Online editable character sheet?


I see there is a downloadable pdf character sheet on the site, which is nice, but I am looking for an editable one rather than a printable one so I can emaiil it to play Play by Post games on the net (such as one on this site).

I don't know how to turn a pdf into an editable sheet I can type on. Does anyone have a sheet suitable they could mail me or link me that is in an editable format or one of those site hosted sheets?

It is editable, but you can only save your copy if you have a full version of Adobe Acrobat. This is a programming issue with demo versions of the reader, and not the online form.
Well I'm not going to pay a fortune for the full version of acrobat just to edit 1 character sheet. Does the full version allow the sheet to be exported in say word format? If so I would appreciate it if someone would do that and send me a .doc version.

I use Foxit's free PDF reader and have found that it allows me to save editable PDFs that I've filled out where Adobe Acrobat Reader doesn't. This includes at least one of the Conan RPG editable character sheets I have as well as others I have for D&D 3.5 and a variety of White Wolf games. You may want to check it out. Here's the link for the latest version (3.1.4):
Yeah, the official Mongoose Conan character sheet is not editable. However, I managed to track down a couple of such sheets a few months back with a quick online search. Here's a link to a one-page version:

If that one doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll see if I can't track down the second one I found so I can post the link here. I think it may be a two-page character sheet (don't quote me on this...I won't be able...

...wait, never mind. :oops: It is a two-pager. I just remembered that I have it stored on my hard drive here at work. I don't recall where I got it, though. If you're interested, let me know and I suppose I can send it to you. Be forewarned, however, that it is parchment color and, thus, not too printer friendly.
Send me your email address via PM and I'll pass the PDF along to you. I tried to remember where I pulled it from online but to no avail.