MRQ and character survivability

It isnt in the cult writeup. Did I miss something? You have spells That are not common, and are not listed as cult specials, but you still have them? How does that work?

Being a RQ berzerker is a lot of fun. Just dont get to attached to your charecter, they may not last long. But then I have always figured that real berzerkers probably are not that atched to themselves, else they would have chosen another proffesion.

And lets not at this time wander off into whether or not the are historical berzerks.
I pesperately need RQ deluxe. It should be in my FLGS next friday when I get paid, so just one more week.

Assumeing that they havent gone broke yet over all the 3.5 stuff that nobody will buy now, and the evil empire will not take back.
The Companion States all cults get the spells for their cult type.

Beserk has Cults: Beast and War listed, so a Cult that has a Type: War will automatically get Beserk.
Ah, much clearer now.

I get the giggles when I think about a pike formation going berserk. :lol: :lol:

Reminds me of an old expresion about a monkey and a football.
Rurik said:
The Companion States all cults get the spells for their cult type.

Beserk has Cults: Beast and War listed, so a Cult that has a Type: War will automatically get Beserk.

Ah, I haven't picked up the new cults book either. I noticed that fanaticism was dropped from MRQ, and was curious about Berserk.

Berserk Light Sons?? Yeah, Rurik you can cut than parry in half. That will keep you on par with the MRQ trollkin. Now they'll need TWO criticals. If the armor penalty wasn't enough. :wink:

Not that Yelmalio seems to have done much better. Is there anyone who didn't kick his butt while the lights were out?? Yelmailions should associate with Humakti and pick up some Sense Ambush and Sense Assassin skill.
atgxtg said:
Berserk Light Sons?? Yeah, Rurik you can cut than parry in half. That will keep you on par with the MRQ trollkin. Now they'll need TWO criticals. If the armor penalty wasn't enough. :wink:

Not that Yelmalio seems to have done much better. Is there anyone who didn't kick his butt while the lights were out?? Yelmailions should associate with Humakti and pick up some Sense Ambush and Sense Assassin skill.

Careful there buddy...

I'll go Beserk on your arse.

atgxtg said:
Ah, I haven't picked up the new cults book either. I noticed that fanaticism was dropped from MRQ...
Now you've confused me. A different edition? I'm staring at it (p72). :?

zozotroll said:
I get the giggles when I think about a pike formation going berserk.
Reminds me of an old expresion about a monkey and a football.
:twisted: Which expression? 8)
It's an anagram of "O, nok an Elma body flat"... (obscure, I know)
Rurik said:
The Companion States all cults get the spells for their cult type.

Beserk has Cults: Beast and War listed, so a Cult that has a Type: War will automatically get Beserk.

This was another area that was endlessly debated but never got a response from Mongoose. I really hope they've sorted this out in the new Deluxe book, but I'm ready to be disappointed :(
Halfbat said:
atgxtg said:
Ah, I haven't picked up the new cults book either. I noticed that fanaticism was dropped from MRQ...
Now you've confused me. A different edition? I'm staring at it (p72). :?

zozotroll said:
I get the giggles when I think about a pike formation going berserk.
Reminds me of an old expresion about a monkey and a football.
:twisted: Which expression? 8)
It's an anagram of "O, nok an Elma body flat"... (obscure, I know)

It involves a small monkey caught in a lewd act with an american football. It is applied to something both silly looking, and probably futile.

The image of an orderly disciplined phalanx suddenly disolving into a berzerk mob was much like that.
Halfbat said:
atgxtg said:
Ah, I haven't picked up the new cults book either. I noticed that fanaticism was dropped from MRQ...
Now you've confused me. A different edition? I'm staring at it (p72). :?

Sorry, let me clallify. "New cults book" as in Mongoose Publishing. I don't own the MRQ cult writeups.

BTW, are there and Duck Deities in your Duck books?
Rurik said:

I'll go Beserk on your arse.


Hmm, and I thought you had those celibacy gesas. Guess you'll have to face the Spririts of Reprisal.

But seriously, Yelmalions going berserk? Seems like the cults have gotten too generic. A good part of Glorantha7s appeal was the variety among the diffenbrt cults. Orlanth, Storm Bull, Yelamalio, Humakt, Zoaran Zoran and others were all "war gods" in some sense, and yet all were quite different.

Has it been reduced to D&D genric war god, healing god, sun god stuff? I.e.

War Cult writeup
I guess you could figure it that they have access to it, but some cults arent keen on teaching it (its improper or whatever the sunnyboys figure) unless the troll dung has hit the rotation device
I remember a post on some Glorantha or RQ digest some ten years ago stating that Humakti do not really go berserk, they just become extremely fearless. The difference could be:

[BEAST RUNE] Berserk
Become fearless, care nothing about fatigue, pain or self-preservation, enter a murderous frenzy, risk attacking friends.

[TRUTH RUNE] Berserk
Become fearless, care nothing about fatigue, pain or self-preservation.

In the latter case, the Yelmalian Hoplites would not lose their discipline and charge mindlessly the nearest enemy, they would just refuse to retreat whatever the battle result.

hmm, but what is the ZZ berserk style? Or the Shargashi? Ok, ok, i do not want to know :shock:
It is not just the war gods that got goosed. Uleria lost Community, Reproduce, and the ever famous Erotocomatose Lucidity.

So now the Holy Hookers have to compete directly with the mundane ones.
atgxtg said:
BTW, are there and Duck Deities in your Duck books?
Certainly. Qadar, The First Duck, and his flock: Da'ala the Eggkeeper; Ka'arak the Defender; and Tatdak the Boatman. I've mentioned the Rune and Divine spells before, I think.

btw, Fanaticism (Rune Spell) is in the core rules.
At least Kargs sons dont have to eat a relative anymore. Not that I have ever played one of them mamby pamby Goodboys.
zozotroll said:
At least Kargs sons dont have to eat a relative anymore. Not that I have ever played one of them mamby pamby Goodboys.

I figured that was what the old rites of adoption where they turn humans into trolls was for.

"Okay, Yuz iz now one of Uz. Yuz iz my brother."
atgxtg said:
zozotroll said:
At least Kargs sons dont have to eat a relative anymore. Not that I have ever played one of them mamby pamby Goodboys.

I figured that was what the old rites of adoption where they turn humans into trolls was for.

"Okay, Yuz iz now one of Uz. Yuz iz my brother."

Not a bad idea, but it takes to long, up to 5 years, and you have to have one a year. And it is not the sort of thing you can force somebody to do. Unfortunetly.
zozotroll said:
It is not just the war gods that got goosed. Uleria lost Community, Reproduce, and the ever famous Erotocomatose Lucidity.

So now the Holy Hookers have to compete directly with the mundane ones.

It is what happens when you mix an "X-rated" being in with a "G/PG-13" rated game.

Uleria is always a bit of a problem, since her influence is over activities that are considered very private in OUR cultures. She was extremely problemtaic for HeroQuest. THe descriptive nature of the HQ system would have forced them into suddiving the "Courtesan" skill in just they way they they wanted to avoid. It is impossible to add the detail without, well, degenerating the campaign.

But for most of the other cults the change seems to be to tone down the lethality. So now most of the gods of "Death" have become gods of "Hurt."
Back to the original question.

I have been playing MRQ pirates for a few months now. In general, I have found it to be more Cpt feathersword, rather than to deadly.

For example, if an average pirate takes a pistol critical to the chest, he wont die. At best he will fall unconsious. I realize that they are flintlock pistols, but no chance to kill just seems to weak to me.