[New GM] Pre-Gen PC Group creation steps and math check?

Thank you for the image and explanation, I was looking at the Scout/Courier ship plans in the Explorer's Edition (p.59) and they looked like single occupancy beds.
Where can I find more isometric ship plans like the one above?
All deck plans in Highguard 2017 edition are like that.

All staterooms are, at least by tradition, capable of sleeping two. By default life support will handle it. Double occupancy does not require special staterooms.


Revision #3: Updated the group overview to assign gender (Male Imperial Aslan Marine, Male Bwap Scholar, Female Human Agent, Female Human Medic, Male Human Spacer, Female Vargr Scout), revised the “Travellers Skill Package” to reassign the skills and note specialization, and changed the Agents “Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills” (see below). Also did some minor formatting and math updates on all six entries.
(Female Human Agent) Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills:
-Leadership 1 (previously Broker 1)
-Tactics (Naval) 1 (previously Admin 2)
For the Combat Implants, I am going to start with:
-Male Imperial Aslan Marine: Strength Augmentation (STR +1)
-Male Human Spacer: Enhanced Vision (Illegal)
Background Highlights:
* Male Imperial Aslan Marine (Star Marine) v1:
Born into a military family on (World) that was a once thriving colony in the (Solomani Border), the inhabitants of this planet waged an insurgency against the Confederation Army during the Solomani Rim War that left their planets ecology damaged.

-Raised as a farmhand in the few fertile fields available, he learned to hunt and defend his families’ holdings.

-Enlisted in the Imperial Marine Corps at an early age and saw extensive action in the war, rising to the rank of Corporal. He got the codename “Bullete” by his squad for always being the first in leading a boarding action, and he earned a reputation for being unbreakable under fire.

-Due to his increased strength, he would regularly carry a PGHP-14 (Plasma Gun, Human Portable) into battle.

-He encountered the Medic while recovering from severe battle wounds in (Starport), and the Spacer at a bar while his ship was in a space dock for repairs. He decided to take an “off year” to travel, before re-enlisting with the Imperial Marines.

-He was approached by (Core Sector Corporation) for hire as a “consultant” and was offered a very generous pay package, which he negotiated for terraforming equipment that would be of great use to his family.

-While working for his new employers, he started taking online courses in order to enter officer candidate school.

-During ship combat, he acts as the crew’s primary ship gunner.
Background Highlights:
Male Bwap Scholar (Field Researcher) v1:

-As a bright nerdy kid who grew up in a crime riddled neighborhood, he learned how to stay quiet, unnoticed, and deadly. He loved to escape to the wilderness away from urban environments, where he could study, read, and enjoy nature. He hacked his way to an educational program off-world, and has never looked back.

-He studied at (not so impressive Imperial Academy) where he found a passion for Xenology and Archaeology, and a desire to learn more about the Ancients and what happened to them.

-He is self-conscious of his shady past, so he keeps to himself and avoids making waves, preferring to spend time on his (AI assisted laptop), then socializing or consuming mass media.

-His burning curiosity and natural gift for analyzing and processing data, combined with knowing how to navigate, hunt, and take shelter in harsh environments, will be invaluable skills in his profession as Field Researcher.

-He met the Agent while assisting her in recovering a missing artifact on (Starport), and the Medic in a Scientific Convention he was forced to attend by his superiors.

-He was approached by (Core Sector Corporation) for hire as a “consultant” and was offered a very generous pay package, and access to proprietary research data on the Ancients.

-During ship combat, he acts as the crew’s secondary ship gunner.
Background Highlights:
Female Human Agent (Law Enforcement) v1:

-Born in the capitol world of (Metropolis in the Core Sector), she was raised as a single child into a noble family of renown wealth and prestige. Provided with the best education, upbringing and opportunities money can buy, she was expected to join (Imperial Bureaucracy?) and uphold the family tradition.

-To her families disappointment, she was a “streetrat” and had a knack for getting into trouble, being in places she shouldn’t be, hanging out with “the wrong crowd”, “finding” things that didn’t belong to her, and constantly testing the boundaries of authority.

-She also had a strong sense of right and wrong, community service, and justice, and after bouncing around a few years at (Prestigious University) she found her true calling in Criminal Justice, Forensics, and Dead Bodies ™.

-She enrolled in the (Imperial FBI) and rapidly rose through the rank, achieving the rank of Field Agent at a relatively young age. A combination of beauty, brains, and an indomitable will, she is a force to be reckoned with.

-She meet the Marine while assisting local police in putting down a riot at a bar in (Starport), of which he claim was all a “misunderstanding” between him and some locals, and she met the Medic while escorting said bloodied Marine to an Urgent Care Facility for medical care and for his “safety”.

-She was approached by (Core Sector Corporation) for hire as a “consultant” and was offered a very generous pay package, which was of no interest to her, and a chance to travel the Imperium, which was very much of interest to her.

-During ship combat, she acts as the crew’s Captain.
Background Highlights:
Female Human Medic (Physician) v1:

-Born on an overcrowded Space Habitat in the (Solomani Border sector), she had to flee her birthplace with her family during the opening stages of the Solomani Rim War. As a war refugee she had to learn to take odd jobs to provide for her family, and she learned that she had a gift for both people and machines. She made fast friends with children of all races, and was always the center of any group activity and decision making.

-Noticed by a (Starport Official) when her “small gang” of friends would always get arrested by the local police for “causing trouble” yet never seem to suffer any jail time, he dug into the matter and found that these “troublemakers” had a unofficial deal with the police where they would assist in maintain the peace among the refugee population, in return for vital resources that would occasionally be “misplaced” or “fallen out of a truck”, in order to maintain the (Starports) neutrality in local affairs. Recognizing raw talent and potential in this teenager, the (Starport official) sponsored her education into the field of medicine and psychology.

-During her time at medical school, she joined the local racing club and learned how to sail, and fly wing and rotary craft.

-She meets the Scholar at the (University), where the unlikely pair hit it off, and stayed in touched after they both graduated school. The Scout she meets through a shared acquittance at a Music Concert by (Famous Entertainer), and they developed a fast friendship.

-She was approached by (Core Sector Corporation) for hire as a “consultant” and was offered a very generous pay package and a chance to travel, which she gladly accepted, and used to help her family and fellow refugees.

-During ship combat, she acts as the crew’s primary Engineer and Mechanic.
Background Highlights:
Male Human Spacer (Crew) v1:

-He refused to say where he was born, yet the way he carries himself, the tattoos on his body, the haunted look in his eyes, and the refusal to back down from a fight, strongly hints at a rough upbring as a Belter.

-Honorably discharged from service in the Imperial Navy, he has spent the last few years drifting from port to port, always finding someone to pay for his skills and an engineer and mechanic, taking odd jobs here and there before moving somewhere else.

-He is seeking something, undefined, and can never seem to be at rest until he finds it.

-He met the Marine and the Agent when a local bar fight at (Starport) turned into a riot, and he tagged along for lack of anything better to do.

-He was approached by (Core Sector Corporation) for hire as a “consultant” and was offered a very generous pay package and accepted on the spot. He planned to pocket the extra money, save enough to get his own ship, and then leave after his contract was finished.

-During ship combat, he acts as the crew’s primary Sensor Operator/Electronic Warfare Operator and backup Engineer or Mechanic.
For the Combat Implants, I am going to start with:
-Male Imperial Aslan Marine: Strength Augmentation (STR +1)
-Male Human Spacer: Enhanced Vision (Illegal)

Combat Implants must be 75,000 cr or less and TL 12 or less.

The Strength augment is 500,000 cr at baseline, which is way too much. Enhanced Vision is TL13 - also too high.

Subdermal Armor/1 would work for the marine and a Skill Augment/1 for Recon would work for the spacer, though.

Also, there's nothing illegal about the enhanced vision augment by default. Whether or not an augment is illegal is world-specific, mainly based on its government's type and law level. This would affect the marine just as much as the spacer. (In most cases it won't unless someone goes out of their way to flaunt their augment in a place that actively prohibits it.)
There are four bedrooms. Each bedroom can sleep two.

Here depicted with bunkbeds:
View attachment 1017
Don't take the High Guard illustrations too literally. They're just icons representing 'stateroom spaces' not an actual representation of the interior.
To give you an idea of the crowded conditions in such a stateroom, take a look at a junior officers berthing space aboard the USS Midway [an aircraft carrier, and therefore the height of luxury] circa 1990. In fairness the ship was commissioned in 1943, so TL 5-6 technology, but you still get the idea.
Officers Berthing USS Midway.jpg
Combat Implants must be 75,000 cr or less and TL 12 or less.

The Strength augment is 500,000 cr at baseline, which is way too much. Enhanced Vision is TL13 - also too high.

Subdermal Armor/1 would work for the marine and a Skill Augment/1 for Recon would work for the spacer, though.

Also, there's nothing illegal about the enhanced vision augment by default. Whether or not an augment is illegal is world-specific, mainly based on its government's type and law level. This would affect the marine just as much as the spacer. (In most cases it won't unless someone goes out of their way to flaunt their augment in a place that actively prohibits it.)

Thanks for pointing this out to me (after a further reading of the core rules I found the reference), I will update the Marine as recommended, yet for the Spacer I will enhance his Mechanic skill instead of his Recon skill (to focus on his role as the ships resident Mr. Fix It).
I am having a hard time with the Scouts background for some reason, the words don't seem to be ready in my head yet (my Muse is taking a break it seems)....
Company Provided Gear v1:
Vac Suit (TL 10)
Commdot (TL 10)
Mobile Comm (TL 10)
Medkit (TL 10)
Blade (TL 2)
Snub Pistol w/Laser Sight (TL 8), Secure Weapon (TL 10)
Shared (Ships Workshop):
Electronics Toolkit (Comms; TL 10)
Electronics Toolkit (Computer; TL 10)
Electronics Toolkit (Remote Ops; TL 10)
Electronics Toolkit (Sensors; TL 10)
Engineering Toolkit (J-Drives; TL 10)
Engineering Toolkit (Life Support; TL 10)
Engineering Toolkit (M-Drives; TL 10)
Engineering Toolkit (Power; TL 10)
x2 Mechanical Toolkit (TL 10)
Forensics Toolkit (TL 10)
Stunner (TL 8)
Cutlass (TL 2); Ships Locker
Laser Carbine (TL 9) w/Laser Sight (TL 10), Secure Weapon (TL 10); Ships Locker
Medkit (TL 12)
Geiger Counter (TL 10)
Portable Computer/3 (TL 12)
Scientific Toolkit (Archaeology) (TL 10)
Scientific Toolkit (Life Science) (TL 10)
Note #1: Team has not be supplied with any field, exploration, or survival equipment.
I am starting to fill out the Pre-Gen PC character sheets, where can I find a good reference source for determining height/weight and Male/Female names by species (Human, Aslan, Vargr, Bwap)?
Not within the core book. The Aliens of Charted Space series does make minor tweaks for Aslan, but not enough to make a meaningful difference here (especially since he's Imperial, not Hierate). Vargr don't change. I don't have the book with Bwaps as of yet.
Not within the core book. The Aliens of Charted Space series does make minor tweaks for Aslan, but not enough to make a meaningful difference here (especially since he's Imperial, not Hierate). Vargr don't change. I don't have the book with Bwaps as of yet.
Page 12, of The Traveller Companion, has about half a page worth's of text about Bwap characters.