New to this shindig!

who is that? what is that? is it a hobby store? Id love to know of some places around here I can watch/play games in DC.

I used to play in Florida when I was in undergraduate there, games on saturday. There was at least 5-6 people there playing some game, ANY game at least. I never got the opportunity to see SST being played, but I'm really looking forward to seeing the rule set and the models.
Pretty much every thing is made of plastic, other than some bits, female cap troopers, and some of the smaller sets. The plastic is really sturdy, you can literally just grab a mini and drop it on the floor and be amazed that it doesn't break, but simply bounce a couple inches from its 'landing' site. They look leat, no cartoonyness(unless you give it a bright pink and purple paint scheme, then it'll be funny as h*ll :lol: . Anyhoo, you don't really know till you see them in person :wink: .
WEll, Ill be getting the boxed game, with the 20 arachnids and 16 cap troops to see how i like the game and the models... while i know evo is coming out, im getting this set for a very equitable price, literally a bargain, and ill get to try a new game. If I like it as much as i think i will, Ill be picking up an arachnid army, (as they are just so cool looking) and ill get the unpainted (i dont care to buy a prepainted model. Then I will be the arachnid-monkeyman king. Booyah.

Thanks for all the advice you guys. I plan to stick around for a bit.

In a few weeks, I will have my pretties!!!

Anything cool about the box that I should know about? Trivia? Cut outs? Is it easy to pic up?

Someone get me even more excited about this purchase.
Buy good glue!!

The starter-set imho, is fantastic and whilst a little tricky at first, assembling cap troopers is great fun:D

theres a bunch of card cutouts aswell, think second edition 40k:)
I think have to get another starter-set now... :D
MaxSteiner said:
I can appreciate that in all liklyhood they'll be available to download through S&P

msprange said:
Our plan for SST was to have the stats of alll the old models in the rulebook. As it turns out, they simply won't fit (!), so they will appear as a free to download PDF. You won't need anything more than the free rules sheet and the free stats download to play the new game with your existing models.

Note download PDF. Note the SINGULAR form. Note lack of term S&P.

They will almost certainly come as PDF covering every unit. Think of unit section of rulebook made into separate PDF and put to web and odds are very, VERY good you will have correct idea of what to expect.

, but thats going to be staggered to coincide with the release schedual, so, at the start at least your only really going to have the info for LAMI and Exo's and the warriors.

At the start you are going to have stats for every old unit you had models.

So rather than an armylist what you'll have is a collection of unit stats spread over various issues of a monthly magazine...

You'll have collection of unit stats in single PDF in one release coinciding with start of SST:EVO releases.

now that we wont Im taking a little while to adjust to the fact.

So you get your army lists in PDF rather than rulebook. Same material anyway. What's the difference?

God sometimes I could SWEAR members of this forum are actively trying to kill SST. Do you folks hate SST so much?
tneva82 said:
God sometimes I could SWEAR members of this forum are actively trying to kill SST. Do you folks hate SST so much?

What are you like the mod wanabe? People are allowed to have opinions for crying out loud, and shock horror they can differ from yours. They also may not save every post on the forum. Gee whizz your killing SST by playing the hard ass. Realise people feel a bit miffed and a bit in limbo. We are still here though and dont enjoy being jumped all over.
tneva82 said:
combatdroid113 said:
They also may not save every post on the forum.

Nor do I. I just don't concider Matthew liar and actually bother to read what he says.

never said he was a liar... in fact in this thread the word liar hasnt come up, but then i havent saved all the posts... You complain about people killing the game your like a Redshirt for mongoose.
combatdroid113 said:
never said he was a liar... in fact in this thread the word liar hasnt come up, but then i havent saved all the posts...

What has saving his posts has to do with this? All it takes is reading them once. It's not like that post was old one...

I don't save his posts either so what are you trying to say?

But if person believes they will come in S&P over multiple months then obviously person doesn't believe Matthews words...
tneva82 said:
I don't save his posts either so what are you trying to say?

Calm the hell down you'll never get players and people on your side by yelling at them and belittleing their posts and their comments especially when they have done so neutrally and to help a new gamer. People will have differences of opinion, in fact i think mongoose wants that so they see how the game is fairing. Your constant negative and hostile responses to everyone is sort of grating and off putting especially to new players. Also Matts a big boy and can defend himself. As he has done on many an occasion, you can still see his handprint on my backside :lol:

So calm down man chill and instead of going on the attack think about how the other guy feels.
combatdroid113 said:
and to help a new gamer.

Saying that in future it will take many months before you have all the stats for SST:evo is helpfull when that is provenly false? LOL LOL LOL! If I was newbie I would want known FACTS, not baseless myths.

You folks should stop spreading baseless panic. There's a) no reason to believe unit stats won't be in one place for free(actually reason to believe contrary) and b) no reason whatsoever to believe sst models will be smaller(actually prepaints we were shown were same scale as before...).
Tneva I think you need to sit down with a nice warm glass of milk and take a couple of chill pills. Seriously your frothing at the mouth, and it doesn't look good, in fact it, having some rabid fan boy shouting insanly at any hint of disent looks far far worse then people expressing genuine concerns.
The exact same thing happened durring V1's life span, any negative comments are immediatly leaped upon by people burning with some need to pretend they're a Mod', and sniped at with smug unwavering know it all attitudes, get a grip it doesnt help the game and it sure as hell doesnt change peoples opinions!
My point was, and is, and shall remain no matter how many times you shout the same tired rhetoric, is that there is a big difference between having the army lists in the book, and having a pdf document.

The game is still in preproduction, so logically its the time to express concerns and disapointments about the way the game is heading, deal with it.
MaxSteiner said:
My point was, and is, and shall remain no matter how many times you shout the same tired rhetoric, is that there is a big difference between having the army lists in the book, and having a pdf document.

Yes. You have unit stats in more convinient place and no need to dig up main rules to get unit stats. Hooo! How horrible!!! I'm CRUSHED that we are FORCED to have unit stats in MORE convinient place! HOW TERRIBLE! Game is going to DIE from that!

tneva82 said:
Yes. You have unit stats in more convinient place and no need to dig up main rules to get unit stats. Hooo! How horrible!!! I'm CRUSHED that we are FORCED to have unit stats in MORE convinient place! HOW TERRIBLE! Game is going to DIE from that!

I don't know about you, but I tend to have the rulebook when Im playing a game.... I don't see how having it on a PDF document is in anyway more convienient.
In fact, by any logical definition, its less convienient, since I have to print it out and get it bound before being able to take it round someones house to play the game...

You seem utterly incapable of grasping someone else's point of view, but expect others to immediatly convert to your way of thinking.
This would be fine if you were capable of expressing them in some kind of amicable way, but instead all you seem able to do is make snide comments and attempt to belittle the other person.

Well heres a news flash, it doesnt work dude, all it does is make you sound like a 14 yr old spacewolf player...
Think about this for a moment, what was once a thread by a new player asking some questions, and getting a wide spectrum of answers so he can make up his mind, is now a thread of you acting like a complete tosspot. Nice one dude you're so damn cool 8)