I was thinking of devising a point based character generation sysem for lwrpg, where you got to choose stats, skills, special abilities etc. I remember something similiar for Mutants and mastermind rpg. Does anyone have it and if so, what are the costs for skills, stats etc. I will probably get rid of classes, but allow characters to choose various careers (Kai lords, Mercenaries etc) which grant you access to various abilities which you buy with points given each level. I thought it might be easier to come up with npcs, rather than say, this person is a 4th level commoner, 2nd level Dark cultist etc. You would just have a level to indicate how powerful they were( For comparisons with the party) and then spend a few points on skills etc, fleshing them out. For pcs, the existing classes would simply be character achytypes, giving players ideas of what their characters could be, but really they would have more freedom. Ie, a kai lord could sacrifice their kai discipline developement, and go for more mundane skills, higher CS or any combinations. If the costs are appropriate, and their are limits to how high CS, skills etc can go, their shouldnt be too much power gaming misuse. Maybe someone has already toyed with a system?