Prestige Classes and Rookies Guide to Criminal Orgs


Just a thought, but with forthcoming source books having numerous new prestige classes, has any thought been given on how this will relate to the Rookies Guide to Criminal Organisations, and in particualar to price of hiring someone, and the effect on income that perp has?

Just a thought, but given the detail of Criminal Organisations, its going to be a shame not to keep it upto date
Would it be possible to get updates in pdf form on the website, or is this more likely to be a second version of the RG: Criminal Organizations?

PDF would make sense, as it could be added to as the line grew, and then if a second edition of the RG:Crim Orgs was published it could be included as part of that.

Or prehaps another Criminal Orientated book, that simply included this as an update (like Criminal Orgs did with Leadership/Advanced Leadership from Block Wars)
From browsing through this forum, I came across a previous post by Marc Farrimond, saying that he was going to put together a list of prestige classes etc. for his website. Anyone have any new info?

Arabin said:
From browsing through this forum, I came across a previous post by Marc Farrimond, saying that he was going to put together a list of prestige classes etc. for his website. Anyone have any new info?


Hi Arabin,
Sorry it has taken me so long to compile this list but here it is in all its glory. There will also be a list that will feature every prior life mentioned to date just as soon as I can get the time to finish it. The prestige list is only 56kb so it isnt really a huge file.

Just right click on the url and choose save target or you can view it using your internet browser.

Great job Marc, that will be extremely helpful. Perhaps Mongoose could link to your file from their Judge Dredd pages to increase visability, usage, and credit for your hard work.

Personally, I'm compiling a document containing all the details for each prestige class, for Judges. It's for personal use only as it wouldn't be right for me to give it out if people hadn't purchased the books... but it makes it a very easy reference for me. I plan to print it out and have a ringbinder with all the prestige classes in it for easy reference. I will also, as time permits, add the perp prestige classes to make npc creation faster for me as the GM. In the meantime, your file will be a godsend, and is useful to everyone. Great job!

If I may offer one suggestion though? Could you please move the lexicon/legend, or duplicate it at the start of the document? Another possibility would be to include it as a footnote on each page. I think that'd make it more user-friendly to the masses.

Thanks for your hardwork Marc.

I forgot to mention, when you list S&P as the product, could you also add the issue number? This will make it much easier for someone to track that article down.

The Justice Department Civlian Liaison Officer was in issue 3.

Arabin said:
I forgot to mention, when you list S&P as the product, could you also add the issue number? This will make it much easier for someone to track that article down.

The Justice Department Civlian Liaison Officer was in issue 3.


Yup Arabin your right I am sorry for the mistake and will correct that as soon as possible. The Justice Department Civlian Liaison Officer was in Signs and Portents #3, I should have paid more attention especially seeing as I wrote the darn thing.

Okay work permiting this week I will start on the prior lives file. One final thing you may have noticed that although Atlantis is mentioned there are no entries as of yet. Well its pretty obvious as to why this is the case but for those wondering, even though I wrote the book I wont know what is in it (ie ommited during the editorial process) untill I get my own copy, but rest assured over twenty prestige classes where submitted in the final draft.

Okay back to work.
At ease Cadets.

Okay the file as been amended to include S&P 3 and some of Arabins comments, but sadly I dont have Adobe Writer so I cant really do much more than is already there :(

If anyone notices any mistakes just point them out or drop me a line.

Once again, thanks for your hardwork on this Marc. It's always appreciated. I guessed the reason for omitting the Atlantis entries, though I am curious as to how many Judge and how many Citizen/Perp Presitige classes you submitted. I know there is a total of 20, but is it a 50/50 split?

I think my Judge Dredd collection is really starting to come together. Since I had my birthday yesterday, I can now say that I own everything released for both the Mongoose d20 RPG and also the old Games Workshop RPG (for reference and inspiration). Now I just have to wait for your guide to Atlantis...

One question though, if any pages are omitted from the print version of the RG: Atlantis, are you planning to make these pages available on your website?
