Other settings for Runequest

Darran said:
frobisher said:
GbajiTheDeceiver said:
The broadly similar system was derived from the old RQ (1st and 2nd edition, rather than 3rd), then the family of games was derived from that system, so they're at best 2nd cousins rather than siblings.

Given that I had the Basic Roleplaying booklet ship with my copy of 2nd edition Rune Quest back in 1982, I beg to differ...

It does rather indicate that BRP came somewhat before 2nd edition.

The BRP booklet AFAIK came out after RuneQuest I in 1978 and RuneQuest II 1979 both published by Chaosium but before the Games Workshop publication in 1980 in the UK.

RQ1 was the original system, devised by Steve Perrin specifically for Glorantha, and BRP was derived from that, rather than the other way round. BRP was shipped with RQ2 boxes subsequently.
And then they started putting out games built around the basic system. Some only barely recognizable as being related, some with 'new' mechanics that emphasized different aspects of rpging. Ringworld and Nephilum being two of the latter. Most were essentially simpler versions of RQ, such as Elfquest, CoC, and Stormbringer.
Utgardloki said:
The thread on other Runequest settings got derailed into a discussion of whether it is better to roll stats or use a point buy system. I'd like to resurrect the conversation on settings for Runequest.

It's easy enough to name settings that could be used for Runequest. Glorantha, Conan, Camelot, Eberron, World of Greyhawk, and Rokugan have already been mentioned. I'd be interested in knowing why as well as what.
What other settings would you like to use in Runequest, and why?

The 13th Warrior starring Antonio Banderas.

Can't help it, I look at that and i hear "You must run it!"
Hopeless said:
Utgardloki said:
The thread on other Runequest settings got derailed into a discussion of whether it is better to roll stats or use a point buy system. I'd like to resurrect the conversation on settings for Runequest.

It's easy enough to name settings that could be used for Runequest. Glorantha, Conan, Camelot, Eberron, World of Greyhawk, and Rokugan have already been mentioned. I'd be interested in knowing why as well as what.
What other settings would you like to use in Runequest, and why?

The 13th Warrior starring Antonio Banderas.

Can't help it, I look at that and i hear "You must run it!"

How on earth did you find this old thread? :S
4½ years...

- Dan
My hope is someone will (maybe I should get off my retired rear end) and do the supplement for "dark age Britain". I think the system would lend itself to such an era. The magic/rune system would have to be reduced in the hands of the bards, Pagan Druids/Saxon Magi, and priests nothing like a few christian charms ( say the for example the "Lorica"). The area would encompass the Isles and Amorica.

You could go either way with it hard fantasy with fairies and dragons... or make it hard a gritty like the Bernard Cornwell series.

I am aware of the pre-existig Pendragon game, and with respect to Greg Stafford, I just don't agree with the chivalry and nonsense of the Chaucer style interpretation.
Pendraig said:
My hope is someone will (maybe I should get off my retired rear end) and do the supplement for "dark age Britain".

You never know, someone might well be doing that.

Pendraig said:
I think the system would lend itself to such an era. The magic/rune system would have to be reduced in the hands of the bards, Pagan Druids/Saxon Magi, and priests nothing like a few christian charms ( say the for example the "Lorica"). The area would encompass the Isles and Amorica.

Areas of interest would be Britain, Ireland (Hibernia), Amorica, the adjacent Franks and Visigoths and Britonia (the Britons who fled to modern-day Galicia).

As for magic, I think that the Gods would give their worshippers magic, of some sort, so we would have priests of Woden, Thunor, Don, Mabon, Taranis, Mithras, Brigid or Lir. Christians would also have Blessings from their Saints and Blessings coming straight from the Holy Trinity. I wouldn't give everyone lots of magic, but certainly an initiate of Mithras would have some warrior magic, for example.

Pendraig said:
You could go either way with it hard fantasy with fairies and dragons... or make it hard a gritty like the Bernard Cornwell series.

Fairies aren't a big part of Dark Ages Britain, in my opinion. They are there and exist but only play a minor role. Sure, the Lady of the Lake is a Fairy Queen and the Irish, Welsh, Bretons and Galicians have legends of the Fairy Folk who retired to their mounds, but I wouldn't give them as much importance as , say, in Merrie England.

Dragons are more important, especially in the legends of Merlin, but Giants are far more important. There are dozens of tales of King Arthur and his companions killing Giants and Jack the Giant Killer is said to have been living during the time of King Arthur.

Pendraig said:
I am aware of the pre-existig Pendragon game, and with respect to Greg Stafford, I just don't agree with the chivalry and nonsense of the Chaucer style interpretation.

Pendragon doesn't fit with my ideas of Dark Age Britain, either. I'm not that keen on the game system, to be honest, and think that a RQ/BRP system would fit the age better.
I recently ran, for Pete Nash and a group of close friends, the whole of 'The Winter King' novel as a mini-campaign. It took well over 30 hours of play, spread over 6 nights, but managed to encompass all the best elements of the first novel: battles, politics, religious in-fighting, duels, romance - the lot.

Bloody good it was too. So yes, RQ will quite happily power Dark Ages Britain.

Next year I'll run 'Enemy of God' which will see the warband head out on the quest for the cauldron and face even greater treachery in Dumnonia. I'm really looking forward to it.

If I was to do a historical book then it would be Dark Ages Britain without a doubt - but that's something I'd need to think about and don't have time for right now.
Loz said:
I recently ran, for Pete Nash and a group of close friends, the whole of 'The Winter King' novel as a mini-campaign. It took well over 30 hours of play, spread over 6 nights, but managed to encompass all the best elements of the first novel: battles, politics, religious in-fighting, duels, romance - the lot.

Bloody good it was too. So yes, RQ will quite happily power Dark Ages Britain.

Next year I'll run 'Enemy of God' which will see the warband head out on the quest for the cauldron and face even greater treachery in Dumnonia. I'm really looking forward to it.

If I was to do a historical book then it would be Dark Ages Britain without a doubt - but that's something I'd need to think about and don't have time for right now.

Yeah I like Pete Nash's Rome and Viking books I have picked them up..... while I was burning the D&D 3.0, 3.5 and 4th ed in the leaf and refuse pile yesterday. Hope fully with the new announcement about MRQII we will see more of this.
Jujitsudave has been doing a great job creating his proto-Arthurian world in his Exodus of Rome campaign. That'd be a good one to write up and publish.