Optional Rule variant
Fate play no favourites, but I can take the pain
In an effort to make the game seem less like a video game with a number of ‘extra lives’ in the form of Fate points, the following rules can be used. No creature, PC or NPC, possesses or can make use of Fate Points. To balance this change, the death by Massive Damage rule no longer applies. No matter the amount of damage suffered in an attack, no Fortitude saving throw is required to avoid dying. This returns the game back to the old D&D feel where if you wanted something very large dead, you had to beat it to a bloody pulp- which is more satisfying in my opinion. 8)
Optionally, you can set the threshold of amount of damage needed to provoke a Fortitude save higher- 30 or 40 perhaps. In this case the DC of the Massive Damage check would be a DC equal to the damage suffered minus the minimum threshold. Thus if the threshold is set to 30, an attack dealing 44 points of damage would only require a Fortitude save of 14 [44 points of damage dealt – minimum threshold of 30] to prevent sudden death.