Old D20 Lone Wolf RPG Question


I know the D20 rpg isn't really the flavor of the month at the momment. I was however, cracking open my hard copy of it the other day, contemplating converting it to something closer to my D&D clone of choice. (Castles and Crusades.) While reading it I noticed quite a bit of it was blanketly licensed as OGL. Am I right in thinking based on the copyright block and the OGL license that the classes and the bestiary are wholly redistributable under the OGL? (Obviously character names like "Lone Wolf" are not but the more generic term of "Kai Lord" in refrence to the class seems covered.)
I believe all of the names, places, etc are copyright. Rules were all done as OGL, so you could use the rules for the Kai lords, for instance, but would not be able to refer to them as such, nor the names of the Disciplines.
Keep in kind that for personal use (i.e. you and your gaming group) you are free to do any converting you wish. The terms and titles (Kai Lord, Vassagonian, Drakkarim, etc.) are not covered by the OGL and thus cannot be used for publication purposes of any kind.

I hope this answers your question.

There was a gent on the Castles & Crusades message boards (www.trolllord.com) that did much of the conversion from d20 Lone Wolf a few years ago.


I have improved my conversion of Lone Wolf to C&C. I built my conversion from the LW material in the below order of presidence:

1. Lone Wolf Multi-player Game
2. Lone Wolf Republished Solo Gamebooks
3. Lone Wolf D20

Although I liked the Mongoose D20 version of Lone Wolf, I felt they made it too complicated. The Kai Lord already will have 20 Disciplines; one for each level. No need to have five powers within a single disipline as far as i am concerned.

I have finished 20 levels for the Kai lord, Summerlund Knight, Boder Ranger, Telos Amazon, and Brotherhood Magician. I have also finished 10 levels for the Dessi Magician and Vakeros Mage Knight.

There's the man!

The conversion that you shared of the Kai was impressive, but I think it wasn't completed yet. I'd be very happy to take a look at your new material if you don't mind. 8)
