Other First Ones


Well considering that Darkness and Light is out now is there any chance of another such book detailing the life of the other First Ones? It would be so cool if that were the case, imagine the content that could be present. Perhaps some other First Ones races that died before they reached the height of their capabilties like the Mindriders, Torvalus, Kirishiac etc had.
Ulkesh said:
Well considering that Darkness and Light is out now is there any chance of another such book detailing the life of the other First Ones? It would be so cool if that were the case, imagine the content that could be present. Perhaps some other First Ones races that died before they reached the height of their capabilties like the Mindriders, Torvalus, Kirishiac etc had.
They've already rumored that book for quite some time.
I'd definately buy that one, because that is the one topic that I'd most like to see added to the RPG. Aside from the First Ones, I think it should also feature other younger races that have already been wiped out (Dilgars) or managed to kill themselves (Ikarrans). Also some ancient artifacts might be nice for an IPX campaign.
Also don't forget the mid born and other races like the soul hunters. But first the other First Ones hehe.

I think there are only the:
Loriens people
Kirishiac Lords

I think thats a lot for one book like history, biology, ships, technology etc but would be well worth it...i mean would any of these have their own servitor races? imagine their own tech as well? As i think none of them are the ones who use organic technology.

And yeah hopefully it will come out this year. Guess the knowledge that the Drakh book is coming closer will do for now :D
Ulkesh they were the ones we know of. There could be other first ones among your list. Those were the ones who left with Lorien.
Aramanthus said:
Ulkesh they were the ones we know of. There could be other first ones among your list. Those were the ones who left with Lorien.

Though there we're completly into the realms of "making it up". As it stands the names all came from the AOG supplements (apart from the Walkers at Sigma 957), almost all of the history and all but one ship type for those races.

There would be too great a risk in detailing these extra races to my mind, as "suddenly" they'd all be making comebacks :(

The long departed Ancients deserve a tantelising paragraph in such a book at best, and definately no stats ;)
There is a small mention of Soul Hunters in Darkness & Light. If memory serves they were created by the Vorlons (or maybe one of the other first ones).
Well if there is a book it could also detail any races that were 'servants' of the other First Ones and about the influences or mistakes those First Ones made...I mean surely the Shadows and the Vorlons couldnt have been the only ones who made mistakes :p
Ghost Dancer said:
There is a small mention of Soul Hunters in Darkness & Light. If memory serves they were created by the Vorlons (or maybe one of the other first ones).

They were not created by the Vorlons