Lone Wolf Adventure Game


Banded Mongoose
Cubicle 7 published a boxed-set rpg version of the LoneWolf gamebooks. It's now out of print and Holmgard Press don't seem to be interested in reviving it. Is this something which Mongoose could do? I managed to get a mint copy second-hand, but it doesn't have many scenarios. Lone Wolf supported to Traveller standards would be amazing! I appreciate you're running a business, not a gamers wish-list fulfillment service.😁
There is currently an initiative to create a Lone Wolf campaign guide to work with Dragonbane by Askfageln, though only in Swedish initially.

I can’t as a link, so the title to search for on Kickstarter is:

Ensamma Vargen - Äventyr i Magnamund​

They might publish an English language version in future.