine Volunteers, nine Troopers, three lancers, one Watchmaster
Troop - three Patrols, one Scoutmaster, one Cornet; twenty seven Volunteers, twenty seven Troopers, nine Lancers, three Watchmasters, one Scoutmaster, one Cornet
Squadron - three Troops [plus Headquarters Troop] eighty one Volunteers, eighty one Troopers, twenty seven Lancers, nine Watchmasters, three Scoutmasters, three Cornets

Headquarters Troop - balance ninety five
Headquarters - Captain, Lieutenant Captain/Senior Cornet, Cornet/Ensign, Quartermaster, Paymaster, Spymaster, Taskmaster, Scoutmaster/Drillmaster

Administration detachment - (Paymaster), one Administrator, three Clerks
Combat Engineers detachment - Engineermaster, three Miners, six Sappers
Maintenance detachment - Ironmaster, one Technician, three Mechanicians
Medical and Nutrition detachment - Dockmaster, four Corpsman, nine Medics, one Chef, three Cooks
Signals detachment - Webmaster, three Signallers, six Electronicians

Weapons detachment - (Lieutenant Captain/Senior Cornet), one Watchmaster, three Lancers, nine Troopers, one Sniper, two Sharpshooters, four Marksmen
Logistics detachment - nineteen Volunteers
Guard detachment - (Cornet/Ensign), one Lancer, four Troopers

Specialists would have the same pay scale as lancers.
Confederation Navy: Assault Shuttles, Landing Craft, and Gliders

1. The Confederation Marines have a distinct preference for frontal attack.

2. The Confederation Navy provides them with very fast, very manoeuvrable, heavily armoured, well armed, assault shuttles, for their hobby.

3. The Confederation Army tends to be allotted landing craft, and secure landing zones.

4. The issue with gliders is the implication that it's once and done.

5. That could get expensive.

6. In theory, streamlined smallcraft.

7. Rockets are cheaper than manoeuvre drives by a factor of five, but require heat shielding for atmospheric reentry.

8. That more than eats up the difference.

9. Even with the larger reactor needed for the powered thrusting.

C2 Stellargator - requirement Astrogation/zero, Vacuum Suit/zero.
Confederation Navy: Assault Shuttles, Landing Craft, and Gliders

A. A manoeuvre drive ensures that everything it's attached to won't burn up on reentry, even without heat shielding.

B. The cheapest hull that we have are ironick planetoids.

C. Unstreamlined, as well.

D. But with an organic gravity field.

E. And the inertial compensation field generated from the manoeuvre drive.

F. Which, for the passengers onboard, will make the flight rather pleasant.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

RANK Paygrade
0 C0 Volunteer Protocol/Military, Gun Combat/zero
1 C1 Trooper requirement Protocol/Military, Gun Combat/zero
- C10 (Surface)Trooper requirement Drive/zero
- C11 Shiptrooper requirement Vacuum Suit/zero, Athletics/zero
- C12 Spacetrooper requirement Vacuum Suit/zero, Athletics/zero, Melee/zero
- C13 Marksman requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two, Stealth/zero
- C14 Stratotrooper requirement Vacuum Suit/one, Athletics/one, Melee/one, Gun Combat/one
- C15 Survivaltrooper [Sand-Sea-Shock-Ski-Sky-Sludge] requirement Survival/zero
- C19 Supertrooper requirement Explosives/zero, Melee/zero, Reconnaissance/zero, Stealth/zero
2 C2 Lancer Reconnaissance/zero
- C20 Cook requirement profession/Cook/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C21 Clerk requirement Administrator/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C22 Sharpshooter requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/three, Stealth/zero
- C23 Electronician requirement Electronics/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C2c Sapper requirement Explosives/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C2m Mechanician requirement Mechanic/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C2b Medic requirement Medical/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- JAGUAR requirement requirement Explosives/one, Melee/one, Reconnaissance/one, Stealth/one, Survival/one
3 C3 Watchmaster Leadership/zero, Tactics/zero
- C30 Chef requirement profession/Cook/one, profession/Dietician/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C31 Administrator requirement Administrator/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C32 Sniper requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/four, Stealth/one
- C33 Signaller requirement Electronics/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C3c Miner requirement Explosives/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C3m Technician requirement Mechanic/one
- C3b Corpsman requirement Medical/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C34 pilot
3 C4 Scoutmaster Administration/one
- C41 Dockmaster Squadron chief medical non commissioned officer
- C42 Flightmaster flight non commissioned officer
- C43 Webmaster requirement profession/Hacker/one, Electronics/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C45 Drillmaster requirement senior Scoutmaster
- C4c Engineermaster requirement profession/Civil Engineer/one, Explosives/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C4m Ironmaster requirement profession/Gunsmith/one, Mechanic/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C5 Quartermaster Social Standing/eight, requirement profession/Logistician/one, Broker/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C51 Paymaster requirement profession/Accountant/one, Administrator/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C52 Spymaster requirement Deception/zero, Streetwise/zero, Advocate/zero, Investigate/zero, Electronics/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
- C53 Taskmaster requirement Tactics/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
- C58 Shipmaster Social Standing/eight, Astrogation/zero, Engineering/zero, Pilot/zero, Mechanics/zero, Gunner/zero spacecraft leader
- C59 Master Chef Social Standing/nine, Regimental chief non commissioned officer
4 C6 Cornet Leadership plus one
- C60 officer cadet
- C69 Captain Lieutenant, Squadron second in command
5 C7 Captain Diplomat/one
- C70 captain, spacecraft commanding officer
- C71 Staff Captain,
- C72 Flight Captain,
- C73 Group Captain, smallcraft senior commander
- C74 Senior Captain,
- C75 Captain Major, senior Captain, battalion equivalent or flotilla
- C76 Grand Captain, appointed, brigade equivalent or argosy
- C77 Great Captain, appointed, division equivalent
- C78 Lieutenant Colonel, appointed, regimental commander representative
- C79 Captain General, appointed, corps equivalent or armada
6 C8 Colonel Social Standing/(ten or plus one - whichever is higher), promoted through the ranks
- C88 Colonel of the Regiment, lobbyist, usually retired regimental CAVALRY Colonel, Marine Commandant or Grand Admiral
- C89 Colonel General of the CAVALRY
7 O9 Colonel General of the CAVALRY requirement Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy

. Horse artillerist requirement Gunner/zero
Master Gunner
. Space/gineer requirement engineering/zero
. n/aviator requirement astrogation, pilot
.. aerospaciator
.. s/pilot requirement pilot/zero
.. sp/ace requirement pilot/two
- C2 Stellargator - requirement Astrogation/zero, Vacuum Suit/zero

- C58 Shipmaster Social Standing/eight, Astrogation/zero, Engineering/zero, Pilot/zero, Mechanics/zero, Gunner/zero

03 Animals
04 Intelligence plus one
05 Education plus one
06 Dexterity plus one
07 Endurance plus one
08 Strength plus one
09 Art
10 Broker
11 Carousing
12 Deception
13 Gambler
14 Melee
15 Persuasion
16 Streetwise
17 Survival
18 Jack of all Trades

1 Athletics
2 Driver
3 Heavy Weapons
4 Melee
5 Stealth
6 Vacuum Suit

ADVANCED EDUCATION requirement minimum Education/six
1 Electronics
2 Explosives
3 Mechanic
4 Medic
5 Profession
6 Space [Astrogation-Electronics-Engineering-Gunner-Mechanic-Pilot]

OFFICER Warrant or Commissioned
1 Administration
2 Advocate
3 Diplomat
4 Investigate
5 Leadership
6 Tactics

#### Provisional Squadron [nominal organization]

Binom - one Volunteer, one Trooper [senpai/kohai]
Lance - three Binoms, one Lancer [basically, expecting attrition from casualties and resignations] three Volunteers, three Troopers. one Lancer
Patrol - three Lances, one Watchmaster [highly experienced] nine Volunteers, nine Troopers, three lancers, one Watchmaster
Troop - three Patrols, one Scoutmaster, one Cornet; twenty seven Volunteers, twenty seven Troopers, nine Lancers, three Watchmasters, one Scoutmaster, one Cornet
Squadron - three Troops [plus Headquarters Troop] eighty one Volunteers, eighty one Troopers, twenty seven Lancers, nine Watchmasters, three Scoutmasters, three Cornets

Headquarters Troop - balance ninety five
Headquarters - Captain, Lieutenant Captain/Senior Cornet, Cornet/Ensign, Quartermaster, Paymaster, Spymaster, Taskmaster, Scoutmaster/Drillmaster

Administration detachment - (Paymaster), one Administrator, three Clerks
Combat Engineers detachment - Engineermaster, three Miners, six Sappers
Maintenance detachment - Ironmaster, one Technician, three Mechanicians
Medical and Nutrition detachment - Dockmaster, four Corpsman, nine Medics, one Chef, three Cooks
Signals detachment - Webmaster, three Signallers, six Electronicians

Weapons detachment - (Lieutenant Captain/Senior Cornet), one Watchmaster, three Lancers, nine Troopers, one Sniper, two Sharpshooters, four Marksmen
Logistics detachment - nineteen Volunteers
Guard detachment - (Cornet/Ensign), one Lancer, four Troopers
Solomani Confederation Marine Corps
M0 Marine
M1 Corporal team
M2 Sergeant squad
M3 Lieutenant platoon
M4 Major company
M5 Colonel battalion
M6 Brigadier brigade
M7 General division
M8 Commandant corps commander
M9 Commandant General of the Marines requirement Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy

Confederation Navy Brevet Rank
B0 Space Cadet
B1 Sublieutenant
B2 Lieutenant Commander
B3 Master Commander
B4 Flag Captain
B5 Commodore
B6 Admiral

Confederation Ground Forces Brevet Rank
B0 Second Lieutenant
B1 First Lieutenant
B2 Captain
B3 Lieutenant Colonel
B4 Brigadier
B5 General
B6 (Field) Marshal

Stargazer - requirement Astrogation/zero, Vacuum Suit/zero
Stellargator - requirement Astrogation/one, Vacuum Suit/zero
Astrogator - requirement Astrogation/two, Science/Astronomy/zero, Vacuum Suit/zero
Mastergator - requirement Astrogation/three, Science/Astronomy/one, Vacuum Suit/zero

Confederation Navy: Assault Shuttles, Landing Craft, and Gliders

G. I think you could fixedly mount two sandcaster forward.

H. Since in a frontal attack, you'd worry more about the point defence in front of you.

I. In theory, a good offence is the best defence.

J. However, sandcasters are the cheapest weapon systems, and you could load canister to clear the front of the landing zone.

K. Though, considering current combat rules, maybe just attach stuff externally to the firmpoint(s).
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I'm going to say that the Solomani prefer a flatter hierarchical structure, though the Army is a huge institution that probably is the exception.

There would probably be only a handful of Confederation Office Holders that get the *9 designation, all being at the Secretarial level.

Confederation member nation states can term naval ranks how they like, but office holder hierarchies are capped at a single N8 for multi system polities, a single N7 single system ones, and N6 for balkanized systems: there is only one Grand Admiral in the Confederation at any one time.
Confederation Navy: Assault Shuttles, Landing Craft, and Gliders

L. On the other hand, we could grapple a pair of torpedoes on one of the firmpoints.

M. The grapple will cost a tenth of a megastarbux, and the torpedoes are going to get expended.

N. Which means you could blast your way in, at rather minimal cost.

O. The other firmpoint could still be sandcasted.

P. Or, at double the cost, a single turret, and you could use the balance of volume for a couple groundscale weapons.
Confederation Navy: Assault Shuttles, Landing Craft, and Gliders

Q. We could make assault shuttles, or gliders, hundred tonne plus.

R. You're going to have only one hardpoint.

S. Range is not going to be that much of an issue.

T. One hundred five tonnes would give you one hardpoint and one firmpoint.

U. But your agility drops by two.
Confederation Navy: Assault Shuttles, Landing Craft, and Gliders

V. One difference between Confederation Navy assault shuttles and gliders would be capacity.

W. The optimal number of Confederation Marines to be delivered would be a reinforced squad, or section.

X. Which spreads the risk (of loss), and increases the firepower (per platoon).

Y. As opposed to the gliders of the CAVALRY.

Z. Where the tendency is to maximize troopers per spacecraft.
Confederation Navy: Assault Shuttles, Landing Craft, and Gliders

1. Is there are difference between a dropship, a glider, and a (generic) shuttle?

2. Dropship implies a robust shuttle, not necessarily armed and/or armoured.

3. Glider, one shot planetary landfall.

4. Drop pod, straight down, one shot.

5. I'd define a shuttle as being thirty five tonnes, taking advantage of existing Confederation Navy infrastructure optimized for thirty five tonne smallcraft.

6. Passenger, cargo, or assault, indicates optimization for a role or mission.

7. Shuttles being used for both general transportation, whether interplanetary, intraplanetary, and/or interspacecraft.

8. Dropships, orbital connectors.

9. Gliders. minimal means for a one way gravitational well reentry.
Confederation Navy: Assault Shuttles, Landing Craft, and Gliders

A. A manoeuvre drive factor/zero is still a manoeuvre drive.

B. In theory, that should be enough for atmospheric reentry, without heat shielding.

C. In practice, I doubt that would work in a Terran norm gravity well, without catastrophic landing.

D. Also, half the cost and volume of a factor/one, if one fourth power usage.

E. Depending on the expected time window, could also use batteries.

F. Even with a rock, you shouldn't crash, just possibly burn up.
Confederation Navy: Assault Shuttles, Landing Craft, and Gliders

G. On the other hand, detachable bridge indicates it's canon.

H. The bridge has two weeks of life support and battery power, while emergency thrusters give it basic manoeuvring capabilities, equivalent to Thrust 0.

I. A detachable bridge is even capable of soft-landing on a planetary surface.

J. Probably requires a revision.

K. But until then, I guess factor/zero it is.