Annatar Giftbringer
Emperor Mongoose
Cool, seems I have an account here from long ago... Haven't been active since... the Starship troopers game came out.... oh well, carrying on!
I am about to delve into the world of Dredd via the traveller RPG. I have no prior experience from Traveller, but I have played some other RPGs. It does sound like a simple and yet compelling system of rules, and from reading the Dredd book, it feels like a good rendering of the setting. I have started plowing through the Complete Case Files to get even more into the setting, yaddayaddayadda...
A few questions have surfaced, however. Note I haven't actually started playing yet, these are juts what's popped up while reading...
1) Heat-seekers. How do people treat them? Always hit on 6+ instead of 8+? Or is this only when firing blind? Even go so far as to let them auto-hit (unless target managed to dodge) or treat them as homing missiles, i.e. massive bonus to his while aiming?
2) Judges do not receive payment for doing their job, that much I understand. But it is my understanding that every citizen in Mega-City 1 gets a kind of 'citizen salary' (3,000 cred/months or something?) Are judges entitled to this payment as well, or are their money channeled into the Justice Department? If they get some money, they should be pretty rich upon retiring (if they retire...) since they get food, lodging and gear for free, but if they do not get any kind of payment they couldn't even stop for synth-caf and donuts.... ?
3) Gun Combat Categories. As far as I can tell, in Dredd there are no sub-categories for Energy Weapons (pistol/rifle) or Heavy weapons, is this correct?
More questions are sure to follow, but this feels like a good start, thanks in advance for answers and suggestions
I am about to delve into the world of Dredd via the traveller RPG. I have no prior experience from Traveller, but I have played some other RPGs. It does sound like a simple and yet compelling system of rules, and from reading the Dredd book, it feels like a good rendering of the setting. I have started plowing through the Complete Case Files to get even more into the setting, yaddayaddayadda...
A few questions have surfaced, however. Note I haven't actually started playing yet, these are juts what's popped up while reading...
1) Heat-seekers. How do people treat them? Always hit on 6+ instead of 8+? Or is this only when firing blind? Even go so far as to let them auto-hit (unless target managed to dodge) or treat them as homing missiles, i.e. massive bonus to his while aiming?
2) Judges do not receive payment for doing their job, that much I understand. But it is my understanding that every citizen in Mega-City 1 gets a kind of 'citizen salary' (3,000 cred/months or something?) Are judges entitled to this payment as well, or are their money channeled into the Justice Department? If they get some money, they should be pretty rich upon retiring (if they retire...) since they get food, lodging and gear for free, but if they do not get any kind of payment they couldn't even stop for synth-caf and donuts.... ?
3) Gun Combat Categories. As far as I can tell, in Dredd there are no sub-categories for Energy Weapons (pistol/rifle) or Heavy weapons, is this correct?
More questions are sure to follow, but this feels like a good start, thanks in advance for answers and suggestions