Pregenerated Judges


I am finally going to get around to running Judge Dredd. A good friend of mine is a fan of the comics and has been bugging for about a year to get a session going.
Since this is a one shot I wanted to have some pre-gens for the players.

Does anyone know if such a resource exists?

Thanks in advance
You might want to try mining the S&P archive for some pre gen judges stats. Other then that I don't think there is a list of pre gen justice dept characters on the site.

Navigating on the judge look for problems, stats, etc is very slow comparing to the old one. Any reasons for this? Im starting to use other judges because of this

edit: well now the judge is pretty fast i hope it continues that way
Both of the Judge's handbooks has lots of pre-generated characters, might be a good start. Otherwise, character generation is quite quick, and can be helpful as a way to learn the game if you look up the skills and techniques as they become available during the creation process. plus it's fun to make your own character :)

EDIT:Oops, didn't see that the thread was a year old, sorry