I've been running in Hyboria for some time now. I've seen what works and doesn't work in actual gaming for D&D, but I'm not sure how things like Psionics would do in the Conan RPG system. In our regular gaming, we had a Khitan psionist-monk. Of course, psionics tend to be pretty weak in D&D, and multiclassed, it was even less powerful, so it definately wasn't game-breaking.
The Serpent races seem to me like they would hold the great secrets of the mind, so I allowed a 'serpent-blood' much like the "spawn of dagoth hill' feat in the game. ALso, wasn't there some psionic action going on in the Conan pastiches that were set in Brythunia?
The Serpent races seem to me like they would hold the great secrets of the mind, so I allowed a 'serpent-blood' much like the "spawn of dagoth hill' feat in the game. ALso, wasn't there some psionic action going on in the Conan pastiches that were set in Brythunia?