Newbie question about ability scores, level 1


Banded Mongoose
At level 1, are characters meant to have a max of 18 for their abilities? I ask because certain races give you bonuses that might create an ability that was rolled at 18 a score of 19 or 20.
Yeah, that's right. I could roll 18 (+4) Str for my 1st lvl Cimmerian Barbarian, for example, and once I add the +2 racial boost, he's now 20 (+5). But Cimmerians suffer too. If he doesn't roll his Int well enough he could go from "Wow, E=mc^2" to "Ugh, Fire Bad!" :D

My house-rule: one ability roll is automatically 18, one is 17, but the rest have to be rolled. The numbers can be shuffled as the player likes. That way there is not so much grumbling. 8)
Interesting house rule, Yogah. I may use that with future characters. However, I do enjoy my players rolling-up and discarding mulitudes of numbers :twisted:

I have players roll up a set of 6 numbers for their abilities. If they don't like a number that was rolled, they have to start over, discarding the good, bad and ugly rolls :twisted:
Yogah of Yag said:
My house-rule: one ability roll is automatically 18, one is 17, but the rest have to be rolled. The numbers can be shuffled as the player likes. That way there is not so much grumbling. 8)

Like if the characters didn't have advantages enough compared to D&D D20! :D