What do you think of these Pcs?

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After a falling out with my old group I've started a new group and want to know what you think of their 6 newly created Pcs? who all served 6 terms and will fill the role of The Harriers initial crew. Here are their onboard jobs, their Key Skills and their Key Skill DM's

The Captain who is also A Noble

He has the following key skill DM's. Advocate +2, Broker +3, Deception +2, Diplomat +5, Gun Combat +1, Jack of All Trades /1, Languages -Aslan +3, Leadership +3, Medic +3, Melee -Blade +1, Persuade +3, Streetwise +1, Tactics -Piracy +2 and Vacc Suit +1

The Pilot who is also The Navigator

She has the following key skill DM's. Astrogation +2, Engineer -Jump Drives +1, Gunner +1, Gun Combat -Energy Rifles +2, Gunnery -Turrets +1, Leadership +3, Mechanic +2, Melee -Blade +1, Pilot -Spacecraft +4 and Vacc Suit +1

The Engineer who is also A Mechanic

He has the following key skill DM's. Astrogation +1, Engineer -Jump Drives +4, Gunner +1, Gun Combat -Energy Rifles +1, Gunnery -Turrets +0, Leadership +2, Mechanic +3, Melee -Blade +0 Pilot -Spacecraft +1 and Vacc Suit +0

The Medic

He has the following key skill DM's. Diplomat +2, Electronics -Power Plant +2, Languages -Aslan +2 and Kree +1, Medic +5 and Social Science -History +3

Gunner 1 who is also A Marine

He has the following key skill DM's. Athletics-long distance running +2, Explosives +2, Gun Combat -Energy Rifles +1, Gunnery -Turrets +2, Heavy Weapons +2, Leadership +2, Melee -Blade +1, Stealth +2, Tactics -Armed Forces +2 and Vacc Suit +2

Gunner 2 who is also A Marine

She has the following key skill DM's. Athletics -long distance running +1, Explosives +1, Gun Combat -Energy Rifles +2, Gunnery -Turrets +2 Heavy Weapons +1, Leadership +2, Melee -Blade +2, Stealth +1, Tactics -Armed Forces +2 and Vacc Suit +1

Ooops just realized that The Noble has A +5 Diplomat Roll not A +6 Diplomat Roll. Sorry
arcador said:
Why do they all have leadership (except the medic)?

That is because The Pilot and The Engineer where Ex Navy Officers, The Noble got it from choosing Leadership after rolling A 3 on The Noble Events Table and The Marines got it for both being Ex Rank 2 Marine Officers
I am not sure what sort of answer you want. What you have provided is a list of skill bonuses. Pretty much any list of skills will work in Traveller, so they are all fine. Though the actual DM is less important than the skill rank. Though the die roll modifier is the same for Skill 0 w/Stat +2 and Skill 2 with Stat +0, the Skill 2 is significantly better overall in terms of story and roleplay.
I had a feeling this was thread necromancy. I'm going to flex my mod muscles and freeze it here. It needs to sink into the depths, never to be retrieved from the past again. File it away with the 12" vinyl of Grandfather's monologue.
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