RQ Conan may still happen

Posted by Matt on RPG.net:

"RQ Conan may still happen."

Followed by (in response to a query regarding Savage Worlds Conan):

"Right now, there are no plans for Conan - we may learn something more early next year."

My hopes were dashed before, so I'm trying not to get them up this time.

I would certainly love to see a Conan setting for MRQ2, but even if it doesn't happen officially I'm sure at some point I will run it anyway. I love the Conan setting, but didn't care much for the last iteration of the game. MRQ2 would be a much better fit for the setting IMO.
Redcrow said:
I would certainly love to see a Conan setting for MRQ2, but even if it doesn't happen officially I'm sure at some point I will run it anyway. I love the Conan setting, but didn't care much for the last iteration of the game. MRQ2 would be a much better fit for the setting IMO.

There's always The Savage North for OpenQuest to keep you in mighty-thewed barbarian goodness for the time being.

Simon Hibbs
I purchased 'The Savage North', based on the impression that I was given by several high profile posters on this very forum who implied that it was 'Conan with the numbers filed off'.
I can assure everyone that, while it is quite a nice piece of work(apart from the awful humour), it most certainly is not 'Conan with the numbers filed off'.
The only thing that is Conanesque about it is the cover IMHO. Too many dungeon crawl episodes as well as organised races of Goblins and Snow Ogres. :roll:
I would probably have had a real blast with this when I first got into this hobby(all those many years ago). It almost has a Griffin Island feel about it to me.
Radioactive Ape Colin said:
"RQ Conan may still happen."

In addition to whatever interest customers may have in MRQII Conan specifically, this would make MRQII the common system for Howard, Moorcock, and Lieber, the three most popular Sword and Sorcery authors. The MRQII brand would gain a real claim to fame as the go-to system for the Sword and Sorcery style of adventure. Mongoose could run ads that show Elric, Conan, Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. "What do these have in common?"
tarkhan bey said:
I purchased 'The Savage North', based on the impression that I was given by several high profile posters on this very forum who implied that it was 'Conan with the numbers filed off'.
I can assure everyone that, while it is quite a nice piece of work(apart from the awful humour), it most certainly is not 'Conan with the numbers filed off'.
The only thing that is Conanesque about it is the cover IMHO. Too many dungeon crawl episodes as well as organised races of Goblins and Snow Ogres. :roll:
I would probably have had a real blast with this when I first got into this hobby(all those many years ago). It almost has a Griffin Island feel about it to me.

Not really getting your point. Are you saying that it is immature based on your statement that the product would have been good when you first got into the hobby? Is it a good product but you were let down by forum posters you hold in high esteem? What is exactly the inherent problem with Goblins and Snow Ogres that ruin the book for you? By the eyeroll, are dungeon crawls fitting into the immature mold or just too gauche?

What exactly were you looking for in something Conanesque? How does this product meet that, and what is the product actually?
