Of course, why would he want to spend cross-class skill points on it when he can use his bonus skill points for high intelligence?
This rule makes intelligent characters to be far more skilled, far more flexible, far more versatile, and far more likely to survive than stupid characters, who are doomed to use cross-class skill points for versatility. This rule also helps to promote real variety between two characters of the same race and the same class. I haven't found the rule to be the least bit difficult to implement.
Want your intelligent soldier to be a fantastic tower guard? Use his Intelligence bonus skill points to bump up his Spot skill! Want your intelligent barbarian to be similar to the great chiefs of the Wild West who sat in on councils and said things that were both wise and eloquent? Use the bonus points on Diplomacy. This rule really allows a player to customize their character and play something less stereotypical. Want your intelligent nomad to ask questions like, "What is best in life?", then use his bonus points in Knowledge (philosophy).
I think it is a fantastic change to the standard way Class/Cross-class skills works, and really rewards players who put high intelligences on their characters.
This rule makes intelligent characters to be far more skilled, far more flexible, far more versatile, and far more likely to survive than stupid characters, who are doomed to use cross-class skill points for versatility. This rule also helps to promote real variety between two characters of the same race and the same class. I haven't found the rule to be the least bit difficult to implement.
Want your intelligent soldier to be a fantastic tower guard? Use his Intelligence bonus skill points to bump up his Spot skill! Want your intelligent barbarian to be similar to the great chiefs of the Wild West who sat in on councils and said things that were both wise and eloquent? Use the bonus points on Diplomacy. This rule really allows a player to customize their character and play something less stereotypical. Want your intelligent nomad to ask questions like, "What is best in life?", then use his bonus points in Knowledge (philosophy).
I think it is a fantastic change to the standard way Class/Cross-class skills works, and really rewards players who put high intelligences on their characters.