Must Change
IGOUGO Initiative System
Keep the Action/Reaction system, but move to a card based initiative system using a standard deck of playing cards. Something along the lines as what has been used in "The Sword and The Flame" set of historical rules for years. Get one card for each unit and bonus cards for Command Assets (NCOs, LTs, Brains, Overseers). Each unit still only conducts two "actions' during a turn, but the increased number of cards gives you a better chance of activating your units before your opponent. Special abilities (Heroic Surge, Brain Bug bonus actions, etc.) work as normal.
Also adds a great deal of excitment and suspense at the table.
Artillery Fire Scatter System
While an interesting approach, I hate looking up the charts all the time. Maybe a simpler system would be either the Scatter Die commonly available in several forms or a "Long/Short" Die roll. Roll a D6 and a D10; declare one "Long " or "Short" before the roll, the other die becomes the other automatically. Subtract the results and that is where the template lands.
I call "Long" for the D10. The "Long" die roll is a "2" and the "Short" die (D6) roll is a "6". The template would land 4" short of the target point, in line with the firing figure.
Variation on this system could be two different colored D6s or D10s. Instead of declaring the type, declare the color as "Long" or "Short" before the die roll.
I call "Long" for the blue D10. The "Long" die roll is a "2" and the "Short" die (a red D10) roll is a "6". The template would land 4" short of the target point, in line with the firing figure.
Must Stay
Leave the side bar on Pre-Measuring (soft cover, p.17) as is. I'm an old grognard. I'm darn good at range estimation, cause I've been doing it for over 20 years now (generally +/-1"). I like having the choice of playing without pre-measuring. The arguements for or against pre-measuring can fill MBs of space and I don't wish to re-hash it here. Suffice it to say, I agree with the side bar that this should be left up to the players. This way EVERYONE is happy.
Measuring Point
I think Center Point or Head for Size 1 and 2 models would be acceptable. Anywhere on body for models Size 3 and above (no arms, legs, wings, etc).
Colonel Carl Jenkins said:
Your basic Arachnid warrior isn't too smart, but you can blow off a limb, and it's still 86 percent combat effective. Here's a tip: Aim for the nerve stem, and put it down for good.
Must Add
Range Increments
Mostly for large game tables (6'x8') or people who want to simulate more "realistic" ranges (esp in BF:Evo), an optional Range Increment system might be worth while. A Range Increment would allow a weapon system to fire beyond it's listed range at a negative modifier to hit.
A Morita Rifle has a range of 24" (at a scale of 1"=2m, that's all of 48m or about 50 yards). Using a Range Increment system, this would become its "effective" range. The next increment would 24 1/16" to 48" and the weapon would recieve a -1 penalty to all attack dice rolled. This would mean the player would have to roll a "6" to hit a Warrior Bug.
Range increments could continue until either a weapon is totally ineffective or to a set limit of increments. This would
not be used for LZ (Stream) weapons. A weapon trait could be developed that ignores one (or more) of the Range Increment penalties for weapons such as the Morita Sniper Rifle, a M82 Barrett .50 cal sniper rifle or the M256 120mm main gun on an M1A1.
Not having access to the BF:Evo playtest rules, I don't know how "historically accurate" you guys are shooting for with regards to weapon ranges.
Yes, that was intentional.
Hope this gives you guys some food for thought!