Solomani Confederation (Military)

Confederation Navy: Battle Monitor Doctrine

A. I'd say that in the run up to the War of Imperial Aggression, there would be few spinal mounted armed monitors.

B. Priority would be given to starwarships, who have organic strategic mobility.

C. Anything they can scrap up might be allocated to them.

D. Except meson spinal mounts, which might be more buried deep underground, as planetary defence.

E. Once you breach technological level thirteen, this could be where the railguns as an alternative could be introduced.

F. And we'll assume they were effective enough, that the Confederation Navy still utilizes them, today.
Confederation Navy: Battle Monitor Doctrine

G. I actually like the concept of barges, having come up with the idea quite a while back.

H. Though, mine were space stations with factor/one manoeuvre drives.

I. Which, apparently, you can't do anymore.

J. Also, I think, factor/one jump drives.

K. And then, you have battle barges.

Confederation Navy: Battle Monitor Doctrine

L. One thing there should be a lot of, are Victory jump modules.

M. I cap ganging up of jump drives at nine, if only for the fact that this is one piece, or set, of equipment, that you want synchronized.

N. Nine Victory jump modules would generate eleven hundred thirty two and one fifty kilo parsec tonnes, which calculates out at technological level twelve as 377'400 tonne jump factor/three starwarship.

O. Minus off two hundred kilotonnes of prime payload.

P. Which leaves 177'400 tonnes for the primary propulsion hull.
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Confederation Navy: Battle Monitor Doctrine

Q. Thirty one percent fuel is 116'994 tonnes.

R. Three twenty five kilotonne fuel pods, balance 41'994 tonnes, in theory,

S. Primary hundred kilotonne hull, balance 58'006 tonnes.

T. Nine Victory jump modules, 28'350 tonnes.

U. Eight Type/Victor docking clamps, four hundred tonnes.
Confederation Navy: Battle Monitor Doctrine

V. Twenty five kilotonne fuel pod, non gravitated, standard, light - four hundred sixty eight and three quarters megastarbux.

W. Two hundred fifty triple turrets, lasers, for point defence.

X. The second fuel pod, two hundred fifty triple mounted fixtures, missiles, as deterrence against more Adventurous crafts.

Y. The third fuel pod, would have to have two hundred fifty mounted fixed torpedo tubes, for anything larger.

Z. Sub command centres would be specialized for these respective weapon systems.
Confederation Navy: Battle Monitor Doctrine

1. The primary hundred kilotonne hull actually should have the laser point defence, considering it's more important.

2. We then exchange the lasers on the first fuel pod with sandcasters, if only because I'm lazy to be more innovative.

3. Since the fuel pods are considered disposable, and thus mostly unprotected, we can arm them with armaments that are consumable, since any subsequent damage won't effect the combat prowess of the tender.

4. Energy weapon systems consume more power than kinetic ones, you can minimize the size of the pod power plants.

5. Since the smart thing is to isolate them into their own computer networks, and optimize the accuracy of their own weapon systems.

6. It's not like you want to hang around, for an extended exchange of gunfire.

7. You could park yourself at a distance, and catapult stuff at a planet.

8. This would be out of range of a meson gun.

9. The gravity well and atmosphere would handicap other weapon systems.
Confederation Navy: Battle Monitor Doctrine

A. I would say that our one and three quarter hundred kilotonne tenders were originally a commercial vessel.

B. The Confederation wanted to encourage trade, and developed these to be the equivalent of heighliners.

C. Rather than megafreighters, since you have a three parsec range.

D. Prioritizing speed of communications, against payload.

E. Unlike the navy, these attached containers could be of varying, non standard sizes.

F. Possibly two centuries of experience of running them, allows the Confederation Navy to develop a more efficient doctrine of employing them.
Confederation Navy: Battle Monitor Doctrine

G. If you're willing to sacrifice range, you can push 566'100 tonnes two parsecs.

H. This would make it a semi(megatonne) trailer tractor.

I. In theory, you could manufacture these type of jump drives at technological level eleven.

J. However, seen militarily, the preference would be for long legs.

K. Since the jump drive modules are mass produced, operating costs should be as attractive as a lower teched jump drive.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

. Siegetroopers
.. combat engineering

. Horse artillerist
.. spacecraft weapon systems

. Volunteer
.. basic training
.. on the job training

Environmental specialists

. Sandtroopers
.. desert
. Seatroopers
.. coastal
.. underwater
. Shiptroopers
.. spacecraft security
. Shocktroopers
.. underground
.. urban
. Sludgetroopers
.. jungle
. Snowtroopers
.. cold weather
.. mountain
. Spacetroopers
.. boarding
.. microgravity assault
. Supertroopers
.. counter insurgency
.. counter terrorism
.. direct action
.. hostage rescue
.. intelligence gathering
.. sabotage
.. special reconnaissance
.. unconventional warfare
. Sylvantroopers
.. forest
.. rural
. Xenotroopers
.. bugs
.. exotics
.. xenomorphs

Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.


1. I was considering a troop type for really hazardous environments, but I couldn't find a suitable adjective start with ess.

2. Supertroopers are really light infantry special forces.

3. Spacetroopers were originally intended as a highly motivated boarding party, since the Confederation Navy is really fond of capturing enemy starwarships.

4. There aren't enough Confederation Marines for this, and these are reserved for high value targets, like actual capital ships, command ships, and spy ships.

5. So, for cruisers on downwards, they despatch Spacetrooper CAVALRY squadrons.

6. At least one troop would be equipped with Terminator armour.

7. Which would qualify as being proof against really hazardous environments.

8. Two birds with one stone.

9. In theory, also, space hulks.
Confederation Navy: Battle Monitor Doctrine

L. Naval tenders would be the prime movers for the last parsec.

M. You could could have smaller tractors moving individual battle monitors to the staging area.

N. Or, in peacetime, if they're redeployed to another system.

O. Since, another role would be that of guard ship.

P. Rather than just leaving them (or Most), in strategic reserve.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.


A. You definitely need Vacuum Suit skill to qualify.

B. Gun Combat, as well.

C. And, the willingness to hurl yourself into the abyss.

D. It should be pointed out that the Confederation Navy pays out prize money, for prizes.

E. Spacecraft, and other interesting stuff.

F. Preferably, in tact.
Confederation Navy: TRI Fighter Class

1. Actually, this started out as an off shoot of the container box hull configuration.

2. If you don't care about the thickness of the ironick hull, nor simplifying the deckplans, three sides is the easiest way to assemble a spacecraft.

3. It's pretty obvious that a TIE Fighter configuration wasn't going to be possible in Traveller.

4. The other option was a sphere, with no solar panels.

5. And those solar panels were going to get ripped off, anyway, once you reached a decent acceleration.

6. Solar painting the hull was only get you one tenth of default power output.

7. You could sacrifice twenty percent volume for a cheap ironick hull, but that won't give you enough space for a decent sized fuel tank.

8. Without that, no rockets.

9. Manoeuvre drives are five times more expensive.
Confederation Navy: TRI Fighter Class

A. For the ironick hull, you can weld together three squares.

B. Twenty percent of five tonnes is fourteen cubic metres.

C. Divided by three, four and two thirds cubic metres.

D. Three metres by three metres, balance 0.5185185185185185 metres thick.

E. Front and back would be open.

F. The front would accommodate the one and a half tonne single cockpit, and presumably, the virtual fixed mounted laser.
Panel thickness 186+ millimetres.

Armoured bulkhead single cockpit, ten kilostarbux, plus one hundred fifty kilogrammes at thirty kilostarbux, which should plug up the front.

Height is going to be four metres and thirty three centimetres.

What exactly would I stuff in the corners, except cockpit electronics, virtual guns, fuel, and/or engineering.

Tougher to justify cargo or passenger seating.

And then, there's the issue of plugging up the rear.
Confederation Navy: Fokker Cheep Ultralite Transport Craft

1. Transport/air?

2. Carry/air?

3. Car/air?

4. Cart/air?

5. Wa/gone?

6. F/airy?

7. Air/float?

8. Banana/float?

9. Car/float?
Confederation Navy: Terminology

Skipship - monojumper; fleet courier

Rift/raft - starship optimized for empty hex transitions

Gig/antic - flag officer's assigned spacecraft

Space/raft - low acceleration spacecraft

Cut/air - streamlined smallcraft

Drift/air - low acceleration streamlined smallcraft

Hover/raft - presumably, larger air/raft

Streamship - spacecraft propelled by manoeuvre drive

Jet - rocket
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.


G. Let's have another go at this.

H. Shiptroopers need to have Vacuum Suit/zero, Athletics/zero, and Gun Combat/Zero, plus Protocol/military, to qualify.

I. Spacetroopers need to have the above, plus Melee/zero.

J. Stratotroopers would be veteran Spacetroopers, with at least Vacuum Suit/one, plus Tactics/military/zero.

K. Because these guys get to wear terminator armour.