Should it stay or should it go?

Well, as I and many others are playtesting the new rules (which are constantly getting tweaked), I was wondering what everyone thought was essential to the game of SST and what you think really needs to go.

I'm not asking for the things that you think are cool or tweaks, I mean fundamental things like Target/Kill characteristic, Priority levels, and Emplacements. Furthermore, I hope that you'll focus on things that ABSOLUTELY must go or must stay AS IS. If you like the priority system, but think it could be handled a different way, then don't say it's essential.

I'm just curious because the changes being made are supposed to attract new players as well as streamline things for old players to make the game even more fun, so maybe if I get the ball rolling here, everyone at mongoose can see what you guys see as essential to the game, so there's no groaning when the update comes up and instead everyone is happy at the new even faster paced game.

So, I'll start it off....

Must stay...

Air phase (though some specifics I'd be open for changes)
Action system (being able to perform actions without phases)

Must go...

Hmm, really can't think of anything right now... I'll edit if I can think of anything.

So far, from my perspective, pretty much everything so far appears to be an improvement, but I'm just one person, so how much does my opinion matter?

So what do you guys think? Matt reads these forums, so tell him what you can't play SST without or what YOU think he could get rid of to make it a better game!

EDIT: Feel free to add anything that you think the game really NEEDS as well. Please keep those replies to a minimum though. Maybe 138 different units for each army would be COOL, but it really isn't NECESSARY. Let's keep those replies to a minimum so that we can avoid this thread from becoming one long wishlist. Thanks
hmm... good question.

Must stay:
Actions/Reactions - customers love this
Anything that gets peoples hearts racing - by this I mean cramming a lot of action into a small period of time. Shoot, kill, fail save, remove model, react, jump, next!

Anything that needs you to flick through the rulebook for 5 minutes.

Not exactly what you were after but I sell people on the fast paced action gameplay so any hurdles to this need to be looked at.

Just my 2c less tax 8)
one thing I can think of which needs (imo) looking at is direct fire of lethal zone weapons.
Seems to me that almost no one uses indirect fire when direct fire carries no risk of scatter with so little loss of power
Must Stay:
Save/Flinch morale system
Action/Reaction System
In/Out of Command Range
Command structure in army list (e.g. 0-2 squads per officer, 0-5 per platoon, 1 platoon per 1000 points)
Measuring from center points
Fire Zones/Lethal Zones(though maybe FZs are not point to point but point blank range using 3" or 6" I know we aren't supposed to suggest tweaks, but I did :P)

Must Go: (or needs big reworking)
Separate Air phase, i.e. make the air units have actions/reactions like everything else...simplification
Artillery short/long roll
All you needed was a roundout of the fig stats and abilities,
The rulebook and armies books don't gel together.
As for "new" you all ready said that your bringing out a new game, NOW your asking questions of this type? WTF? not to be a party pooper, but I want a new fig or two for show. My LGS is pretty pissed at me for liking SST, how are you going to get them on board?

Bad enough we hear about a game that we're stoked for going by on a hiatus, but we cant get it for a year, so its a bit mute to ask.

Id like to see a streamline of army building. A good idea would be something like some 3X 5 cards with the stats on them, and a good solid army setup system, with a online army builder on this site for either use, or download.

Maybe some reaction rules to be able to hit the special, and big stuff with, kinda like a special reaction( fight or flight).
The entire system as a whole is close to perfect. The only thing I would want clarified a bit better is terrain rules.

Unless I'm just stupid and am missing something, that's probably what it is... :lol:
Must Go: (or needs big reworking)
Separate Air phase, i.e. make the air units have actions/reactions like everything else...simplification
Artillery short/long roll

Very good points, the air phase is clunky and the use of arty slows down gameplay.
Must Stay
Target/Kill in a single roll
Action/Reaction System
"Out of Command"

Must Go:
Any rule that overrides a rule that is already overriding something in the base rules (in other words, no overriding an override under any circumstances)
Any rules that will not fit in front of you while you play.
Lethal Zones
Priority Levels (at least in their current form)
Deployment Areas and Tactics (should be defined by the scenario, as should emplacement assets)
Weapon Traits
bunkerboi said:
Are there going to be choccies in the boxes? That would make me happy. :wink:

This is a good point. There are "must stay" and "must go" categories, but no "must add" category for important things such as this...
mthomason said:
This is a good point. There are "must stay" and "must go" categories, but no "must add" category for important things such as this...

Editted the post to add a must add. It's a good idea, but as I said above, be careful. The game doesn't NEED certain units in SST fluff that aren't currently in the game, but maybe it does NEED more clarification on Ready actions. Maybe you think it needs two kinds (as has been previously stated in other discussions).

Wow, it's almost scary how happy you guys are gonna be...

P.S. - I add pre-measuring to my list.
mthomason said:
Lieutenant Rasczak said:
I think the only thing they could add is some scatily clad women with large breasts!

That and the chocolate get my vote so far!

I know that was a bit rude of me to post that, but I am on a high from playing (and winning) my VOR game tonight and I think this post is a little spurious.
mthomason said:
Lieutenant Rasczak said:
I think the only thing they could add is some scatily clad women with large breasts!

That and the chocolate get my vote so far!

Boobs and a perfect world. :D

Things that must go:

Fire Zones-never use 'em
Artillary Fire-rarely use it(we use GW scatter dice,much easier, but you didn't hear it from me.)
Targeting/measuring from center points-causes too much confusion, especially with large models, too clunky.
I honestly dont think anything in the core rules needs changing other than the examples given to be honest.
I love the fact that there's stuff that doesn't nessacerily get used in the rules till you devise a plan ensuring it comes up to you're advantage, nothing comes close to watching an MI player decide to fire (Through firezones) onto his own troops just to wipe out some w/bugs :D
I also like how the Air phase is seperate (Since otherwise drop pods just wouldn't have the same inevitable, unstopable impact) reminds me of 4th edition warhammer :D
I can appreciate all thats probably not to consumer friendly though :?
Lieutenant Rasczak said:
I think the only thing they could add is some scatily clad women with large breasts!

As the result of an editing mistake, you are going to be rewarded with a "large woman with scant breasts"... :lol: