Hi Folks,
New to this board. I like the idea of sharing adventure ideas and gaming experiences. I'm just writing my first CONAN rpg adventure. Enjoying writing and loving being able to immerse in the atmosphere of Howard's world. It is slow progress, however, as my ideas seem to come in fits and starts. Concept is not exactly original - I am aiming for a traditional story and approach. For those who are interested...
PCs have been enslaved in Koth and begin adventure on the run through forested highlands in north eastern Koth. PCs are minimally equipped (dagger, tattered clothes & an iron slave collar around their necks). PCs are being pursued by minor noble (their 'master' or 'owner') and a small retinue of soldiers (too many to take on in combat unless PCs have some kind of advantage). Run to ground by dogs and handlers at perimeter wall of a ruined city deep in forest. Escape into ruin, using maze of crumbling buildings to evade pursuit. Whilst in city... discover that city is inhabited by a degenerate race of savages that practice human sacrifice. Three way cat and mouse between PCs, small groups of pursuing soldiers and bloodthirsty savages. Opportunities for interaction between PCs and soldiers who become separated from their party and must work with PCs to maximise chances of survival. Night falls and savages go to ground (city falls silent). Dead things in archaic armour stalk streets and kill any living creatures they encounter. Feeling of doom. Sooner or later, PCs stumble on massive temple in centre of city. End up barricaded inside to avoid walking dead - come face to face with vengeful noble and a handful of surviving soldiers. Conflict between noble and PCs interrupted by the true source of evil within the city - the whispering shadow (far too powerful for PCs so becomes battle of wits between PCs and noble to avoid whispering demon and escape. Following dawn, survivors able to escape from city. Surviving pursuers have no more stomach for hunt so surviving PCs have earned their freedom.
Stats for Whispering Shadow:
Medium, Demon of the Outer Dark
Hit Dice: 25 (150 hp)
Inititative: +12 (Unnatural Reflexes)
Speed: 30 ft.
DR: NA (Can only be injured by weapons of pure silver)
Attack: Touch +20
Full Attack: Touch +20/+15/+10/+5
Damage: Icy Touch 1d10 + Soul Drain (Special)
Special Attacks: Whispers of Terror (Will Save [DC 18] or target flees blindly for 1d20 rounds. Awful to Behold (All who see the Whispering Shadow must make a successful Will Save [DC 14] or become paralysed with fear for 1d6 rounds); Soul Drain (Any target hit by the shadow’s touch attack must succeed at a Will Save [DC 15] or they will die and become resurrected as one of the walking dead).
Special Qualities: Immune to all mind influencing effects and physical harm (except that caused by pure silver).
Space/Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Saves: Fort NA, Ref +18, Will +20
Abilities: Str 20 (+5), Dex 20 (+5), Con -- (--), Int 3 (-4), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 26 (+8)
As you can see, still incomplete. Lacks Skills / Feats and Description (I have a vague idea of a humanoid silhoette with a hideous utterly alien visage but still not really sure).
Any comments or tips anyone?
New to this board. I like the idea of sharing adventure ideas and gaming experiences. I'm just writing my first CONAN rpg adventure. Enjoying writing and loving being able to immerse in the atmosphere of Howard's world. It is slow progress, however, as my ideas seem to come in fits and starts. Concept is not exactly original - I am aiming for a traditional story and approach. For those who are interested...
PCs have been enslaved in Koth and begin adventure on the run through forested highlands in north eastern Koth. PCs are minimally equipped (dagger, tattered clothes & an iron slave collar around their necks). PCs are being pursued by minor noble (their 'master' or 'owner') and a small retinue of soldiers (too many to take on in combat unless PCs have some kind of advantage). Run to ground by dogs and handlers at perimeter wall of a ruined city deep in forest. Escape into ruin, using maze of crumbling buildings to evade pursuit. Whilst in city... discover that city is inhabited by a degenerate race of savages that practice human sacrifice. Three way cat and mouse between PCs, small groups of pursuing soldiers and bloodthirsty savages. Opportunities for interaction between PCs and soldiers who become separated from their party and must work with PCs to maximise chances of survival. Night falls and savages go to ground (city falls silent). Dead things in archaic armour stalk streets and kill any living creatures they encounter. Feeling of doom. Sooner or later, PCs stumble on massive temple in centre of city. End up barricaded inside to avoid walking dead - come face to face with vengeful noble and a handful of surviving soldiers. Conflict between noble and PCs interrupted by the true source of evil within the city - the whispering shadow (far too powerful for PCs so becomes battle of wits between PCs and noble to avoid whispering demon and escape. Following dawn, survivors able to escape from city. Surviving pursuers have no more stomach for hunt so surviving PCs have earned their freedom.
Stats for Whispering Shadow:
Medium, Demon of the Outer Dark
Hit Dice: 25 (150 hp)
Inititative: +12 (Unnatural Reflexes)
Speed: 30 ft.
DR: NA (Can only be injured by weapons of pure silver)
Attack: Touch +20
Full Attack: Touch +20/+15/+10/+5
Damage: Icy Touch 1d10 + Soul Drain (Special)
Special Attacks: Whispers of Terror (Will Save [DC 18] or target flees blindly for 1d20 rounds. Awful to Behold (All who see the Whispering Shadow must make a successful Will Save [DC 14] or become paralysed with fear for 1d6 rounds); Soul Drain (Any target hit by the shadow’s touch attack must succeed at a Will Save [DC 15] or they will die and become resurrected as one of the walking dead).
Special Qualities: Immune to all mind influencing effects and physical harm (except that caused by pure silver).
Space/Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Saves: Fort NA, Ref +18, Will +20
Abilities: Str 20 (+5), Dex 20 (+5), Con -- (--), Int 3 (-4), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 26 (+8)
As you can see, still incomplete. Lacks Skills / Feats and Description (I have a vague idea of a humanoid silhoette with a hideous utterly alien visage but still not really sure).
Any comments or tips anyone?