Seen the movie too many times

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Did you know that in the movie "Conan the Barbarian" the only thing that Conan ever says to the girl is "You're not a guard", he never speaks to her again.

Did you know that the girl is never, ever referred to by name in the entire movie (which is why I didn't call her Valeria above).
DrSkull said:
Did you know that in the movie "Conan the Barbarian" the only thing that Conan ever says to the girl is "You're not a guard", he never speaks to her again.

Did you know that the girl is never, ever referred to by name in the entire movie (which is why I didn't call her Valeria above).

And he still ends up shagging her.

Awesome charisma stat.

She did say her name but the scene was cut. Of course, Conan does mention her by name in the opening scenes of Conan the Destroyer...
Heh. It happens occasionally that a scriptwriter will "name" the character, but the character will never be "named" in the film. It's unusual for a main character, but happens a lot for "tertiary" characters. That Uruk-Hai captain in Fellowship of the Ring who battles Aragorn has a name in the credits, but is never named per se.

And you're right, often it might be that a character is named in a scene that for whatever reason, didn't make it into the final cut. It happens. Heck, almost none of the 13 norsemen in "The 13th Warrior" are named in the film except after they've died, and almost none of those who make it to the end are named for that reason, but they all have full names in the credits. Sometimes, the writer just doesn't find a good oppertunity in the script to do "introductions" without having it come off as awkward or a waste of time.
Badelaire said:
Sometimes, the writer just doesn't find a good oppertunity in the script to do "introductions" without having it come off as awkward or a waste of time.

CONAN: "You're not a guard!"
CONAN: "Hi, me Conan."
VALERIA: "Hi, I'm Valeria. I like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain."
CONAN: "Are you into yoga? Do you have half a brain?"
VALERIA: "No on the Coladas and yes on the brain."
CONAN: "Then you're the lady I've looked for."
QUESTION: Charles Nelson Reilly only watches "Conan The Barbarian" to drool over Conan's ___________!


Ding-ding-ding! We have a match! :P