Newbie Blog - Tale of a new Gamer to B5 - ACTA

Hi All,

Just a quick Teaser for you. I started painting some of the Centauri from the Reinforcements box.

Here is a WIP shot of the Centauri Maximus Frigate:


More to follow over the next few days :wink:
Shadow Queen said:
Sweet xx What you think of the Warlock and Appolo??

I snipped the top turrets of and replaced em with spair ones

Hey SQ,

Love them, they look great.

(I have just ordered 2 Apollo's and have a Warlock on the way).

Got any more to show?

Happy Gaming!
Though `technically` again a great done ship and waaaay better then mine, I don`t like it as much as your EA matey. The red and yellow colourscheme gives it a bit to much `toy` appearance, probably by the `flat and bright` colours in my humble opinion.

Great fan of your bases though
I like my EA better too :wink:

But then I am biast. I might get some Narn or Minbari after I finish the EA and Centauri.

I just don't want the Centauri to look like everyone elses (even if it doesn't match the series)
Nice job still but I must agree with T-LA, dont really like the paint scheem looks a bit too brightly coloured for my likings I prefer the purple/dark red highlights on more metalic centauri but its still a lovely work nonetheless :) Your EA is great though :D
Hi All,

Well I finished the last 2 ships two days ago.

Here is the photos of the 2 olympusessssss or is it Olympii? :?


From the sides:



And my EA Fleet so far:



I have 2 Hyperions coming from Bunker Boi which I will hopefully have finished next week.

For those in Oz - Bunker Boi has been giving me great service getting ACTA minis well worth getting in touch :D
Shadow Queen said:
grey drybrushing?

Yes. At that scale of ship it gets detail faster and still looks good and gets them on the gaming table. Then I go and pick out a few details later :wink: .