Yes i like the sound of advanced classes. they are really useful for making interesting npcs, and good for pcs to give a little variety. And i think there really is scope for a Noodnic Scavenger and Assassin of Rhem.
just a few thoughts on the Noodnic class:
Noodnic Scavenger
Game Rule information
Racial Note:
Noodnics are intelligent rodents that inhabit the maze of tunnels beneath the Hammerdal mountain range in Durenor. They gain the following benefits/drawbacks:
-8 penaulty to strength (min3)
+2 Stealth,Sleight of Hand,+4 Acrobatics,Climb checks
Abilities: Dexterity and Wisdom, and Constitution to survive. Intelligence also useful for skills.
End die: d4
base speed: 20 feet
Class skills
Acrobatics(dex),Appraise(Int), Athletics(Str),Bluff(cha)*, Climb(str),Craft(tailor)(int),Disable Device(int),Escape Artist(dex),Gather Information(cha),Knowledge(Dungeoneering)(int),Perception(wis), Stealth(dex),Sleight of Hand(dex)
* I include bluff because i figure its difficult to tell if a 2 foot tall talking rat is lying!
Skill points at 1st level: (8+int modifier)x4
Skill Points at each addition level: 8+int modifier
Class Features
Armour and Weapons Profiency: Noodnics are proficient with Daggers(dont include slight of hand bonuses, but uses dex to hit), shortswords (treat as two handed and slashing weapons) and spears(treat as a lance-would need to be mounted. On what, mmm a badger?), and padded or leather armour. Such armour would probably be made by the noodnic, patched together.
As for class abilities go, first level could be:
Lowlight Vision, Scent, Sneak attack+1d6, AC+1
as for higher levels, could have choice of Scavenging type abilities (extra sneak attack, uncanny dodge, trap sense bonuses (Reflex saves vs traps), AC bonuses, improvising weapons, armour etc. Higher levels would indicate some kind of role in the noodnic community, such as Gashgiss. Since Noodnics are partly magical,so there could even be animal based magical abilities, such as communicating or controlling animals, immunity to diseases and poisons etc.
As for BCS and saves, i would guesss +15/+10/+5, and +6 +12 +6 maxims, although depending on class features, it may be more realistic to have BCS just +10/+5