This lists only ships which are in the production pipeline. Any ship not listed here is a possible idea for future production.
2500 GENERIC Free/Prime Trader and Armed Transport/Cutter. (missing Book One ship): CGI, prototype, master, production mold all done by Mongoose pre-contract change. Now in production and on sale. Will be moved to the 2425 category and sold as the Prime Trader since it is the same size as the 2400 Free Trader, which will also be moved to 2425. Entry will be deleted in a later update.
2425 SHUTTLES: The existing 2400 (ADB) and 2500 (Mongoose) shuttles will both remain in production and will be listed as 2425s. Players may use either or both at their option. Entry will be deleted in a later update.
PRODUCTION MOLDS ORDERED: Expect production to begin in two or three weeks.
2500 Kzinti Dreadnought in metal, ordered 28 November 2013.
MASTERS BEING REVIEWED: Expect about two weeks before production molds can be ordered.
2500 THOLIAN CA (missing Book One ship): CGI, prototype, master all done by Mongoose pre-contract change. Problem is that some phasers on the CGI disappeared on the prototype. On 27 Nov, we asked Bruce to send masters to Tony Thomas so he could add the phasers and do the clean-up.
2500 THOLIAN DD (missing Book One ship): CGI, prototype, master all done by Mongoose pre-contract change. Problem is that some phasers on the CGI disappeared on the prototype. On 27 Nov, we asked Bruce to send masters to Tony Thomas so he could add the phasers and do the clean-up.
2500 THOLIAN PC (missing Book One ship): CGI, prototype, master all done by Mongoose pre-contract change. Master requires the standard clean and fill work which Bruce Graw can do. On 27 Nov, we asked Bruce to send masters to Tony Thomas so he could add the phasers and do the clean-up.
None as of this report.
None as of this report.
PROTOTYPES OF NEW SHIPS ORDERED: Expect two to four weeks for delivery.
2500 KLINGON B10 Battleship: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. 30 Nov 2013 confirmed that the last set of corrections was made and ordered prototypes to be made. NEW SHIP ORDER #2
2500 KZINTI NCA: the one in production is missing two phasers and therefore defective. Reported to Mongoose several times. 30 Nov 2013 issued CORRECTED SHIP ORDER #101 to fix this.
2425 SERIES: We have decided to designate the non-scale generic units (bases, freighters, auxiliaries, monsters, shuttles, fighters, seeking weapons) from both 2400 and 2500 as the unified 2425 series which will be used for both scales. The future PFs will be 2425s. We may decide that some of the really minor empires (e.g., Vudar, Seltorian, Andros, any new empires) can just be designated 2425 as their low sales do not justify re-doing them in 1/3135 scale. Note that all of these either have 2500-level detail or the actual space vehicle has no real details so the miniature won't either.
2500 GENERIC Small Freighter (one pod) (missing Book One ship): CGI, prototype, master all done by Mongoose pre-contract change. Engine struts defective. Design discarded as it is identical to the 2400 Small Freighter. The 2400 will be redesignated 2425 and used for both scales. Therefore, it is no longer missing. Entry to be deleted in a future update.
2500 MOBILE BASE (missing Book One unit): CGI and prototype were done by Mongoose pre-contract change, but the resulting resin mini is not workable and was discarded. The existing 2400 Mobile Base will be designated 2425 and used for both scales. Therefore, it is no longer missing. Entry to be deleted in a future update.
Klingon C8 Dreadnought: Status pending.
Romulan Condor dreadnought: status pending
2400 KLINGON HF5 heavy war destroyer: CGI ordered from Seattle Shipyard 14 Nov 2013. This will be a CGI ship done with high detail and will be produced in both scales. The design will be close to the 2500.
2400 FEDERATION new fancy ship #1: Mongoose told to start CGI work on 26 November 2013
2400 KLINGON new fancy ship #1: Mongoose told to start CGI work on 26 November 2013
2400 ROMULAN SabreHawk heavy war destroyer: CGI ordered from Seattle Shipyard 14 Nov 2013. This will be a CGI ship done with high detail and will be produced in both scales. The design will be close to the 2500.
2425 JUMBO FREIGHTER (three pod): CGI ordered from Seattle Shipyard 16 Nov 2013. It will be produced for the 2425 series and used for both scales.
2500 BATTLE STATION WITH AUGMENTS (missing Book One unit): CGI and prototype were done by Mongoose pre-contract change, but the resulting resin mini is not workable and was discarded. The CGI will be rescaled to match the other 2425s and produced as the augmented battle station as part of the relaunch.
2500 GENERIC Heavy Freighter (four pod) (missing Book One ship): CGI and prototype were done by Mongoose pre-contract change, but were destroyed in a failed attempt to make a master. (The engine struts were defective anyway.) This must be re-CGIed to fix the engines, the re-prototyped to replace the destroyed prototype.
2500 GENERIC Large Freighter (two pod) (missing Book One ship): CGI, prototype, master all done by Mongoose pre-contract change. Engine struts defective. Design set aside and may be done sometime for 2425 as it is the same size as the 2400 Generic Large Freighter. For the time being, it is no longer missing.
2500 KLINGON D17: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Status pending. The problem is that the FX/RX phasers don't work and cannot be made to work, so we're going to set this aside and someday use the really nice design for a totally different ship.
2500 KLINGON HF5 heavy war destroyer: see 2400 listing.
2500 LYRAN Dreadnought: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Status pending. Wanted for the relaunch.
2500 LYRAN Heavy Cruiser: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Status pending. Wanted for the relaunch.
2500 LYRAN Light Cruiser: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Status pending.
2500 ORION Battle Raider: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. 30 Nov, determined that the last email on 8 Jan 2013 cited an error in the sensor grid; told Mongoose to fix it as NEW SHIP #1.
2500 ORION Battlecruiser: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Mongoose asked on 29 Nov to modify the wings and resubmit the graphics. Medium priority.
2500 ORION dreadnought: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Mongoose asked on 29 Nov to modify the wings and resubmit the graphics. Medium priority.
2500 ORION heavy battlecruiser: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Mongoose asked on 29 Nov to modify the wings and resubmit the graphics. Medium priority.
2500 ORION Heavy Cruiser: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Mongoose asked on 29 Nov to modify the wings and resubmit the graphics. Medium priority.
2500 ORION Slaver: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Status pending. Medium priority.
2500 ORION war destroyer: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Status pending. High priority.
2500 ROMULAN SaberHawk heavy war destroyer: see 2400 listing.
2500 ROMULAN Vulture: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Status pending. Lower priority.
2500 Federation Secret Ship #1: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Status pending. Unknown priority.
2500 THOLIAN DN: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Status pending. medium priority.
2500 THOLIAN TK5: CGI started by Mongoose before contract modification. Status pending. medium priority.
POSSIBLE NEW SHIPS LIST: Fed Destroyer (DDG, DD-FJ). Gorn DNC, BB, and DBC. Romulan SeaHawk. Kzinti DD.