Ship Varients in 2ed

Hi all! I have a quick question regarding ship types in 2ed. There are several variants for some of the main ship types (Like the Centauri Prefect based on the Centurion).

Are these going to be kept in 2ed or will there be a “culling” of the herd? I only ask as I seem to recall a thread about reduced ship numbers in the new version?? I checked the S&P 43 and didn’t see anything on that so thought I would as here.
emperorpenguin said:
well a few variants across several fleets are going but only where there were too many choices and some ships were underused

sounds like a good idea, some fleets were too varient heavy... that said, I still want a raid variant of the Chronos.. poot!
Tankdriver said:
Or a Battlewagon variant that actually is a battlewagon.

the Battlewagon is underrated i Think, I have seen them used to good effect.
lol you and your raid level chronos :) i like the chronos at skirmish, means i can have all my beams and scouts at raid without having to share that PL with chronos then pick up some chronos for skirmish value.
katadder said:
lol you and your raid level chronos :) i like the chronos at skirmish, means i can have all my beams and scouts at raid without having to share that PL with chronos then pick up some chronos for skirmish value.

yeah, but I really really rely on the Chronos at raid, it is my first choice ship, and has won me numerous games. I mean, it's stats exist already (with tweaking for AF)... come know you wanna
That would be nice ! But do you mean there is nothing new for them at present ?

Thats one of the fleets i really wanted to do at first but the lack of ships kinda disapointed me. I don't mind kitbashing but it still the same ships statwise which kinda sucks :evil:

emperorpenguin said:
I'm still hoping to squeeze in some new stuff for Raiders in 2nd ed
I am totally for culling where it makes sense. When there's a bazillion versions of essentially the same thing, or classes that are unused, or ... well anyway, cleaning house sounds like a good thing.
How about a converted civilian ship used by the Raiders with missile racks and a stealth 6. It could be a small ship with say a hull of 5 from reinforcement and a little light in damage and crew, but with the high stealth would operate like a sub, doing commerce raiding and such, firing long range missile shots to disable freighters for capture. Maybe with standard secondary armament to fight off patrol ships.
I like the idea :)

Would suit they style very well but not sure they could manage to put together the technology.

Anyway anything NEW would be a blessing :p
I had actually thought of giving it scout too, and ofcourse, it would need jump point. I thought by making it a smaller ship, say skirmish priority, it would make sense, less expensive to put that kind of stealth package on a smaller ship, and so on.