[New GM] Pre-Gen PC Group creation steps and math check?


Banded Mongoose
As a new MGT2 GM, I am creating a group of six Pre-Gen PCs to run a few one-shots and playtests at a FLGS, in order to learn the character creation rules (specifically) and other rules (general), and I will be writing a WIP draft here so I can be assisted in learning what I am doing well and not well. I will be using placeholder names (in italics) in the background sections, until I receive my Third Imperium book (in the mail) or have time to read the Traveller Wiki (as work allows). Suggestions, recommendations, feedback, game math explanation, and lore names welcomed. :)
Pre-Gen PC Group v3:
Patron: Core Sector Corporation that provides “Consultants” for anyone who needs “deniable assets”.
Ship: Old Scout/S* (Quirks: Haunted, Requires Heavy Maintenance)
GM Choices:
-Traveller Companion, Package Based Creation, p.13:
-- Assigned Ability Array: 12, 10, 10, 8, 8, 6
Male Imperial Aslan Marine (Star Marine), Low-Tech World; Combat Implant
Male Bwap Scholar (Field Researcher), Fringe World; 1 Ally & 2 Contacts
Female Human Agent (Law Enforcement), Metropolis World; cr 100,000 in cash
Female Human Medic (Physician), Space Habitat; SOC +1
Male Human Spacer (Crew), Belter; Combat Implant (Illegal)
Female Imperial Vargr Scout (Explorer), Colonist World; TAS Membership
Traveller Skill Package:
Deception 1 (Scout), Electronics 1 (Spacer), Gun Combat (Slug) 1 (Scholar), Gunner (Turret) 1 (Scholar), Medic 1 (Marine), Persuade 1 (Agent), Pilot (Small Craft) 1 (Marine), Stealth 1 (Medic)
Traveller Skill Package:
Deception 1 (Scholar), Electronics 1 (Spacer), Gun Combat 1 (Scout), Gunner 1 (Agent), Medic 1 (Marine), Persuade 1 (Agent), Pilot 1 (Marine), Stealth 1 (Medic)
Fantasy/Science Fiction Archetypes:
Marine: Fighter (Solider)
Scholar: Wizard (Scientist)
Agent: Bard (Face)
Medic: Cleric (Doctor)
Spacer: Artificer (Mechanic)
Scout: Ranger (Explorer)
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Male Imperial Aslan Marine v2A (Star Marine), Low Tech World; Combat Implant
STR 14 (Base 12, +2 Species)
DEX 7 (Bases 8, -2 Species, +1 Career)
END 12 (Base 10, +2 Background)
INT 8 (Base 8)
EDU 8 (Base 10, -3 Background, +1 Career)
SOC 6 (Base 6)
Low Tech World:
-Language (Local Dialect) 2
-Profession (Farmer) 2
-Survival 1
-Animal Handling 1
-Athletics 0 (replaced by career)
-Carouse 0
-Gun Combat (Slug; GM change) 1
-Melee (Natural) 1
-Navigation 0
-Recon 0 (replaced by career)
-Steward 0
-Streetwise 0
Marine (Star Marine):
-Gun Combat (Energy) 2 (replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Vacc Suit 2
-Gunner (Turret) 1
-Melee (Blade) 1
-Athletics 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Electronics 0
-Explosives 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Heavy Weapons 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Medic 0 (replaced by Traveller Skill Package)
-Recon 0 (replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Career:
-Athletics (Strength) 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
-Explosives 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
-Heavy Weapons (Portable) 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills:
-Gun Combat (Energy); +2 Career, +1 increase
-Recon 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Benefits:
-(Combat Implant) Subdermal Armor/1
Traveller Skill Package:
-Medic 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
-Pilot (Small Craft) 1; +1 increase
(Spacer) Tactics (Military) 1
(Medic) Stealth 1
-Heightened Senses
(Background) cr 5K
(Background) Blade
(Career) Rank 2 (Corporal)
(Career) cr 35K
(Career) Assault Rifle
(Career) 2 Contacts (former unit members or crew)
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Male Bwap Scholar v3 (Field Researcher), Fringe World; 1 Ally & 2 Contacts
STR 6 (Base 10, -4 Species)
DEX 9 (Base 8, +1 Background)
END 8 (Base 12, -4 Species)
INT 11 (Base 10, +1 Career)
EDU 7 (Base 8, -2 Background, +1 Career)
SOC 4 (Base 6, -2 Background)
Fringe World:
-Streetwise 2
-Athletics (Dexterity) 1
-Deception 1
-Melee (Unarmed) 1
-Gambler 0
-Gun Combat 0 (replaced by Traveller Skill Package)
-Recon 0
-Stealth 0
Scholar (Field Researcher)
-Scholar (Xenology) 3
-Investigate 2 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Electronics (Computer) 1
-Science (Archaeology) 1
-Persuade 1
-Art 0
-Diplomat 0
-Drive 0
-Medic 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Navigation 0
-Profession 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Career:
-Investigate 3; +2 Career, +1 increase
-Medic 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
-Profession (Researcher) 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills:
-Survival 1
-Navigation 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Benefits:
1 Ally and 2 Contacts
Traveller Skill Package:
-Gun Combat (Slug) 1; +0 Background +1 increase
-Gunner (Turret) 1
(Agent) Admin 1
(Medic) Vacc Suit 1
-Structured Mind
(Background) cr 1K
(Background) Blade
(Career) cr 50K
(Career) 3 Contacts (academic or publishing professionals)
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Female Human Agent v2 (Law Enforcement), Metropolis World; cr 100,000 in cash
STR 7 (Base 8, -1 Background)
DEX 10 (Bases 10)
END 7 (Base 8, -1 Background)
INT 7 (Base 6, +1 Career)
EDU 12 (Base 10, +2 Background)
SOC 12 (Base 12)
Metropolis World:
-Profession (Law Enforcement) 2
-Admin 1(replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Diplomat 1
-Electronics (Computer) 1
-Streetwise 1 (replaced Career)
-Advocate 0 (replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Broker 0 (replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Carouse 0 (replaced Career)
-Drive 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
Agent (Law Enforcement)
-Streetwise 3; +1 background, +2 career
-Investigate 2
-Carouse 1
-Deception 1
-Electronics (Comms) 1
-Persuade 1 (replaced by Traveller Skill Package)
-Recon 1
-Stealth 1
-Advocate 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Drive 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Gun Combat 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Melee 0
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Career:
-Advocate 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
-Drive (Wheel) 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
-Gun Combat (Slug) 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills:
-Leadership 1
-Tactics (Naval) 1
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Benefits:
-Cr 100K in cash
Traveller Skill Package:
-Persuade 2; +1 Career, +1 increase
(Marine) Vacc Suit 1
(Medic) Pilot (Small Craft) 1
(Background) cr 10K
(Background) Portable Computer
(Career) Rank 2 (Field Agent)
(Career) cr 35K
(Career) Pistol
(Career) 3 Contacts (former informants or colleagues)
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AFAIK, the skills from Connections would be gained at rank 1 rather than rank 0, since that's the general rule for gaining skills unless it explicitly states that you gain it at rank 0.

The Agent would therefore need to take a specialization for their Piloting 1. Thematically, Small Craft would make the most sense.
I think the character creation process is one of the most fun aspects of the game, and personally I would engage the players in it from the start rather than hand them a bunch of stats. I think it is hard for players to care about a pre-made character, although some may well disagree.
I think the character creation process is one of the most fun aspects of the game, and personally I would engage the players in it from the start rather than hand them a bunch of stats. I think it is hard for players to care about a pre-made character, although some may well disagree.
These are intended for One-Shots, Demos, and Playtests, not regular sessions, otherwise I agree with leting players make thier PCs in a group as recommened in the core rules.
AFAIK, the skills from Connections would be gained at rank 1 rather than rank 0, since that's the general rule for gaining skills unless it explicitly states that you gain it at rank 0.

The Agent would therefore need to take a specialization for their Piloting 1. Thematically, Small Craft would make the most sense.

Thank you for pointing this out, I will make the needed corrections.
Revision #1: Changed "Mechanic 1" for "Tactics (Military) 1" for the Marine, as I believe this is a better fit.
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That is great you are doing this work to help your players! If you want to you could let the players keep all of the pre-generated characters except for the connections. If they do their own connections it would let them get into character and feel some more ownership.
Revision #2: I realized that the background I was working for the Scholar didn't match the attributes and skills selected, so I made some changes. As a bright nerdy kid who grew up in a crime riddled neighborhood, he learned how to stay quiet, unnoticed, and deadly. He loved to escape to the wilderness away from urban environments, where he could study, read, and enjoy nature. He hacked his way to an educational program off-world, and has never looked back.
-Revised his attributes to meet the minimum requirements for Scholar (Field Researcher) of Survival (END 6+) and Advancement (INT 6+) Career Progress rolls (even though they don’t apply to the Package Based Creation steps I am using). His increased Physical scores reflect his upbringing in both harsh urban and wilderness environments, at a cost to his Mental scores (poor education and health opportunities). He learned to stay agile, alert, and on the move, thus his Dexterity (and firearms skill) has a higher priority than his Education in his early years.
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Career:
-Exchanged Persuade for Investigate
-Exchanged Diplomat for Medic
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills:
-Exchanged Admin for Survival
-Exchanged Broker for Navigation
Traveller Skill Package:
-Exchanged Deception for Gun Combat (Slug)
Exchanged (Agent) Carouse for (Agent) Admin
Female Human Medic v2 (Physician), Space Habitat; SOC +1
STR 6 (Base 6)
DEX 9 (Base 8, +1 Background)
END 7 (Base 8, -1 Background)
INT 10 (Base 10)
EDU 13 (Base 12, +1 Background)
SOC 12 (Base 10, +1 Background, +1 Career)
-Athletics (Dexterity) 1
-Electronics (Comms) 1
-Engineer (Life Support) 1
-Profession (Physician) 1
-Admin 0 (replaced by career)
-Astrogation 0
-Mechanic 0
-Science 0 (replaced by career)
-Steward 0
-Vacc Suit 0
Medic (Physician)
-Medic 3
-Admin 2
-Electronics (Computer) 1
-Investigate 1
-Persuade 1
-Science (Psychology) 1
-Advocate 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Diplomat 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Drive 0
-Flyer 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Career:
-Advocate 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
-Diplomat 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
-Flyer (Rotor) 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills:
-Gun Combat (Slug) 1
-Recon 1
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Benefits:
-SOC +1
Traveller Skill Package:
-Stealth 1
-(Scout) Seafarer (Personal) 1
-(Scholar) Flyer (Wing) 1
(Background) cr 5K
(Background) Vacc Suit
(Career) cr 90K
(Career) Medkit
(Career) 2 Contacts (in the medical field or patients)
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Male Human Spacer v2A (Crew), Belter; Combat Implant
STR 7 (Base 8, -1 Background)
DEX 14 (Base 12, +1 Background, +1 Career)
END 8 (Base 8)
INT 10 (Base 10)
EDU 9 (Base 10, -1 Background)
SOC 6 (Base 6)
-Profession (Belter) 2
-Jack of all trades 1
-Vacc Suit 1 (replaced by Career)
-Astrogation 0
-Carouse 0
-Electronics 0 (replaced by Career)
-Mechanic 0 (replaced by Career)
-Medic 0
-Recon 0
-Science 0
Spacer (Crew)
-Vacc Suit 4; +1 background, +3 Career
-Athletics (Dexterity) 1
-Electronics (Remote Ops) 1; (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Engineer (M-Drives) 1
-Mechanic 1 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Steward 0
-Gunner 0
-Pilot 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Medic 0
-Persuade 0
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Career:
-Electronics (Remote Ops) 2; +1 Career, +1 increase
-Mechanic 3; +1 Career, +1 increase, +1 Augmentation
-Pilot (Spacecraft) 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills:
-Engineer (J-Drives) 1
-Electronics (Comms) 1
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Benefits:
-Combat Implant: Skill Augment/1 (Mechanics)
Traveller Skill Package:
-Electronics (Sensors) 1
-(Marine) Gun Combat (Slugs) 1
-(Agent) Stealth 1
(Background) cr 2.5K
(Background) Vacc Suit
(Career) cr 35K
(Career) 2 Contacts (crewmates or portside staff)
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Female Imperial Vargr Scout v2 (Explorer), Colonist World; TAS Membership
STR 8 (Base 10, -2 Species)
DEX 9 (Base 8, +1 Species)
END 10 (Base 10, -1 Species, +1 Background)
INT 9 (Base 8, +1 Career)
EDU 11 (Base 12, -1 Background)
SOC 6 (Base 6)
Colonist World:
-Survival 2 (replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Athletics (Strength) 1
-Jack of all trades 1 (replaced by Career)
-Gun Combat (Slug) 1
-Drive 0 (replaced by Career)
-Mechanic 0
-Medic 0
-Navigation 0 (replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Profession 0
-Recon 0 (replaced by Career)
Scout (Explorer)
-Astrogation 1 (replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Pilot 1 (Spacecraft) 1(replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Electronics (Computer) 1
-Engineer (Power) 1
-Jack of all trades 2; +1 Background, +1 Career
-Streetwise 1
-Vacc Suit 1
-Carouse 0
-Drive 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Gun Combat 0 (replaced by Background)
-Medic 0
-Investigate 0
-Recon 0
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Career:
-Astrogation 2; +1 Career, +1 increase
-Pilot (Spacecraft) 2; +1 Career, +1 increase
-Drive (Hovercraft) 1; +0 Career, +1 increase
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills:
-Survival 3; +2 background, , +1 increase
-Navigation 1
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Benefits:
-TAS Membership
Traveller Skill Package:
-Deception 1
-(Medic) Stealth 1
-(Scholar) Flyer (Grav) 1
-Heightened Senses
(Background) cr 5K
(Background) Rifle
(Career) cr 25K
(Career) 3 Contacts (spacers or contacts on distant worlds)
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Vargr Scout (Explorer), Colonist World; TAS Membership
STR 8 (Base 10, -2 Species)
DEX 9 (Base 8, +1 Species)
END 10 (Base 10, -1 Species, +1 Background)
INT 9 (Base 8, +1 Career)
EDU 11 (Base 12, -1 Background)
SOC 6 (Base 6)
Colonist World:
-Survival 2 (replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Athletics (Strength) 1
-Jack of all trades 1 (replaced by Career)
-Gun Combat (Slug) 1
-Drive 0 (replaced by Career)
-Mechanic 0
-Medic 0
-Navigation 0 (replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Profession 0
-Recon 0 (replaced by Career)
Scout (Explorer)
-Astrogation 1 (replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Pilot 1 (Spacecraft) 1(replaced by FTT/Traveller Skills)
-Electronics (Computer) 1
-Engineer (Power) 1
-Jack of all trades 2; +1 Background, +1 Career
-Streetwise 1
-Vacc Suit 1
-Carouse 0
-Drive 0 (replaced by FTT/Career)
-Gun Combat 0 (replaced by Background)
-Medic 0
-Investigate 0
-Recon 0
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Career:
-Astrogation 2; +1 Career, +1 increase
-Pilot (Spacecraft) 2; +1 Career, +1 increase
-Drive (Hovercraft) 1 ; +0 Career, +1 increase
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills:
-Survival 3; +2 background, , +1 increase
-Navigation 1
Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Benefits:
-TAS Membership
Traveller Skill Package:
-Deception 1
-(Medic) Stealth 1
-(Scholar) Flyer (Grav) 1
-Heightened Senses
(Background) cr 5k
(Background) Rifle
(Career) cr 25k
(Career) 3 Contacts (spacers or contacts on distant worlds)
That TAS Membership can be a great adventure hook! I've used it for TAS sending out messages to their members about another member in trouble or "opportunities available".
While re-reading the "Space Combat" section in the Traveller's Edition book, I noticed none of the Pre-Gen PCs have Tactics (Naval) of Leadership skills, in order to affect current and future space combat initative rolls.
I might just add a new "Finalizing the Traveller (FTT)/Traveller Skills: Leadership 1 and Tactics (Naval) 1", option and assign it to the Human Agent, instead of giving the "Broker 1 and Admin 1" skill option. Is there any game imbalance this may cuause?
The spacer or scout would seem more natural as ones with Tactics (Naval), but the law enforcement background certainly justifies Leadership for the Agent.
The spacer or scout would seem more natural as ones with Tactics (Naval), but the law enforcement background certainly justifies Leadership for the Agent.

My reasoning is that the Scout will be filling out the "Pilot" roles during Starship Combat, the Spacer has his/her hands full in the "Sensor Operator" and "Backup Engineer" roles, the Medic can fill out the "Engineer/Mechanic" roles, the Marine is shooting in the "Gunner (Turret) role", the Scholar is doing something (TBD), and the Agent could fill out the "Captain" role with his/her high EDU and SOC attributes (a natural for both the Leadership and Tactics (Naval) skills).
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