MRQ and character survivability

BTW there plenty of ways to deal with missile happy players. For starters there the old ignite spell that works wonders on wooden bows. Then there Darkwall/lightwall spell that even better. Might add I allow sorcerers to use Phantom sense site to provide some protection . If the sorcerer puts up an illusion between him and the archer, say a wall of fog, the archers has to subtract 5% for every lvl of magnitude in the illusion . Not to mention using terrain to get close to your targets and of course large shields to duck behind.
RMS said:
atgxtg said:
It's funny how MRQ seems lethal compared to games like D&D.

To those used to eariler editions and variatorions of RQ, the combat seems more "rubbersword"-ish. Stuff that makes new players go "ow that hurt" would have had you reaching for a new character sheet in the days of lower HP and total HP.

But RQ never revolved around fighting the way D&D did.

It is funny how different your perspective and mine must be from someone coming from a D&D background. I'm still complaining how combat in MRQ isn't lethal at all compared to old school RQ2/3 with lower hp, total hp, and no hero points! :) Though resilience for starting characters does tend to make them go down quicker now than the old dependence on straight CON rolls.

I wish I had phased my statement the way you did!

Yeah, it is a matter or perspective and what people are familiar with. I had some D&D firends play RQ in the past and they were quite surprised by how combat worked. One guy simply couldn't believe that he was able to kill a "tough" opponent with a single arrow shot (impaleD through the chest).

It all factors into style of play too. The increased lethality makes it much easier to pick off sentries and such, making inflitration tactics much more successful.
soltakss said:
atgxtg said:
But RQ never revolved around fighting the way D&D did.


RQ involved a hell of a lot of combat in my University days. We regularly went through Chaos Temples like a dose of salts, leaving behind mountainous piles of corpses and sometimes had combats that lasted hours with 40 or 50 NPCs involved.

Nowadays, I haven't the attention span to do long combats, so I make them short and bloody.

Involved maybe, but not revolved. RQ had a lot more going on that just the fights. Compare an old RQ campaign pack to an AD&D module. The RQ campaign had some depth to it, and characters would interact with the various NPCs and groups in the area. The adventures were goal oriented (save someone, recover an item, resolve a dispute between two group). The AD&D module was usually just a settlement in the wilderness, with a big cave complex nearby, with room/monster/treasure. The adventures were more or less Kill the baddies and take their stuff so your character can go up in levels and buy magical goodies. Everything was written up as a series of fights.

Big difference.
atgxtg said:
The adventures were more or less Kill the baddies and take their stuff so your character can go up in levels and buy magical goodies. Everything was written up as a series of fights.

I converted a couple of AD&D Modules ro RQ, the Deserts of Desolation series, and it talks about slavegirls and children as being "Monsters", with treaure items including things like pots and pans, so, yes, I see what you mean.

But RQ was never, ever combat light.
I had great charecter motivation the day we snuck into a Thantar temple with my mistress troll Zorak Zoran initiate. The rest of the group also had good reasons to be there.

But once I lunged out of the shadows and walloped the high priest with my maul, then used my Berzerk spell, we where in for a very long game day of nothing but hammer chop smash.

OTOH, that was over 20 years ago, and I still remeber it very well.
soltakss said:
atgxtg said:
The adventures were more or less Kill the baddies and take their stuff so your character can go up in levels and buy magical goodies. Everything was written up as a series of fights.

I converted a couple of AD&D Modules ro RQ, the Deserts of Desolation series, and it talks about slavegirls and children as being "Monsters", with treaure items including things like pots and pans, so, yes, I see what you mean.

But RQ was never, ever combat light.

No, it wasn't. Then again that is true of nearly all the RPGs from the 70s. It is just that combat wasn't the focus of RQ to the exclusion of everything else. Back then "town" in AD&D meant a place where you could buy equipment, magic, and get your buddies raised. I know some old time D&Ders whose "campaigns" are still little more than a series of battles.

I used to make comparisons back in the 80s suing the "Deities & Demigods" book and "Cults of Glorantha". Cults told you about your god, his church, his magic, and what sort of effect he had on the world and characters. Deities told you what your god had for stats, hits AC, hit points, his address, and how much treasure he was carrying in case you wanted to mug him. A very different approach.

Another thing was that RQ battles are usually more "quality" than "quantity". Instead of fighting lots of battles, like D&D, RQ adventures typically have only a couple of battles, but those battles are more intense and more important to the story.

I think the fact the the RQ combat rules were (and to some extent the MRQ still are) more deadly than D&D meant that the adventureres couldn't be just a series of fights. Those "50 orcs" type of encounters would maul most RQ groups. Even a series of small battles will eventually catch up with you in RQ, thanks to crticals and such. Sooner or later one of those trollkin is gonna roll an "01".

Thats what we keep them little buggers around for, to go poking spears into those nasty sundomers. If they didnt do that once in a while, they would not be worth the trouble :twisted:
Rurik said:
First the trollkin, then Elmal.

Will the shame never end?

There is no shame in the trollkin bit. Luck counts.

As for the Emal bit, well, it's not the cult's fault that it got Gregged.

At least the (Y)emal(lions) still have their cult specialty spells. The Humakti got 'goosed. The premiere Death Cult doesn't have any death magic anymore. Now that is embarrassing. THe "goth" makeover was bad enough,but now HUmakti can'T even "walk the walk" to back it up. Humakti probably WANT a name change. I think the Zorak Zoran types pulled off some major heroquests that we don't know about.
hey come on, we lost severe spirit as well. And we lost our good buddy Stormbull, the only one of the windy boys worth spit.

In fact, we lost all of our associates. I think somebody at Mongoose doesnt like us much.
zozotroll said:
hey come on, we lost severe spirit as well. And we lost our good buddy Stormbull, the only one of the windy boys worth spit.

In fact, we lost all of our associates. I think somebody at Mongoose doesnt like us much.

It was a resuable spell for Humakti. :(
Last I head the Zoran Zorak guys still got to play with Undead. As for loosing Storm Bull, you'll probably get invited to more social functions now. :D If you're THAT hard up for comapy, we can send you some ducks.

I just didn't want Rurik to thing he had to suffer alone. It costs a bundle to get an entire wardrobe dyed black. Really cuts into the buget for sword polish. Whaqt with all the extra wear & tear on the swords thanks to the increaased hit points, it getting to the point where you have to be a noble to afford it all. It's almost enough to make one claim to be a follower of Yarnafal Candyas.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Greased? Uh, I guess.

(BTW, no one's taking this too seriously are they?).
Urox in Cults 1 is the old "Storm Bull" while Storm Bull is the Praxian Shaman Practice aspect. Urox will have all the Associate cults etc - but still not Sever Spirit. :(
First Great Parry, now Sever Spirit. It must be a conspiracy. Lousy Godlearners. Where will it end, bladesharp? Might as well follow Hueymakt...

Well at leat Emal is better than what happened to the female Orlanthi. Vinga?

Emalia??--aha! Emal is just a front for another Maila cult!

Say, does Urox still have Berkserk, or has he been turned into the Storm Ox?
Urox lists ZZ as an associate, but ZZ lists no associates at all. Not even Kyger Litor. So it is obviosly a nmisprint.

Sever spirit was alway one use to ZZ, but under the new system, there doesnt seem to be a place for one use magic, as it is all one use.
atgxtg said:
At least the (Y)emal(lions) still have their cult specialty spells. The Humakti got 'goosed. The premiere Death Cult doesn't have any death magic anymore. Now that is embarrassing. THe "goth" makeover was bad enough,but now HUmakti can'T even "walk the walk" to back it up. Humakti probably WANT a name change.

Well, look on the bright side, at least they gained Resurrection instead (being a Death cult).

Oh no, wait, that's right - Resurrection is forbidden to Humakti...bugger! There it is, sitting on the shelf with the other spells, with a big "DO NOT USE" sticker on it.
I cant find anybody with a berzerk spell. So not only do we not have death spells with a death god, we do not have berzerk spells with the berzerker gods.
zozotroll said:
I cant find anybody with a berzerk spell. So not only do we not have death spells with a death god, we do not have berzerk spells with the berzerker gods.

Beserk is in the Companion, of types Beast and War, so ZZ gets it by nature of being a war god.

Of course Yelmalio gets it too for that very same reason. Yay! (I think :? )