Official Conan Miniatures

Redoubt have some quite Pict-y looking Indians. Some have rifles, but they shouldn't be too hard to replace with spears.

Try here

Another point in 1st corps favour - I went ahead and ordered via their website on sunday, and the models are already here (1st post, Tuesday morning)!

Assuming they don't work sundays, and so only started working on my order on Monday morning, thats pretty impressive!

The minis look pretty good, too, although I havn't had time to go over them thouroughly just yet.

I ordered a pack of 16 Libyan skirmishers for £11, an alternative weapons selection containing swords, axes spears and clubs - more than enough to re-fit some of the skirmishers - for £3, and a set of "Forest Indian Longbowmen" from their india range, who again are primitive looking types.- 8 for £6.

They are 25mm figures, which is probably smaller than anyone other than historical wargamers is used to, what with the inflated "hero" scale that is now so common. But they are certainly large enough for use on a standard grid, and being a little smaller, are cheaper than many minis.

All in all, I am pleased, and .
Too late for me, now, since I already have a nice selection of pictish warriors, but the London War Room Tupa and Apache indians could make very nice picts for anyone who is still looking:
Alarick said:
sorry guy conan never had a skirt on in the books hes a barbarian not dancing girl :lol:

Artistically we work closely with the people from Conan Properties who hold the license. We will also look closely at all the artwork we already have before commissioning any miniatures that we *might* do. Get used to Conan in a kilt though. That's here to stay. That's not to say he won't be portrayed in other guises as well, though... :wink:
Mongoose Old Bear said:
Alarick said:
sorry guy conan never had a skirt on in the books hes a barbarian not dancing girl :lol:

Artistically we work closely with the people from Conan Properties who hold the license. We will also look closely at all the artwork we already have before commissioning any miniatures that we *might* do. Get used to Conan in a kilt though. That's here to stay. That's not to say he won't be portrayed in other guises as well, though... :wink:
Conan with a crown on his head may be? :D
well if you put it that way i can over look the kilt thing but id like to know if your gonna minatures from the conan s world yes you can find pirates
else where but not with swords and shields and bows and cross bows
plus not to mention the the tribes from the black kingdoms are hard to find plus id like to see creaures from conans world to like the grey ape
i think its called chak i m not sure i spelled that correctlt or not

also turanians and hykranians vanhair and asgardins wood be cool
Loads of companies out their producing Barbarian ranges that make perfectly good vanahiemers, Aesair and Cimmerians.

Black Tree do some nice ones, though their scale insn't 100% consistent, sadly. Some are genuine 25mm, others are 30mm.

Likewise, plenty of black kingdom tribesmen are available.

The foundry has a very large selection - look in their "Darkest Africa" section.
Alarick said:
well if you put it that way i can over look the kilt thing but id like to know if your gonna minatures from the conan s world yes you can find pirates
else where but not with swords and shields and bows and cross bows
plus not to mention the the tribes from the black kingdoms are hard to find plus id like to see creaures from conans world to like the grey ape
i think its called chak i m not sure i spelled that correctlt or not

also turanians and hykranians vanhair and asgardins wood be cool

We are working closely with Conan Properties and the other companies in the franchise umbrella on everything from flags and standards of individual countries to what the lands actually look like and what their armies are like as well. Once that is complete everybody will have a far more solid idea of what each race could be represented by.
Mongoose Old Bear said:
We are working closely with Conan Properties and the other companies in the franchise umbrella on everything from flags and standards of individual countries to what the lands actually look like and what their armies are like as well. Once that is complete everybody will have a far more solid idea of what each race could be represented by.

This is sounding like a wargame... That would be GREAT!

Please make the figs 28mm or 30mm so I can use them with the rest of my collection and terrain.
MightyCthulhu said:
Mongoose Old Bear said:
We are working closely with Conan Properties and the other companies in the franchise umbrella on everything from flags and standards of individual countries to what the lands actually look like and what their armies are like as well. Once that is complete everybody will have a far more solid idea of what each race could be represented by.

This is sounding like a wargame... That would be GREAT!

Please make the figs 28mm or 30mm so I can use them with the rest of my collection and terrain.

That would be the preferred scale for us as well.
yeah you can get foundry figures but try to order them and they take months to get to you specialy from Black tree god for bid if they mess up the order you be old and grey before you get some what we need is american made conan minatures
Alarick said:
...take months to get to you specialy from Black tree ...

My Black Tree figures arrived within 4 days of my ordering them.

Not sure why mongoose would be interested in setting up a miniatures factory in the US, either. Apart from cheap labour, of course.

If you want a US based miniatures company, have you tried Old Glory?
yes i have old glorys good but way to small to go with my reaperstuff
which reminds me idlove to see mongoose have reaper make the minatures :D
Mayhem said:
[Not sure why mongoose would be interested in setting up a miniatures factory in the US, either. Apart from cheap labour, of course.
Did the US annexed Mexico?
Did you not notice? In their recent quest for writers, Mongoose expected the job to go to someone in the US because UK writers probably wouldn't want to work for the money on offer.


The US has joined India and Asia as a source of cheap foreign labour ;)
Alarick said:
sorry guy conan never had a skirt on in the books hes a barbarian not dancing girl :lol:

True, but Howard did model the Cimmerians on the primitive Scots, and we all know about the Scots' preference for lower-body garments.
what do you mean cimmerians were molded after scots
no they wernt theywere molded after germans