Well I for one am relieved the Shianti Sorceror is already spoken for. August, can you give some tidbits about it? Like does it get higher magiks after level 10?
Also, I agree with all choices here.
Dessi Battlemagi
Cener Druids
---------------- These two should start off very similar at early levels...then their magiks should start diverging sharply. IMO anyways.

, since the choice to practice good/evil druidry shoudl be a matter of personal choice of the practitioner, not because he/she was born with good/evil powers. Oh and please, if possible, do not duplicate the elementalism Elder Art Tree for any class other than for the Shianti Trained Sorc.

The Elder Arts ought to remain unique.

Revised NPC Adept (or just state a blurb that an NPC adept can learn the different forms of magik in this book)
Like someone here said, I do not think it would be a good idea to include
10 classes...around 5 would be good. Otherwise newcomers to LWd20 might get the impression magamund is as high a magikal world as faerun(which is not the case). The rest of the book could deal with herbs, items, traditions, alchemy, gamemastering magik, etc.
Lastly, don't make it too hard for pc's to get these (the non-evil aligned)classes. That is, a few blurbs in the gamemastering section (if any) could state that traditions like these, though rare, are suitable for heroic characters. Also, care ought to be taken to balance out these classes wrd to the magik using classes in the main rulebook. (the Shianti Trained Sorc should kick butt any day of the week however...

Thanks again August, this is shaping up to be another winner. Kudoz.