Robert Jordan pastiche

Dude, I've written several times on other posts that I bought the TSR Conan boxed set the first time I saw it in the game store in Syracuse NY where I grew up. I tried on four separate occasions to get players interested, but everyone hated the talents and d100 resolution, so at most I've only played it 5 times with two guys who did want to give it a try. As far as I know, these are the only TSR modules for Conan games or adventures, that's why I wrote I have every one. If there were others, then I'm sorry and would love to find them.

That's all they did, it's a sad story for me too. To bad you're on the complete opposite side of the continent, as I have had a lot of fun with this game.
Currently, I am doing up an underground Temple of Asura located somewhere in the hills between Aquilonia and Nemedia. Actually, I am finished drawing up and inking the large scale layout, next I will be starting on the pica scale drawings for use with the miniatures.
It will be the basis for several scenarios involving some renegade Mitran Priests and the hidden sanctorum of the Asuran Priesthood.

Anyway, I've made a lot of additions and changes to this game, and it rocks for me.
Hello, one of our group's gamers posted this on another website:
(=Tiberius,May 25 2006, 02:19 PM). I was setting up a Wheel of Time section on the page, and looking for WOT stuff on the net, when I came up with this on the Tor Books site (I've added hi-lighting):
Jeez... that sucks!
Important note from Robert Jordan: March 25, 2006,
I have been diagnosed with amyloidosis. That is a rare blood disease which affects only 8 people out of a million each year, and those 8 per million are divided among 22 distinct forms of amyloidosis. They are distinct enough that while some have no treatment at all, for the others, the treatment that works on one will have no effect whatsoever on any of the rest. An amyloid is a misshapen or misfolded protein that can be produced by various parts of the body and which may deposit in other parts of the body (nerves or organs) with varying effects. (As a small oddity, amyloids are associated with a wide list of diseases ranging from carpal tunnel syndrome to Alzheimer's. There's no current evidence of cause and effect, and none of these is considered any form of amyloidosis, but the amyloids are always there. So it is entirely possible that research on amyloids may one day lead to cures for Alzheimer's and the Lord knows what else. I've offered to be a literary poster boy for the Mayo Amyloidosis Program, and the May PR Department, at least, seems very interested. Plus, I've discovered a number of fans in various positions at the clinic, so maybe they'll help out.)

Now in my case, what I have is primary amyloidosis with cardiomyapathy. That means that some (only about 5% at present) of my bone marrow is producing amyloids which are depositing in the wall of my heart, causing it to thicken and stiffen. Untreated, it would eventually make my heart unable to function any longer and I would have a median life expectancy of one year from diagnosis. Fortunately, I am set up for treatment, which expands my median life expectancy to four years. This does NOT mean I have four years to live. For those who've forgotten their freshman or pre-freshman (high school or junior high) math, a median means half the numbers fall above that value and half fall below. It is NOT an average.

In any case, I intend to live considerably longer than that. Everybody knows or has heard of someone who was told they had five years to live, only that was twenty years ago and here they guy is, still around and kicking. I mean to beat him. I sat down and figured out how long it would take me to write all of the books I currently have in mind, without adding anything new and without trying rush anything. The figure I came up with was thirty years. Now, I'm fifty-seven, so anyone my age hoping for another thirty years is asking for a fair bit, but I don't care. That is my minimum goal. I am going to finish those books, all of them, and that is that.

My treatment starts in about 2 weeks at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where they have seen and treated more cases like mine than anywhere else in the US. Basically, it boils down to this. They will harvest a good quantity of my bone marrow stem cells from my blood. These aren't the stem cells that have Bush and Cheney in a swivet; they can only grow into bone marrow, and only into my bone marrow at that. Then will follow two days of intense chemotherapy to kill off all of my bone marrow, since there is no way at present to target just the misbehaving 5%. Once this is done, they will re-implant my bmsc to begin rebuilding my bone marrow and immune system, which will of course go south with the bone marrow. Depending on how long it takes me to recuperate sufficiently, 6 to 8 weeks after checking in, I can come home. I will have a fifty-fifty chance of some good result (25% chance of remission; 25% chance of some reduction in amyloid production), a 35-40% chance of no result, and a 10-15% chance of fatality. Believe me, that's a Hell of a lot better than staring down the barrel of a one-year median. If I get less than full remission, my doctor already, she says, has several therapies in mind, though I suspect we will heading into experimental territory. If that is where this takes me, however, so be it. I have thirty more years worth of books to write even if I can keep from thinking of any more, and I don't intend to let this thing get in my way.

—Robert Jordan
Anyways, he didn't post the link, but I just found it so fyi:
Bregales said:
Hi have the TSR7403 product, module CN3: Conan Triumphant module with the (stiff as usual) Boris cover of Conan, sword in hand, blond girl with horned helmet facing the three eyed minotaur.

I have the three CN modules on pdf as I wrote. I've never read this one, but have used the other two (tsr7401 CN1 Conan the Buccaneer.pdf & TSR7402 - CN2 - Conan The Mercenary.pdf) as well as the CB:1 & CB:2 AD&D modules (Conan:Unchained! and Conan: Against Darkness!) - am currently going over my OCR scan of CB:2 so the electric word doc conversion looks exactly like the physical original, I'm converting for a friend who also collects Conan products (Mijoro on these boards). The .pdfs are between 2 and 5.5MB of memory, the word docs are about 2.3MB and add another Meg for the pdfs of the scanned maps. I know the pdfs are available on some hard to find websites and stores (friend got me the pdfs), the physicals on ebay every now and then or amazon (I listed all products on my Amazon Listmania list, that's why I wrote that I have all TSR products, again if there were others someone please tell me!:P

Dude, I've written several times on other posts that I bought the TSR Conan boxed set the first time I saw it in the game store in Syracuse NY where I grew up. I tried on four separate occasions to get players interested, but everyone hated the talents and d100 resolution, so at most I've only played it 5 times with two guys who did want to give it a try. As far as I know, these are the only TSR modules for Conan games or adventures, that's why I wrote I have every one. If there were others, then I'm sorry and would love to find them.

Also if not strictly Conan, there is RS1, Red Sonja Unconquered, which is still set in the Hyborian Age, in Hyrkania. Not bad as a module, the story is nice and could be easily expanded into a small campaign.

Mark Dunder said:
Dude, I've written several times on other posts that I bought the TSR Conan boxed set the first time I saw it in the game store in Syracuse NY where I grew up. I tried on four separate occasions to get players interested, but everyone hated the talents and d100 resolution, so at most I've only played it 5 times with two guys who did want to give it a try. As far as I know, these are the only TSR modules for Conan games or adventures, that's why I wrote I have every one. If there were others, then I'm sorry and would love to find them.

That's all they did, it's a sad story for me too. To bad you're on the complete opposite side of the continent, as I have had a lot of fun with this game.
Currently, I am doing up an underground Temple of Asura located somewhere in the hills between Aquilonia and Nemedia. Actually, I am finished drawing up and inking the large scale layout, next I will be starting on the pica scale drawings for use with the miniatures.
It will be the basis for several scenarios involving some renegade Mitran Priests and the hidden sanctorum of the Asuran Priesthood.

Anyway, I've made a lot of additions and changes to this game, and it rocks for me.
Sorry I never responded to this, but it's good to hear you're doing well with this game. Our group had quit the Mongoose Conan game around New Years, and I'd been in a lousy mood that kept me out of these boards for a long time, but I am glad I returned. Hoping another group may pick up the Mongoose game in a year or two, which I'd be happy to GM. One of the players may have the TSR boxed set too, hmmm I should see if he does, may be able to persuade the others.... :twisted: